Accelerator or better known as Vector manipulation
Toaru Majutsu no Index
Vector manipulation (duh)
Accelerator's ability, also known as the Vector manipulation, allows him to manipulate any vector he comes into contact with. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction, which is commonly used in physics to describe motion, force, and other physical phenomena. Accelerator has absoulute control over vectors, meaning that he can manipulate them in any way he desires. He can change the direction and magnitude of a vector, or even reverse it entirely. For example, if someone shoots a bullet at him, he can manipulate the vector of the bullet to make it miss him, or he can reverse the vector to send it back at the shooter. One of the most impressive aspects of Accelerator's ability is his control over gravity. By manipulating the gravitational vector of an object, he can make it weightless or increase its weight to crush it. He can also create gravitational fields around himself to deflect incoming attacks or to enhance his physical strength. Accelerator's ability also allows him to manipulate other vectors besides motion and force. For example, he can manipulate the vectors of electromagnetic radiation, allowing him to create shields that protect him from radio waves, microwaves, and even light. Additionally, he can manipulate the vectors of sound, allowing him to cancel out noise or create sonic attacks. Another powerful aspect of Accelerator's ability is his "Reflection" ability. This ability allows him to reflect any vector that comes into contact with him back at its source with even greater force. For example, if someone punches him, he can reflect the force of the punch back at the attacker, sending them flying. Accelerator's "Awakening" ability is a powerful ability that enhances his already incredible control over vectors. When he activates this ability, his hair turns white, and his eyes turn red. This ability increases his processing speed, reaction time, and the range of his abilities. It also grants him the ability to control vectors on a molecular level, allowing him to manipulate matter itself.
Accelerator's ability to manipulate vectors is based on his control over the imaginary number space, which is a theoretical mathematical concept that exists alongside the real number space. By using complex numbers to represent vectors, he can manipulate both the magnitude and direction of the vectors separately, allowing him to control nearly any physical phenomena, such as electromagnetic radiation and sound waves.
The ability works on almost every physical phenomenon, including gravity, electromagnetic radiation, and even molecular-level manipulation of matter. Not to mention that he can reach a planetary diameter when using the Earth's energy and rotation.
Now this disclaimer is a mixture of the actual disclaimers of the ability and my own personal opinion of how authors have used the ability in their own fan-fics and novels. First actual disclaimers. Let's get this out of the way, you need to be smart AF for this ability to work as effectively as Accelerator. Like Accelerator subconsciously had to make millions of calculations for the ability to be used properly, so have fun trying to use it without being a being a genius. Yeah if someone can negate vector manip you would be screwed. Thats how Touma beat up Accelerator pretty badly. Another one being if a opponents attacks are to foriegn, have none, or straight up are completely outside of vectors/physics itself. Finally time/space manip at a high enough level would really mess up this ability.
Now my personal critiques on authors. Author's ether don't understand how the ability work or just don't use it properly. Authors sometimes have thier MC's be like 'oh I gave my charcter vector manip so they should be op haha' which is false cause said MC shouldn't even be able to comprehend how the ability works in the first place, let alone use it to the point of deflecting attacks. Now some authors severly underestimate/underutilize the ability to, only using it as a cool defensive ability that their MC got after 50 chapters os useless gacha system fun time. Like the actual Accelerator used the ability in numerous creative and offensive ways that weren't just block attacks, as shown when he could control gravity to crush people with his ability. I think in general authors don't really know how to implament the ability into stories which makes sense.
Sorry for the little rant at the end, just felt like theres so much more the ability can do then just be used to deflect bullets.