
Terror Infinity: Monster

"Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?" It all started with this unassuming message. Most people would ignore it, clicking ‘No’ by instinct more than careful consideration. But for those unfortunate enough to click on ‘Yes’, a whole new world unfolds before them. Several, if they are talented. All so they may experience… Terror Infinity.

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139 Chs


The chaos was certainly an interesting place, one that couldn't really be experienced through mundane senses, but through the Force I managed to visualize it.

I felt the entrances to multiple worlds, or rather whole universes, although I couldn't pinpoint where they led to. I wondered where Earth was in this vast chaos.

Quickly enough, I arrived at my destination, a giant white sphere within the chaos, and as it entered within my sensing range, I started understanding more about God's Dimension.

There… was no almighty God. At least, if there was, they weren't present within God's Dimension. Instead, it felt like a giant machine drifting through the chaos. I could also feel multiple connections between this dimension, or anchor, and other things, although I couldn't tell what they were. Possibly other dimensions for other teams.

Phasing into the dimension, I found myself in the familiar dimension, where the other members of the team were standing around light platforms. As for those light platforms, I noticed that Sarah was already standing on one of them.

However, while everyone was present, they were frozen in place, for time itself had been stopped. This made me wonder, when others left for other worlds… could I resist the time stop effect?

Well, it probably wouldn't be for now even if it was possible, considering I could feel my Third Genetic Constraint still in the process of closing, and I don't think I would be able to resist the powers of this dimension without it.

Knowing those were my last moments in this form, I decided to do one last thing in this state, and focused on the different Force Seeds around my body.

Most were in harmless places, but one was still in my brain, and although I had it under control for now, if I just left it there it would become dangerous.

The best solution was to assimilate it. Of course, it would usually take weeks to assimilate them all, but now that I had perfect control over both my brain and the entirety of my body, it only took a thought from me for my Force Seeds to be unsealed, and the potent lifeforce contained within to be unleashed.

I felt my very cells be altered as I absorbed the lifeforce of all those dragons, and was quickly becoming closer to the world. This did result in an extremely large discrepancy between my lifeforce and spiritual energy, but this time using my Cursed Technique, a part of my lifeforce was turned into spiritual energy.

My Innate Cursed Technique, Yin-Yang Supremacy, gave me control over Yin and Yang, the dual primordial concepts of the Universe in multiple Ancient Asian cosmologies.

This gave me control over many things, and one of them was the ability to turn the physical into spiritual and the spiritual into physical.

It made for quite the powerful ability, although that was only when perfectly mastered. Once my Genetic Constraint closes, the ability will return to its basic state, and it will be up to me to train it back to the point I had reach here. Or open the Third Genetic Constraint again.

Speaking of which, as I landed on the platform, I finally felt my Third Genetic Constraint finish closing up, and my perfect control over my brain disappeared.

At the same time, time once again started moving.

Sarah was about to speak, when her expression froze for a moment. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, and she coughed, "Control your aura."

I looked at the others, and saw different expressions on their faces. Some instinctual fear, or uneasy frowns.

It puzzled me, because I wasn't really releasing any kind of aura. Still, since they were obviously feeling uncomfortable, I used Force Stealth, becoming one with the Force to make my presence harder to miss.

This made me harder to spot and affected the subconscious of people to force them to pay less attention to me. This had the side effect of hiding any kind of dangerous aura from me.

Curious about any changes, I looked at my stats in God's status.

Intelligence: 501 → 1123

Mental Capacity: 1230 → 5000

Cell Vitality: 2542 (3813) → 5000 (6500)

Reaction Speed: 602 (1204) → 2314 (4628)

Muscle Density: 1546 (2319) → 4500 (6000)

Immunization: 900 → 2079

2 Rank C Reward, 1 Rank D Rewards, 18517 Points

That certainly was quite the boost, although it shouldn't have been enough to change my aura to the point it became unbearable to my teammates, who had gotten quite a few enhancements already themselves.

But as I was about to search for the reason for that change, I stopped and took a second look at my status, and noticed something was amiss.

My Cell Vitality and Muscle Density.

For my status, God always put my raw stats in normal text, and then added the boosts from my equipment between parenthesis. And the problem was exactly there.

The Fists of Randagulf, the first equipment I had gotten, was supposed to boost both my Muscle Density and my Cell Vitality by 50%.

In other words, my Cell Vitality should be at 7500, and my Muscle Density at 6750. Yet they were only at 6500 and 6000.

Looking down at the gauntlets, only now did I realized that not only were all of my clothes gone, but the Fists of Randagulf, for the first time, had been damaged. Well, damaged maybe was a strong term, since they had only lost some of their luster, but still, they had been affected by the fight.

But taking a deeper look into them, I realized that the problem didn't come from damage. Although the material of the gauntlets itself had been damaged, the enchantment on them hadn't been damaged.

Instead, it had simply reached its limit.

Because of my belief in God, and of its omnipotence, I had always took its word as absolute truth. That's why I believed the gauntlets would boost my stats, no matter how high they get.

But today, I think I have finally discovered some of God's limits as not only was it interrupted by an outside entity from one of the worlds I visited, but even its description of an item ended up being wrong.

The Fists of Randagulf, as sad as that was, couldn't infinity boost my stats by 50%, but instead could only raise them by a maximum of 1500.

"Alexander, did you-" I put up a hand, stopping Jordan from speaking as I unsheathed Shiroishi, and slashed it against the ground.

As I did, I focused my attention on my two equipment, and felt a stream of energy come from both of them. Those were the boosts to my attack. I had never really felt them so directly before, but even though my Third Genetic Constraint had been closed, I was still much closer to the Force, or rather the World, than before.

My attack on the ground did nothing, but I wasn't trying to damage it either. Instead, I sensed the boost given to the attack by the equipment, and realized that I had reached a limit there too. Moreover, for the attack, it wasn't just the Fists of Randagulf that had reached their limit, but also the Shuten Doji's Mask.

I've become too strong for my own equipment.