
The 1 Above All, Heaven And Earth Shall Bow

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What is The 1 Above All, Heaven And Earth Shall Bow

Baca novel The 1 Above All, Heaven And Earth Shall Bow yang ditulis oleh penulis Primordial_Chaos05 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. A young boy named Feng Jiang born to the 2 most powerful cultivators in the universe was born with auspicious clouds and natural phenomenons .... was actually born talentless. This story follows Feng ...


A young boy named Feng Jiang born to the 2 most powerful cultivators in the universe was born with auspicious clouds and natural phenomenons .... was actually born talentless. This story follows Feng Jiang getting revenge on his parents for abandoning him at the young age of 4 just because of something he couldn't control. A power that followed him since his birth, an unbridled power that could destroy the world and give him limitless power, a blessing and a curse. A curse that sealed away his talent. Read as Feng Jiang learns to use the power that he was born with, a divine sword and a heavenly book. A heaven-defying child in the modern world trying to make it back to the heavenly realm.

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Eternamente Juntos

Kate Morgan es una chica a la que el mundo llamaría “monstruo”, pues su familia es una de los primeros vampiros y casters (hechiceros) del mundo. Siendo una mezcla de estas dos razas al llegar a cierta edad, tenían el poder de elegir ser parte de cualquiera de esas dos razas, pero Kate es diferente, ella es el primer vampiro de nacimiento de la historia, para su familia considerada la más poderosa y especial, para ella solo era una más de la especie. Tras uno de los eventos que marco su vida se ve obligada a salir de su ciudad natal Firewood por el bien de todos sus habitantes, tanto humanos como sobrenaturales. Aun fuera de la ciudad sin importar los años que habían pasado, el causante de ese escape la sigue atormentando en su mente por lo que decide regresar para cobrar venganza sobre lo que le hicieron pasar. Pero con lo que Kate no contaba era con Ethan Collins un Caster novato que aun no sabía lo poderoso que podía llegar a ser, ellos se sienten extrañamente atraídos el uno por el otro. Poco a poco esa atracción se va convirtiendo en amor, haciendo así que Kate se olvide del propósito de su regreso y se dedique a disfrutar su vida junto a Ethan. Pero como todo tiene su lado bueno también tiene su parte mala, esa voz en la cabeza de Kate vuelve a aparecer, esta vez más intensa y más fuerte haciendo que por el bien de su recién formada familia, ejecute un plan para ponerle fin a la persona que está detrás de todo eso, de una vez por todas.

Anshii · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


The ones who could manipulate the energies of the various elements were called Nobles. They were the descendants of the seven clans -fire, water,wind ,earth,metal ,thunder and shadow.They were governed by the rules of the all seeing Helios. Tyde Voda is a young noble of the Voda family of the water clan who has to struggle to keep her late father's businesses alive. She gets involved in her cousin's encounters with the Adara family of the fire clan. A series of events lead her to working for the Adara family head. Raul Adara is the young family head of the powerful Adara family of the fire clan . With an excellent reputation, he even undertakes assignments for the Helios from time to time. He begins to take notice of Tyde Voda and recruits her to work for him. Victoria Gaya is the ambitious young lady of the Gaya family of the earth clan. Beautiful and good at business, she is the proposed match for Lord Raul Adara. In the beginning she betrays Tyde to attract Lord Adara's attention. But later she begins to have common interests with Tyde. Damien Torden is Tyde's senior in college and also a good businessman. He is from the scandalous Torden family of the thunder clan. Though he is a play boy with extreme good looks, he hates fighting and his own evil family. Tyde forcefully grabs his interest in order to infiltrate the Torden family. ****** This story has multiple protagonists caught up in a web of bloody fights, scheming minds and romance.

LAUDAsan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia

As the author I am kind of biased but i have really high hopes for this novel, and yes the updates may be slow but i will work on it. Feel free to guess what the system is gonna do or what the power system is gonna be, also I am happy to receive ideas for the novel as it has not been fully thought out yet so it has room for development. So feel free to comment ideas that you guys want in the novel and I may choose to integrate it.


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