
The 12 soldiers who traveled to another world

William and his team were on a mission escorting a supply shipment, however after a failure of an experimental team carrying their vehicles they were sent to a fantasy world, along with hundreds of weapons and ammunition, now free from the army and with Enough power to break a nation, what path will William and his companions take?

DreamTech · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Establishing a foothold

The operation lasted a total of 20 days and a total of 530 new inhabitants had arrived, luckily William had previously prepared to receive them and despite the fact that some gave some problems due to impatience, in the end it was possible to accommodate everyone in the facilities previously prepared.

With a population of approximately 1000 people, it was time to lay the foundations to establish a true foothold in this world, the first thing that William had planned was to take care of getting a job for most of the new inhabitants, for this along with the twins would visit a group of villagers every day to interview them, then they would be assigned a place where they would work, depending on the job they would have to receive some training course.

It sounded annoying to many villagers who only knew how to work the land, but William promised them a salary which caught the attention of many, on the other hand, whoever refused despite the salary would have to remember that he who does not work would be expelled from the village, it might upset some of the villagers, but it was necessary.

All sectors received new labor, especially the agricultural sector, due to fishing, the salt factory and the raising of ostriches and cattle, the agricultural sector had been left without labor, previously several grains had been obtained and under investigation Jack had discovered several wild plants such as tubers and shrubs that could be cultivated now that they had the necessary manpower they could start cultivating all these plants.

Another sector that urgently needed manpower was the military sector, William wanted to establish a permanent army that would be in charge of security inside and outside the town, for this he had determined that about 300 soldiers were necessary, it may sound a high figure for a town of 1000 inhabitants, but taking into account the dangers they had seen in this new world, that figure could fall short.

If he wanted to reach his goal, William could not use only men, so he was determined to recruit women, human society in this world was very similar to medieval society on earth, therefore, a woman in the army was wrong seen, women had to stay at home to take care of the children and do housework.

This fact was something that William and his brothers had noticed since they came to this world, Roy in his classes had already begun to implant the idea that women could dedicate themselves to any job if they wanted and through some speeches and help from movies already they had managed to get the women in the town to start working on different things.

With the same premise, William planned to recruit women into the army, therefore, he had started a massive recruitment campaign offering many benefits such as a good salary, free food and all kinds of discounts, the requirements to enter the army were to be between 21 -50 years and pass some questions and physical tests.

There were really few requirements and many attended due to the temptation of pay and after several weeks of recruitment, the quota that William had raised was met, although most of the recruits were men, 25% were women, which was not bad considering account the type of society that ran this world.

The reason that the army had 300 soldiers was that William planned to divide it into 200 soldiers who were active and 100 soldiers in reserve, although they were in reserve the idea was that they would keep training for a month then they would exchange positions with the soldiers who were in reserve. service.

Following the plan in 3 months they could have a relatively capable army, at the head of the army would be William, under him would be Charles, Hans and Glem as generals who would have as officers the 40 guards they had trained including the 3 adventurers, the idea main was to divide the entire army into subunits.

First they would be divided into a group of 100 under the command of the generals, then each group of 100 would be divided into groups of 10 men which would have a captain who would be in charge of training and commanding them, it was a fairly basic division but adequate for the number of soldiers.

With the army established, it was time to change the economic functioning of the town, the idea of ​​paying salaries was so that citizens could buy what they needed from the village since the free distribution of food and some waxes was going to be withdrawn to a certain extent In exchange for this, a central market was created where the villagers could buy what they needed.

For now, William did not plan to allow private businesses, since he was trying to implement an economic system, he already knew that throughout human history this type of event would be of great importance to any country, since a false step could bring many types of of crisis.

Precisely for this reason William planned to personally control the economy of the place for the time being, although the theoretical bases had been established, not everything could happen easily, and as time passed small problems began to arise, for example, some villagers were consumers excessive and would end up spending all their payment before they could get to the next payment which could end in attempted theft.

