
Ten Commandments of Women

A common sense approach to women -and life.

Kondrath · Realistis
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2 Chs

1ST Commandment: Power

Underlying Principal: Knowledge.

Beware of the Gender-Neutral Society. Today the media will tell you that it's okay for grown men to go to the same bathroom as little girls. And that if you put a dress on, you're a woman.

They are trying to eliminate the defining traits of the two sexes so that they are considered as one. They are even trying to remove sex from the birth certificate, so it's not even an option.

That's how fucked up this world has gotten. But know this -just because some guys like to wear makeup and heels- that will never make them a woman.

Even if he has Sex reassignment surgery (SRS), a surgical procedure (s), and uses it to alter the physical appearance and function of his sex. This will never make a man a woman or vice-versa.

Because a man is not just a sex organ, you can't just cut off a piece of one body and sew it onto another. The brain chemistry, muscle density, fat layers, and bone structure are all different, straight down to their DNA.

And all the estrogen shots in the world will never make a man a woman, allow him to give birth, breastfeed, or have a menstrual cycle. You can't turn a man into something he was never designed to be in the first place, or vice-versa.

Why don't they give tranny and homosexuals male hormones instead of female estrogen? And vice-versa.

Work with what you have.

These hormone injections should be illegal as they are dangerous. These people are beyond medical science and would be better off with psychological counseling.

I understand that gender identity is a real problem, but I also know that this problem is outside the scope of this book. The bottom line is there are only two sexes, do NOT argue, because then you're rationalizing someone else's insanity!

Political Correctness

Politically correct men are buying into a one-world-order mentality. The Illuminati (Satanic Politicians and Bankers) want a gender-neutral society.


It is another distraction for the masses, designed to avert their attention from their subversive agenda (lookup Agenda 2030 on the Internet).

They bombard the skeptical public with shocking and ridiculous claims that create fear, confusion, and isolation.

Do you even know the names of your neighbors?

Global Warming, Gun Bans, False Flags, Poverty, Sickness, Racism, and Feminism are all designed to keep people fighting amongst themselves.

Sex vs. Sex, Race vs. Race, Class vs. Class, a two-party system when both parties work for the Federal Reserve.

This helps keep the people who are in power -stay in power. It keeps the masses distracted from the real issues that have plagued the human condition since the beginning of civilization.

And a smaller population is easier to control than a larger one. That's why we are in an illegal war designed never to end. I call it the "Eternal Vietnam-Nam."

It's the old divide and conquers.

The ruling class has always played one country, political party (straw dog), race, religion, and now the sexes against each other.

The assault on the two sexes is the most recent attempt to confuse, bewilder, and paralyze our free society.

The Rich get Richer because of Politics

Do you know why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer?

It is because the rich (politicians) do not have to follow the same rules and laws that they create for everybody else.

Just look at the Clintons!!! Or any other politician.

Politicians vote themselves to pay raises, and the best healthcare, write off everything, and pay for nothing. And they do nothing. They argue all day, every day, but nothing ever changes.

The political system is designed that way on purpose. Doing nothing is their job. They'd be out of a job if all the problems were fixed. And that's why nothing ever gets done.

It seems like every Senator is a multi-millionaire; if not, when they start, they sure are when they leave. Look at Gavin Newsom and Paul Ryan—Nancy Pelosi, etc.

These are public servants, just like the people who deliver your mail. But the mailman never retires a millionaire. The last I heard; the post office was going broke.

There is only one party: The Federal Reserve

We have no idea how much money is coming in or how much money is going out. We don't even know who the Federal Reserve is, who the members are, or where our money is going.

They have never been audited.

It's taxation without representation. You must pay taxes but have no control over what the government does with your money or how it's spent.

That's why we have open borders and forced mandates. We support every third-world country on the face of the Earth but have homeless vets living on the streets.

The Federal Reserve (a private bank with no allegiance to the United States or any country) preselects and finances the Presidential Candidates (puppets, front men, etc.) before the people vote on them.

It doesn't matter who gets elected because they are both owned by the (Federal Reserve) Banking Cartel

Any mention of your belief in this banking cartel (Illuminati) will instantly guarantee that you're labeled a conspiracy nut.

