
The ability collection

This here is a work in progress of a vast collection of abilites from all over fiction along with explantions of how they work and their effects. Anime? Comics? Novels? Video games? You name it and i'll do it!

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(requested by Destructorsan)




Rewrite (I've written this 3 times in a row)


Reactive Evolution


Rewrite is the unique superhuman ability to irreversibly enhance one's abilities, possessed by the protagonist Kotarou Tennouji.

Rewrite allows Kotarou to increase his physical abilities by willing his body to change. The change can come in the form of obtaining greater physical strength, quicker movements, stronger senses, or higher intelligence. The change, often drastic, can disorient the user, causing a temporary unpleasant feeling. These increases are permanent and irreversible. If the user increased his strength through it, the strength will remain, and can make it difficult to control. In one case, Kotarou accidentally broke a doorknob. In the visual novel and in the first opening of the TV Anime, the ability is represented by a gear and dial. The pointer will move further for every time the ability is used. Halfway through, the gear will start glowing pink. The cursor going out of whack indicates that the ability has been overused and the user ceased to be human. This has happened in Chihaya Route. The user's loss of the power is indicated by the cursor rolling back counterclockwise and then disappearing, as seen in Kotori Route.


By willing himself to change, he can alter his body and mind by chipping away at his life force and humanity. He can alter his physical abilities and mind, gain new information and skills, and even gain the abilities of other super-humans (which are really just inhumanly-powerful instincts and skills).




Rewrite's effects manifest more strongly if given a long time to go into effect. He can still rewrite quickly, but will need a few seconds to become accustomed to the changes. If he tries to rewrite too many times in quick succession, then he will gain immense power but will go into a rage state which can be fatal or permanent. The ability also uses up his life energy (thereby reducing his lifespan), the changes can't be reversed, and he turns more into a familiar with each use. Once he uses up all of his life force he will transform into a tree, and later be reborn as the next immortal familiar, replacing the previous one's existence and allowing a new rewriter to be born in the future.

Imma be real it sounds like this ability got some pretty bad downsides. But if you were to say like rewrite how much lifeforce you have then it's fine but I don't think it'll let you do that.

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