
Arrival of refugees

To the horror of the commander and the other soldiers, the scene continued and soon another 2 explosions followed the first, this time everyone could hear the whistle announcing the tragic end of their companions, although it was seconds since the whistle began and ended in a loud noise, they felt that time passed very slowly.

The scene was terrible since the 36 men who had been sent to chase the aggressors had been eliminated in a matter of seconds, a magic like this should not exist according to the knowledge of the soldiers, so the fear and terror of the unknown seized them, as experienced soldiers they were not afraid to die fighting, but they just saw how their companions died without even being able to fight.

To wake his subordinates from the trance they had fallen into, the chief shouted and gave orders to establish a defensive formation with the remaining 14 men, they had completely forgotten about the prisoners, after all their lives were much more important.

Hans joined his companions and soon they advanced in the direction of the remaining 14 soldiers, seeing that their aggressors were slowly approaching, the soldiers began to get nervous, they feared that his fate would be the same as their companions.

Once they were close enough, Hans spoke "All of you surrender and drop your weapons, I promise you won't die", if they were simple bandits they probably would have surrendered, but as proud soldiers they were ready to die fighting, and the boss had seen their chance, even though their assailants were mounted on strange creatures, they were outnumbered and close enough to attack.

Soldiers usually used enchanted armor, or tattooed runes that allowed them to access certain support magics such as an increase in strength and armor reinforcement, this type of magic was achieved using various materials that were difficult to obtain, so it was somewhat expensive to use. only the private forces of the nobles could afford, so they were confident that they could win against their aggressors if they engaged in close combat.

The commander of the soldiers shouted "attack", and the 14 soldiers began to run in the direction of Hans's squad, the soldiers did not forget to raise their shields to avoid the arrows, when Hans saw this, he sighed, then began to withdraw some fabrics from an object hanging from his shoulder.

A strange black rod could be seen that had a rather peculiar shape, the object that Hans had uncovered was his assault rifle, Hans was one of the best marksmen in the army on earth, he removed the safety, took aim and without the slightest hesitation began To shoot.

After each burst one or several soldiers fell, some died instantly, others fell to the ground while dying of pain, in the end after several bursts of shots the 14 soldiers lay on the ground, the commander was hit by a bullet in his knees, although he had a reinforcement spell, the bullets were like a knife through butter, and after one round of bullets he had lost the ability to walk.

The commander was an experienced soldier, who had fought against bandits, beasts and other soldiers, he had been injured many times throughout his life, but he had never felt such strong and intense pain, he couldn't help but let out some screams and moans.

Hans ordered his companions to end the lives of each of these soldiers, it was a test, the villagers had not been baptized by war and he had noticed their somewhat clumsy behavior when facing the death of their enemies, Hans knew it was the something that many soldiers went through and therefore he decided to give them the order to finish the job.

The group had received training and they knew they had to kill, to keep the village safe, the 4 of them were a bit scared and a bit hesitant, but they followed Hans' orders without question due to their training.

On the other hand, Hans approached the commander and tried to ask some questions, in the end he didn't speak, not even when Hans used some torture techniques, so Hans decided to end this quickly and ended the life of the soldier.

After being sure that there was no one left alive, Hans turned his attention to the prisoners, Anderson had not mentioned anything about the race of the prisoners, so seeing that he had finally met other races Hans was excited.

However, he noticed the expression of the prisoners, Hans knew very well those eyes lacking the willpower to live, in his years of military service, he had seen those eyes in some small cities that had been taken over by paramilitary groups.

Who knows what these prisoners had suffered, so Hans decided to cool his head, the prisoners had not moved since the attack began, they had not even tried to flee, in fact, they had enjoyed seeing how the life was taken from each no from the soldiers, they knew that now they would probably belong to this new group of humans, they had seen their power and they knew they couldn't run away.

Under the lifeless gaze of the prisoners Hans got down from his ostrich and began to speak "My name is Hans, and I am one of the commanders of an unnamed village southwest of this place, for now I can give you 2 options, the first is come with me to my village, I promise that we will provide shelter and food as long as they work and obey the village rules, the other option is that they refuse to come, in which case they are free, however, we will not take them to no city, if you want to go you will have to get there yourselves".

Hans was a completely bald man with great muscles and a rather striking beard, although his size and muscles were intimidating, his face accompanied by the beard gave him a funny air that did not help his intimidating aura at all.

This was all on purpose since Hans really didn't like to intimidate other people, who would say that this strange custom helped to convince these prisoners who had nothing to lose, although they distrusted Hans, they didn't want to return to the human cities, they knew that they would be treated like slaves as soon as they set foot in any human city.

Having a positive response from the group Hans was happy, and helped each of the 30 prisoners to free themselves from their bonds, then gave them some food that served to increase confidence, after having rested and regained some energy the group began his journey to the village.

Anderson nodded seeing that the operation was a success, and ordered Hans to make it a priority to get the prisoners safely to the town, which gave more work to Glem and Charles who would have to take Hans' job, they both thought. that it was troublesome to hear that they would have to cover more ground, but they obeyed without question, after all it was a soldier's job and it was the life they had had before coming to this world.

For several days the operation continued, in the village William had put everyone to work to receive the new villagers, 5 days after the operation began the first group of refugees arrived, they were received by a welcoming committee that had been prepared and They were taken to their new homes.

The first group that arrived was made up of the 70 people who had been saved by Glem, and they were received with a great banquet which helped to relieve some of the stress of the trip, when they saw their new home they were fascinated by the rooms that were much more comfortable than their old houses.

They would no longer have to sleep on a bed of straw since each room had its own bed, they also noticed the fence and the guards who guarded the place so they had a certain feeling of security, apparently what Glem told them was true and this place could become his true home.

This same scene lasted several days as the flow of people seemed to never end, group after group of refugees were arriving, luckily William had prepared a whole team in charge of taking names and arranging accommodation, the refugees were quite cooperative as they were treated pretty well.

On the 10th day after the start of the operation Hans arrived with the group of man/beasts, many villagers looked at this group in surprise, noticing the scene, Williams decided to lodge them in one of the buildings near his own home, he had heard the Hans's story, and after talking to the twins she had imagined everything they must have gone through, therefore she would have to give them another type of treatment, and try to integrate them into the town, she would also have to begin to eliminate damages in the population, he had already previously noticed certain conflicts between the guards and the trio of adventurers, but in the end with the training he managed to overcome this type of conflict.

But eliminating this type of prejudice would not be easy, William knew, after all on earth it took hundreds of years to eliminate slavery, but there were certain methods that could help and William planned to implement them beforehand.

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