However, when I was working in the communications industry, I had long heard the rumors that the government was using private corporations (that they secretly own a percentage of), collecting data on its citizens illegally way before 9-11, or Edward Snowden went public.

It's incredible how every political conspiracy theory is eventually found to be fact with time.

Image is Everything

Corporations own the media. Media shape opinion influences decisions, and forms attitudes. To "normalize" it. You see so many gender-neutral products, lifestyles, and entertainment.

Morals, beliefs, free speech, and even common sense are being challenged and assaulted. Look what's happening on our college campuses, which is ironic because all universities are at least, in part, subsidized by the government.

These liberal universities preach about the evils of capitalism -the very system that supports them.

Instead of changing Capitalism (which has its faults), why not just move to fucking Russia instead? Or communist China, and by the way, Communism is not a Chinese concept.

A liberal will talk the talk but never walk the walk. They live in little bubbles detached from reality in their Collegiate towers made of Ivory.

With our tax dollars!!!

None of the subsidized Universities are credible; if they were, they wouldn't need "educational welfare" in the first place.

Men and Power

Did I get your attention??? Before we talk about women, let's first talk about you because the first commandant is more about you and less about her anyway.

But you must know this first commandment before I can teach you anything else. So, please pay attention because this chapter is critical.

I don't want you to skip ahead or even look thru this book; you start here.

You Pursue

If you want women, you must pursue women.


It is your job to pursue women. Never expect a woman to approach you no matter how good-looking you are.


They won't because it goes against their instinct. It's not their job.

The risk of rejection is on you, the man, and always will be.

Her job is to look good so that you will approach her.

Men are drawn to the shiniest object, so you will ask her out, and not some other girl at a different table or worse -one of her friends.

She is the smoking hot red head, dressed to the nines, her hair and make-up perfect (which took her hours).

She bought a new outfit with heels, a black push-up bra, and a matching thong. Maybe new perfume and earrings. She did her job; now do yours. You have to be the aggressor; you have to have this powerful mindset. This is how I want you to think from now on.

Remember that she is competing with every other girl in the room to get your attention (whether she knows it or not). She wants to be the first one to accept or deny you.

Powerful Men Risk Rejection

It's your job to risk rejection, not hers. And powerful men know this; they overcome their fear of rejection and ask her confidently, regardless of their feelings.

Actions over thought—actions over words. If you know how to respond, you won't even look bad or feel ugly after being rejected. Jaded. Don't act crest-fallen; you act like you won't lose any sleep over it.

You can walk away from a woman who rejected you -and still look good just by how you carry yourself.

I had guys buy me drinks after I was rejected.

"Dude, that was gutsy!!!"

It starts with how you approach her, but I will investigate this later.

Earn It

But you can't just act Jaded; you must acquire "Jaded," and you can only acquire that by going up to her and risking rejection. Now, you will change your perspective and ask her out, assuming you will get rejected. In that way, it won't bother you when it happens. It's called practice.

I won't lose any sleep over it is your response to her rejection. And it's okay because that was your job, and you did it; now I will show you how NOT to get rejected.

It's what you project afterward.

You have that "Fuck everyone else in the bar attitude," It doesn't matter what they think, anyway, because you probably won't ever see any of them again.

This is a classic example of how you are developing a powerful mindset by risking rejection.

You'll look at rejection from a completely different mindset, so when you walk up to her and ask, it doesn't bother you if she says "No."

That's what powerful men do; they risk rejection!!!

If I had a nickel for every time I was rejected, I would have fifty dollars in the bank, maybe seventy-five.

It still hurts, but it hurts less and less each time. But it wasn't until after I got my psychology degree that I learned not to take it personally.

In the United States, men seem to be gun-shy when it comes to asking women out, but in other countries, like Italy, the men are very aggressive. They ask women out; even if their married, it's a sport.

Don't hit on married women.

I am not suggesting that you do that; I am just trying to show you an example of a different mindset by referencing what they do in a foreign country.

The Water

As a child, I was terrified of the water because I didn't know how to swim. At the time, we lived in an apartment complex, and they had a community pool.

After I moved in and made some friends, they swam in the deep end. But I didn't know how to swim because I didn't grow up around the water, so I had to take lessons.

