
Tensura:Monkey king

A guy who got reincarnated as a monkey in an anime world

Monkey_god_king · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs



"Yesterday was the best"I said feeling great about the weapon I am going to create soon.

"So what weapon should I use"I said as I started thinking of a weapon to use from now on.

"Let just go with the monkey king Staff"I said as it not much but I think it better.

Went to meet kaijin after taking care of all the thing I need to do.

"I have an idea of what I want to create"I said to him.

"Ok,so what are we creating"He replied confused.

"A staff that have size manipulation,and can recover itself"I said as I explained more about my weapon I want.

"Oh that interesting"he said a we as prepare to begin.

Gabiru came and ask for everyone to bow to him.

"Lord Rimuru can I destroy him" Benimaru said with a enchanting smile.

"Of course"said Rimuru enchanted.

"No"said Rimuru who just got is sense back at which Gobta came and everyone included me look at him,he soon got choosing for the fight as he came out of Gabiru shadow and knocking him out.

"You cheated their is know way Gabiru lost"said the lizard men who follow Gabiru.

"Take your leader and run away"said Rimuru and everyone including me were praising Gobta for good job defeating Gabiru.

(2 days later)

'I have created it but the time to fight the orc lord comes near'I started thinking of a way to get more soul out of the orc without changing the plot and the best part was I saw how the ogre was name.

'I mean without the demon seed I can't cut the amount of soul needed to transform into a demon lord' I thought as find a way to not change the plot but collect more soul as without the demon seed you need hundred thousand souls.

So the orc should mostly be my source to collect a bountiful amount, and now we are ready, as the plot went on to gabiru arival to the conclusion of the existence of the orc lord with also the alliance of the lizard men to the overthrowing of the lizard men king and the war.

We arivaled at the battlefield as their were more orcs than the original which is said to 200,000 is now 250,000 with it most be from the butterfly effect as I dodge a sword come my way and slash my weapon downward with some magicules in it.

"Boom"as hundreds of orc died with it and I didn't stop there as I use the skill black thunder as ranga was able to evolve and get stronger killing them with is new skill while the ogre were kill without stopping.

"I wouldn't be able to get the souls if I let them get all of them"I said as I increase the speed I go and kill more orcs,well thankfully the system can keep account of the soul I have gathered without anyone knowing.


Went on until Rimuru saw the orc lord and it devour it subordinate and gabiru been attacke with the attacker getting eaten.

"Wow you are seriously hungry for sure"I said interesting look as the other look at me with a look on that say "really".

"What I didn't think it, this hungry you know"I said as the ogre attack the orc lord but with everything they did the orc lord survive and the master idiot who plan it came out and try to control the orc lord but was cut into two, He then got devoured by the orc lord then evolution to demon lord begins.

"Well this is not good if he evolve it won't be good"I said a with a smile on my face knowing what will happen.

"Yes, it must be killed before more trouble comes because of it"he replied back as Rimuru activate great sage to help him out while I who knows what will happen check out how many soul I got.

[89,000/100,000] souls

"Well I wasn't able to get the necessary amount but enough for now I guess"I said think about going to kill more orcs.

"I want to see which is better your starve or my devour"said Rimuru while devouring the orc lord.

"My devour wins"I said Rimuru as everything about the orc lord was devoured by him and gone from existence.