
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Spirit Beast

When a kind-hearted pervert grandpa reincarnated as a spirit beast...this happened! Ah Yin: " Father, I love Tang Hao." Joseph: " LOVE? Love my foot! Tell him to become a Titled Douluo then I will think if I should betroth you!" Tang Hao: " Esteemed Father, please allow me to marry Ah Yin." Joseph: " MARRY? To hell with it! Did I not tell you to become a titled douluo? GET LOST." Xiao Wu: " Grandpa, I love Tang San." Joseph: " I don't care! He needs to be at least able to put a scratch on me to take you from here!" Tang San: " Esteemed Grandpa, please allow me to take Xiao Wu with me." Joseph: " Go get an inheritance from a god and then come back. I will think if I should give you Xiao Wu then. For now? GET LOST!" ... Snow Empress: " Daddy, I always want to be with you." Joseph: " Finally! Finally, I have a daughter who thinks about her father." Huo Yuhao: " Esteemed Great Grandfather, I was wondering if I could make Snow Empress my spirit soul." Joseph: "AHH! MOTHERF*CKER LEAVE BEFORE I EAT YOU ALONG WITH YOUR SOUL!" Watch the journey of the daddy of some of the strongest soul beasts. Blue Silver Emperor? Soft Boned Rabbit? Snow Empress? All of them are my daughters. What? You don't believe it? WELL, I DON'T CARE! ... Gu Yuena: " Papa, I am in love with Tang Wulin." Joseph: " AHH! NOT AGAIN!" ... I don't own the characters except for the one I created myself.

whitedawn · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Discussion on poop

Mu En nodded as he looked at his students.

Except Tang San everyone needed to have their task's difficulty increased by a notch. He would not have done it but, aside from Tang San who tried to increase the difficulties by himself the others just tried to find loopholes to decrease their workload.

He handed each of them skin-tight clothes that looked like swimsuits. The girls were pretty embarrassed about it, but, under the death stare of Mu En, they could not say anything.

Mu En then said, " Now, you should be able to do something like this.."

Mu En put a leaf on his hand and moved his hand up and down but the leaf did not fall. He glanced at everyone and said, " I used spirit power to do that. Now, try it."

Everyone was able to do it. Mu En nodded and said, " The previous training paid off. Now what you need to do is put that leaf on different parts of your body and make it stick."

Then everyone got to work. Mu En looked at Tang San and asked, " Can you do what I said?"

Tang San nodded as he put a leaf on his head and made it stick.

Mu En nodded as he said, " You have your previous task but you will be doing this too. But, you will only use your lances."

Tang smiled awkwardly and went to do his work.


After a few days, they were able to do it too. As for Tang San, he was still on it. After all, the meridians on the lances were not fully developed and he had to stretch his puny spirit power, so, he was having it pretty hard.

Mu En coughed as he looked around, " Everyone, you have not been bad these days. Now, we will be climbing a tree!"

Everyone looked at him as if he was dumb. Mu En coughed and looked in disdain as he said, " Without using hand."

Ma Hongjun could not take it anymore and exploded, " Damn! You playing with us? How the hell can we climb without using hands."

Mu En ignored him and said, " No jumping."

Dai Mubai who was still chill a second before choked on his saliva as he looked at Mu En.

Mu En looked at these clueless fellows and said, " You'll use only spirit power."

Oscar raised his hand and asked, " Can you show it?"

Mu En nodded and put his leg on the tree and took another step. Everyone expected him to fall and embarrass himself, but surprisingly he stood on the tree sideways.

While everyone looked on with astonishment, Tang San eyes flickered with admiration as he thought.

' Grandpa Mu is indeed very knowledgeable. He had different methods to have better control over spirit power.'

Ma Hongjun looked in awe and said, " Wow! Do all strong people have such cool ways?"

Mu En looked at him and spouted bs, " This is something original from me."

Everyone once again listened in surprise. Little did they know he was plagiarizing ideas from a certain filler anime.

Ma Hongjun walked forward as he said, " Alright, let this Young Lord try."

He used spirit power in his leg but, just as put his leg on the tree, he was blasted off 10 meters.

" Holy smoke!"

Ma Hongjun cursed.

Mu En laughed as he said, " You need to use little spirit power, if you use more than required, this will happen."


In a faraway land,

A man with black hair and a stubble was panting heavily as he moved forward. The surrounding was deathly quiet and the sound of panting was heard throughout the forest.

" Shit!"

The man cursed aloud as he searched for the last herb that was required by him to get his spirit awakened.

This man was Yu Xiaogang.

He researched for a long time and finally found a way to make his trash martial spirit useful again.

The name of the herb he was searching for was called Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng.

He learned of this awakening thing when he visited one of the barren places.

A man called Du Ling who was on his death bed gave him a cultivation technique called Body Forging. It allowed him to make his body strong and could even help him achieve awakening.

As he felt the decreasing energy inside of his body, he started to losing hope. With a final push, he moved past a boulder. But, just as he did so, a green light shined on his face from the side.

He looked at the source of the light and life appeared on his lifeless eyes.

It was a Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng.

Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng could be considered as the empress of Ginseng, second only to Ten Thousand Year Ninth Grade Ginseng King. It had slender blood-colored ginseng roots.

When the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng is grown, it already acquires 8th grade, and it only needs ten thousand years of cultivation to turn into 9th grade, whereas another ginseng required ten thousand years for each grade starting from the lowest grade.

Even though it was not the best out there, for someone like Yu Xiaogang with a dragon type spirit variant it is the most important treasure.

Yu Xiaogang was about to be reborn.


Back to Shrek,

Ning Rongrong and the rest sat down to eat the food. Ning Rongrong looked in horror as she said to Zhu Zhuqing, " I did not know poop was used to make fertilizers.."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded as she said, " That is why I only eat fish!"

Ma Hongjun being the person who butts in other's conversation the most said while rolling his eyes, "...You do know that you are eating the fresh poop of fish.."

Wails of chicken were heard ever since...

Chapter here for ya all.

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