It was discouraging because even though I had swimming lessons, my fear of drowning held me back, so all I did was stay in that part of the water that came up to my neck.

I was talking to one of my friends, standing on the edge at the deep end, when suddenly the Lifeguard Billy pushed me in. I was unaware he was behind me, so I was caught off guard.

Instantly I swam to the edge on the other side and held on to it for dear life. I didn't think about it; I just swam. All I needed was a push, and Billy knew that.

If you can't swim, the world, in which 7/10ths is covered in water, is terrifying, but if you can swim, the ocean is your bathtub.

What changed?

Not the water

You did.

The water isn't your master; you mastered the water.

You overcame your fear, And the world changed for you. If you want to master women like I did the water, never expect women to change; they can't -they have their own agenda.

Learn to swim instead. Because when you do, (ask women for dates). You will master rejection and overcome the fear of it (drowning), and the world is yours.

Sometimes everyone needs a push, this book is yours, and that's why I wrote it.

So, break your Comfort Zone. You don't have a Comfort Zone; you should never feel comfortable. No pain, no gain.

The Bar

Sometimes a woman and her friends will go to a bar not to dance but to compete. They tabulate how many guys hit on them, and the one who rejects the most guys wins!

Girls play those games, especially sorority girls; it's like a contest; that's their way of proving that they're prettier (and more desirable) than their girlfriends.

There are many reasons girls go to bar that has nothing to do with hooking up. Maybe she was fighting with her boyfriend, and they were supposed to go out, but they started fighting instead.

So, rather than stay home and cry herself to sleep, she decided to go out with her friends because she wouldn't let him ruin yet another weekend.

She also wants to get back at him, make him jealous, or make herself feel better. If only to prove that the fight wasn't her fault.

Having other men hit on her makes her feel better because it proves that she is still desirable to other men.

Most people get paid every two weeks, so if it's an off-pay week, she may go to the bar and have a guy buy her drinks all night instead of staying home on the weekend.

A savvy woman can go to a bar with no money and drink for free all night.

I've had bitches tell me it was their birthday so that I should buy them a drink. If they did, I would make them prove it.

"Show me your driver's license first."

If they did, and it was, I would buy them a drink. But if you call their bluff and they prove it, buy them the drink -otherwise, don't call their bluff.

Sometimes they become angry (being caught in a lie) and ask me, "Are you calling me a liar???" because you're challenging them.

"No, I'm not," then you walk away.

She is testing you to see if she can get you to buy her a drink without proving it.

Don't do it.

She might get her girlfriend involved, "Hey Debbie, tell this man it's my birthday."

Don't do it.

Make her prove it. If she doesn't -walk away.

Equal Rights

Contrary to popular opinion, Women do not want to lead; they want you to be in control.

The more you can dominate a woman, the better your experience will be with them. Now, I have met some real nut jobs, women's-libbers, intellectuals, professionals, and even dominatrices.

But all that bullshit is on a superficial level. Their mothers have all told them that when they find a husband and have children, they won't have to worry about working, looking good, or gaining weight.

Missing accomplished!!!

Underneath all the Women's Lib bullshit, they want and must be taken care of. Never forget that, and don't you believe otherwise.

Women want you to take control of them and not the other way around. So, she will test you; you need to be aware of this, even if she is not.

The more you let her decide things, the more frustrating it is because that fights against her basic instinct.

Women constantly second-guess themselves. And then they feel guilty afterward, no matter what they decide.

Sometimes they just need a man to blame things on instead of taking responsibility for the same thing they would have done, given the circumstances. Women do not want to be the "bad guy."

Sleeping Beauty

Women want to feel special. They are something valuable to be earned. Why do you think every fairy tale ends with the prince rescuing her after slaying the dragon?

Or whatever.

Fairy Tales, like Romance novels, exist for a reason; they were created to fulfill a need. It's an escape to a fantasy world they wished they lived in. These things exist because real-life isn't like that. And never was and never will be.

I'm not your Mother

Have you ever heard a woman say, "I'm not your mother?"

If so, what do you think that means?


How can you care for her when you can't even care for yourself?