Although there were some isolated incidents, William had to create information centers and prepare some citizens to give all kinds of advice in improvised outdoor theaters, the use of projectors was no longer feasible due to the sudden increase in population, therefore there was no other choice but to use speakers.

The speakers were not only in charge of providing advice, they would also give news and some began to entertain the public in different ways, this not only provided a means of disseminating information, it also helped to relax the population and increase happiness to a certain extent.

While the villagers began to adapt to their new lives, there was a group that was isolated, this group was specifically made up of the 30 beastman that were rescued by Hans, in total there were 20 beastman with cat characteristics and 10 beastman with rabbit characteristics .

Despite the fact that they had managed to reach this place, they were in quite a sorry state, suffering from a certain degree of dehydration and malnutrition, in addition to their bodies having many blows, therefore, it had taken them a few weeks to recover.

Today William with the twins was on his way to meet the group of beastman, who had already largely recovered, their current whereabouts were in a large building near the building where William usually worked.

Although this building was planned to be used as an administration building, it was currently being run by Will and had been transformed into a makeshift hospital thanks to the stretchers they had on the supplies they brought from the ground, Will didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to train the staff. of health.

Surprisingly, Will had managed to get along with his patients, unlike the otaku trio who on many occasions tried to get closer, however, the beastmen did not trust them and usually ignored them, a fact that had depressed them quite a bit, apparently the beastman of the Catam Tribe and Rabbitman had very good senses and to a certain extent could sense other people's intentions, therefore they liked Will who was dedicated to saving his patients, but they preferred to stay away from people like the otaku trio who had other intentions. .

Previously William had given the order to gather all the beastman in a room, when William entered he could see several pairs of eyes that were looking at him with a certain degree of caution, because those who could see that the 30 rescued beastman were now recovered They were all very similar

Who would have thought that their natural beauty would be a curse since it was the main cause of their being trapped and sold as slaves, William entered the room and, together with the twins, stood in front of the group, "until now I had not been able to meet with you due to because I have been very busy, so first of all I am going to introduce myself, my name is William and I am the current head of this town, next to me are my two assistants Madison and Olivia, I hope that your stay in this place has been Of your liking".

In front of Beastman's group, there was a red-haired woman, her eyes were green very similar to the eyes of a cat on earth, she had beautiful cat ears that peeked out slightly in the middle of her hair, she was who spoke on behalf of the group "we are grateful for your hospitality, we would like to pay for everything you have done for us, but as you can see we are nothing more than slaves without any possession".

Listening to the last lines, a certain look of sadness could be seen on the face of each of the 30 beastmen, thanks to Will they had gained a certain degree of hope, after all, on many occasions he had told them that William was a good person and would help them in their difficult situation.

Kiana was the name of the red-haired girl and since they were kidnapped she was the one who had managed to keep the group together, therefore, she had been considered the leader by the rest, a few days ago during the road to Yham she had lost hope, since they had been bought by a noble, she would rather be sent to a mine or some forced labor camp than fall into the hands of a noble.

But for some reason, they had been lucky, and had been saved by the soldiers of this strange town, until now they had been treated as real people and not as trash from society, something they had never felt until today, they had revived her hopes, however, Kiana was afraid, afraid that everything was a mere illusion, the person who was in front of her was the head of this town and the person who would decide her future.

Although they had the ability to sense other people's intentions, ever since they arrived in this town their ability had been greatly altered, until now they had only met people whose intention was the worst they could consider, however Will who did not had not even a hint of bad intentions had surprised them, and the three people who usually visited them including the person who had saved them seemed to have no bad intentions, but their ability told them that there was something hidden, although this hidden intention may not have been was bad, they were afraid and therefore did not want to approach them.

Now there was William, his senses told her that he had no bad intentions, but there was a certain sinister intention within him, although it seemed not to be directed at them, that sinister intention caused her a certain degree of intimidation and concern.