You have to be strong because she needs to be taken care of. She must work, cook, clean, and care for the children, so she expects you to take care of her instead of being an additional burden.

Women love their children, but parenting is challenging. And sometimes, it can be a real burden. She doesn't' need you to be an added one.


If you don't get control up front, you will never have it. If you're in a bad situation now and have already lost control, nothing I can tell you will salvage it.

I am not telling you to leave your wife, but if you're that miserable and think reading this book will help you change her, it can't. It is always easier to start over than to fix an existing problem.

Read that last sentence again.

Sad but true.

I assume you're dating and trying to find a girlfriend or wife. So, you must understand that you'll get used to calling the shots with her and not the other way around. Then you might have a chance at a happy marriage.

If you're single, you spend more time at your job than with your friends or family. You work all week just so you can afford to go out and meet some chick at the bar, maybe Ms. Right (or Ms. Right Now), and fall in love.

If you were already married and divorced, then you know you spent more time at work than you did with your own family because your ex-wife never let you forget it. Ex-wives are great for reminding you of all your faults—the first being how you never spent enough time with the children on your days off.

Work Place

You work with the same people every day, and as an adult, you may not have many chances to meet new people, so why wouldn't you take advantage of proximity and, if single, ask out that hot receptionist you work with every day?

The current political climate enhanced by the media is fighting against your instincts. So now, if you ask a woman out, especially one you work with, it's automatically considered sexual harassment.

I want your Mommy

My mom was a young nurse, and one night while working night-shift and doing the rounds with a married doctor, she found herself groped.

She was also married to my father, but the older doctor would still take liberties with her. Smack her ass, grind up against her, but only when he knew no one else was around.

One time they were working the night shift together and checking on a patient who had a horrible accident. He was in a body cast (yes, they're real) and covered from head to toe, and he looked like a mummy, like one of those people that had a skiing accident in a movie.

Anyways, he was heavily medicated, as you can imagine. And when she bent over to check on the patient's bandages. The doctor came up from behind her, as he had done many times before, and grabbed her breasts (she was very well-endowed), but then instead of letting go, he began dry-humping her from behind instead.

So, my mom started struggling, and during the commotion, the patient woke up, and while the doctor had her bent over, she saw him open his eyes (through the eye-holes) just like in a horror movie -and she screamed.

The doctor thought it was because of him, so he ran down the hall. The following morning, he was back on the day shift. Now, this goes back to when doctors could still get away with anything short of murder. My mom never reported it because she was too scared of losing her job.

I use this example to demonstrate what real "sexual harassment" is. It is not asking a woman out.


Right now, sexual harassment is an epidemic. You hear it from every female celebrity crying about how some producer had her on the casting couch twenty years ago.

My father was a real bastard, but one time he told me, "I remember a time when a hot broad knew that sexual harassment came with the job."

We don't live in that world anymore. So, you must incur some common sense when dealing with women.

Desire overrides logic every time. People need to hook up. Men will get fired, and companies will get sued. But the need to hook up will always be paramount.

In the future, the only thing that will happen is that less attractive women will get hired instead of hot ones.

The problem with hot chicks in the workplace is not their incompetence, but their beauty is a distraction.

All you think about is fucking them instead of concentrating on your job. And they know it. So, they play their little games too.

They bend over in front of you so that you can see their cleavage; maybe they cross and uncross their legs, but not before giving you an up-skirt. When I was a teacher, high-school girls who sat in the front row did that all the time.

Women constantly Tease, Flirt, and make Innuendoes. That's their job, to attract and seduce men. Sometimes they do it on purpose, but it comes out naturally.

And being a man, of course, when she's bending over, you forget all about logic, political correctness, and workplace rules.

You're wondering about how good she is in bed. How many other guys has she been with? Has she ever had anal? Does she spit or swallow? Yada-yada.

If you think she's interested and you decide to ask her on a date, do it outside of work, but if there is a risk of getting in trouble, don't do it because no chick is worth losing your job over.

She won't think twice about reporting you to Human Resources even if she knows it will cost you your job.

Power is Sexual

Powerful men have always been and will always be an aphrodisiac for women. Nothing makes women weaker in the knees than power.


Because power attracts women as beauty attracts men.

Power ensures the survival of their offspring. Everything about women has to do with babies; that's how their hardwired, whether they know it or not. So, you need to be aware of this.

Being powerful does not mean getting drunk, acting like a fool, and starting fights at the bar to impress her; that will only guarantee you getting your ass kicked or locked up in jail.

Powerful, for our purposes, means being confident when approaching her (obtained after you have been rejected a hundred times) and not bothered by it afterward.

This is where that misunderstood word "Confidence" comes in.

By understanding women, you understand what they instinctively respond to, and you use that to your advantage.

Your Mentality must change, not hers.

Even you weightlifters don't know how to be powerful, maybe in the gym but not with women, and that's why you bought this book.

I will help you become powerful by showing you how to develop a practical mindset.

Mindset is Everything

The average mentality of most men is that when they see a beautiful woman, they think, "If I do lots of nice things for her, she will (eventually) let me have sex with her."

In her mind, he's begging her for sex, and that's pathetic.

That's why "nice" guys are a turn-off.

A little-known fact to men is that every woman in the world, beautiful or otherwise, has had some guy attempt to do nice things for them in an attempt to barter for sex.

But when she has no further use for him, he's gone. Most women put friends like these in the "friend-zone," not the fuck zone. These women use nice guys as their therapists or enhance their bank accounts, and help them move. Everything except sex!

She puts him off for a long as she can, but the moment he starts hinting at sex, she avoids him like the plague. Just like a guy who slept with a girl one time but avoided her afterward by not returning her calls because all he did was want to fuck her but didn't want to have a relationship with her.

Being "nice" to women is NOT attractive; that is how you get played. Women don't use the word weak or pathetic; they use words like "nice" or "boring" instead.

This is why you NEVER take advice on women -from a woman.

"Nice guys" are not sexually stimulating. Worse than that, they look down on "nice guys" who go out of their way for her. He is pathetic, and pathetic is NEVER a turn-on; it's an embarrassment.

Emotional Collateral

It would be more effective if you did the complete opposite. Have her do nice things for you instead. The more she does for you, the more attractive you will become to her.


Because you're building up "emotional collateral."

When you date a woman, have her do little things for you. Make her invest in you; the more she does for you, the more emotionally connected to you she will become.

So, let's assume you meet her at a bar, call her, and go out again; finally, it's the third date, and you have sex. If you're into her and she's into you. You want her to invest in you.

How do I get her to do things for me?

By using two words, "Need" and "Please."

Ask her using the word need instead of want; when you ask her to do something for you, it's because you need her.

Read that again and ensure you understand the subtle difference in the wording.

Need and not Want.


"I need the screwdriver; will you hand it to me, please?"

"No, I need you to hold the flashlight right here."

"Sometimes you can ask without the word need when you imply something instead. "Are you making Chili or tacos?"


You see, both choices assume she will cook for you. You mentioned the two things you want, but it doesn't matter what she makes; she's cooking either way.

You can be more direct, "I prefer your Tacos over Chile because it's less work for you."

Beast of Burden

Have you ever done a good deed?

Did you ever do something just because it was the right thing and not because you expected anything in return?

It feels good. Likewise, you feel guilty if you do something you know you shouldn't be doing and get away with it.

Do not sound like you're putting her out when you ask her to do something. You're communicating with her, and a woman who cares about you wants you to be happy.

She should be happy to do it because she cares for you.

Never sound whinny when you ask her to do something for you. You don't want to come across like a burden; otherwise, she'll pick up on that, and it will be.

Always sound like no matter what you ask her, she's never put out, especially when she is.

So, you must practice asking her, no matter what, and make it sound like the most natural thing in the world.

I never wore a watch, so before cell phones, I would go up to random women and ask them for the time. That's how I practiced approaching women; it had nothing to do with time.

"If you're standing next to some broad in the elevator, instead of wondering if she'd go out with you, ask her for the time."

Right now, you have to practice initiating the conversation.

She'll give it you because it's not a big deal.

So, you have it down. That's how you should feel when you ask a woman to do anything. Act like it's no big deal, but start with little things first.

You: "What time is it?"

I want you to practice that constantly whenever you ask a woman for anything. It sounds very natural.


Random hot chick

"What time is it?"

Your girlfriend

"Take off your clothes."

Some Broad you just met in Traffic.

"Hey lady, what's your blood type; I need a kidney?"

Just say all three the same way, so when you ask your girlfriend to do something, you always ask her like it's no big deal.

You are not forcing her to do anything; you're just decisive. You don't let her decide -you decide. And you do this no matter what it is and every time.

Pretend like it was her idea, to begin with, and ask like it's the most natural thing in the world.

"That restaurant food is horrible compared to your home-cooking. Can you make that chicken again?"

Building up "Emotional Collateral" is having her do things for you instead of you doing things for her.

Ask her to do things for you immediately after you start dating; you do this at the start of your relationship, not in the middle, and not at the end because it's too late.

Need not Want

When I was a child, If I needed help with my homework and my dad wasn't home, I would ask my mom instead, "Mom, I need you to help me with my homework?"

"If she said, wait until your father gets home, maybe because she thought she wasn't smart enough to help me, so I would reply, "I can't wait, I need to get it finished now; otherwise, I'll be up all night. Just look at it, and if you can't, I'll ask dad later."

And she did, and up to sixth grade, everything was cool. (Joke)

But I also used the word need; it didn't matter if my mom could help me; that was irrelevant. I got her to do something for me without being rude.

Be Specific

So, if you're talking to some chick, you just met at the bar, don't bombard her with compliments like the average chump.

"You're beautiful."

"Are you a model?"

"Are those real?"

"I love you."

Be specific and not general. Don't compliment the color of her eyeshadow, or she might think you are gay. Instead, go for her shoes: "I love the way you accented your outfit with your heels, those really complete your outfit, and that's why you stand out from all the other women."

Most women will be amazed, but the first time you try this, you might get the "Bitch."

Her: "What are you -gay?"

You: "I was, but you just cured me."


Situation: Your New Girlfriend

You: Mary, I need that pencil. Would you hand it to me, please?

You: "Betty, I need my keys. Will you toss them to me?"


When you use the word, please, so it doesn't' sound like you're bossing her around. If you want to, instead of using the word, please, offer her why you need her to do it.

You: "Jill, that idiot at Pizza Place always screws up the order. I think he does it on purpose. I need you to place the order instead so it gets done right."

You: "Sara, did I spell the word "mistletoe" correctly? I need you to look it over?"

See, I am showing you an example of how to be powerful with women, and you do that by having them do something for you without sounding like an abusive jerk.

I want you to remember the word "need" because it will be your new best friend, and you will see it again. Use the Word "need" instead of "want." And follow with a "please" or explanation for the request.

The Time is Now

Most men are unaware that women have a built-in relationship with time, and it's sacred. Everything is on a schedule with women, as they never have enough time to do whatever the hell, they were trying to get done in the first place.

That clock is ticking from when they get up in the morning until the time they go to bed. You only have this moment, not the future or past. You only have the now.

This is the third example of being a powerful man by knowing the power of time. And you're wasting it, not by reading this book, but by not using it after you're finished.

Do not ever assume that your life will change "one day."

It won't.

Every day will be the same until you change your fucking routine. Don't you stay home another weekend, after reading this book, instead of going out!

Did you think that just by buying this book, your life would magically change???

You must apply what you learn.

Waiting is wasteful. You waste enough of your precious time standing in line at the grocery store, the post office, the doctor's office, in traffic, and doing your meaningless job.

I am not talking about speeding down the freeway because you're late for work. I mean, waiting for an opportunity.

Have you ever caught a glimpse of a girl walking by when you were at the mall and thought about her many times after that without ever knowing her name?

But know this.

She got away because you let her; if you had asked her name, she might have given it to you. Or went out with you. Or she told you she would love to go out with you -but she's married.

What If???

Better to be rejected than wonder, what-if???

What if I asked her out? Would she have said yes?

Now you are living in a world of never-knowing. That's regret!

You can never get that moment back. You will NEVER know until you ask. And this type of never-knowing nags at you for the rest of your life.

You never forget the "one that got away," even if you never had a chance with her to begin with.

I won't have any regrets (about women anyway) on my deathbed because I will know!!!

I got over my rejection, but never my regrets.

I will show you how to avoid rejection in a future chapter.

It's funny, but at first, I was rejected a lot, but after a while, I seemed to get fewer and fewer rejections with every girl I asked.

And after I had experienced it a million times, it was no big deal. In the same way, ordering a big-mac at the McDonald's is no big deal. The same way driving your car to work is no big deal. Eventually, everything becomes no big deal. It becomes routine.

But no matter the outcome, win, loss, or draw, you act, don't wait. It is better to try and fail than do nothing. It takes effort to be a failure.

Time changes nothing. Actions do.

So be aware you will NEVER meet a girl WAITING for her, just like you will never find a better job unless you go out and apply for it.

Or go to school for it.

Nothing will ever be different tomorrow; that is an illusion, a popular misconception. Don't live your life based on a lie.

They say, "When opportunity comes knocking, you better be at home."

What a joke. Opportunity never comes knocking because the opportunity is something you make, not wait for.

So, go out and create opportunities by knocking instead of waiting for someone to knock. Waiting to be rescued is something women do, not powerful men; powerful men rescue them.


People say that time is money - another misconception. Time is more precious than money. More precious than Gold. I'm going to prove it. Money is a tool to help you get what you need and want in the here and now.

And everything you buy is to help you get women, Expensive clothes, Fast Car, and a beautiful house. Good College and Successful Careers are all designed to attract and keep beautiful women.

But your time is more precious than your money because all the money in the world will never buy back one second of your time.

The three most precious things in life, not including your children, are your health, time, money, and in that order.

Unlike men, women do not fall in love with your looks. Hot chicks can fuck anybody, and that's why prostitution is the world's oldest profession. They use their body to any advantage, whether in marriage or otherwise.


Nothing is more precious than the love of a woman. Love gives everything else value, and not the other way around. Every human being has this innate fear of not being good enough.

Don't expect every hot chick to say "Yes."

Well, how about just one?

One will change your life for the better or ruin it. Either way, you're better off than having nothing.

Successful people learn from their mistakes; it's not that they never made them. Failure will be your greatest teacher. But there is a right and wrong way to do everything -even fail.

I will show you how to make mistakes so you don't get discouraged.

Don't regret asking or getting rejected; only regret the times you don't ask. I guarantee that you will fail 100% of the time by never asking.

A life without love is a miserable life indeed. And a man who has made nothing but money has wasted his because it's all in vain. You're not taking any of that money to heaven or hell.


If you do what I tell you to do at the end of this chapter, your life will improve by 10,000% percent.


One thing leads to another because life is dynamic, so you can't remain static. You don't know how far that ripple in the pond will go until you drop the pebble in it, so we are going to get you out there to drop it. That's what waiting is; static.

The Sign

Don't wait for the opportunity to come knocking on your door. Your opportunity isn't at home; if it was, you wouldn't be reading this book in the first place.

Opportunity is what you make, not wait for; waiting is what women do, not men.

Women wait for Prince Charming. That's her role, not yours, don't wait for something to happen; it's unnatural (remember the sex change paragraph). You go out and find her instead.

By doing all these, you are changing your mindset, and when you find her, you WILL be her Prince Charming.

After reading and re-reading this book, don't ever spend another Friday night watching tv; you get out there.

I don't mean just to a bar, or Internet dating sites, waiting for junk e-mails. Go outside of your comfort zone. Take a cooking class. Or a sewing class. Or go to a Justin Bieber Concert (I said it).

Anywhere women are.

Take a night class at the community college. A dancing class is the best, Ballet if you have it, don't laugh, I've done it myself.

Change your fucking routine because you're stuck in it. Try something different, Libraries, Churches, Museums' I don't care where you go. I want to leave your stuffy apartment and go where the women are.

Seek, and you shall find. A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step. A spark can burn down an entire forest. Yada-yada.


Commandment: Power

Underlying Principal: Your Mindset


Her job is to look good so that you will approach her.

The risk of rejection is on you, the man, and always will be.

Emotional Colleterial is having a woman do things for you. It will feel unnatural, but you must do it; if you don't get control up front, you will never get it.

To be continued...

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