
Ten Commandments of Women

A common sense approach to women -and life.

Kondrath · Realistic
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These 10 Commandments for women are simple and easy to understand, and they can be used in everyday life, every time, all the time.

Nothing is magical about what I'm about to tell you; it's just "uncommon sense."

No embarrassing lines, no gimmicks, no tricks. Nothing complicated, and best of all, nothing phony. You won't remember anything complicated in the real world, so don't bother. Everyone remembers who won the game, but nobody remembers the score.

Or how many times have you forgotten the words of a song but hummed the melody?

Hell, I just made up my own words.

And that's what you're going to do with these techniques, make up your own, but only after you understand the concept, that is, the underlying principle, so they will work for you. I use the commandments and the underlying principles to make everything easier to understand.

Heartbreak Ridge

In the movie Heartbreak Ridge, Clint Eastwood plays Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Highway. He is on mandatory retirement from the Marine Corps and was training recruits on his last assignment.

Of course, there are all a bunch of wise asses. Thomas Highway is assigned to finish training a bunch of screw-ups halfway through Basic. The previous Sargent retired from active duty in the middle of their training.

But Highway was the best; he knew every rule, command, and regulation. But no matter what he taught them, he constantly reminded them of three (underlying) principles.

Overcome, Adapt, and Improvise.

Life doesn't follow a list of rules, playbooks, Army Manuals, or anything else.

It's what you take and applies outside the manual that works.

Successful people in the business world don't teach at universities. Worse, many motivational speakers can teach you what worked for them, but that does not mean it will work for you.

You can't personalize their specifics.

But I will teach you what concepts worked for me and ensure you can personalize them to work for you too. If you want to remember something, remember the word.


First, you must understand the underlying elements because these principles make the Ten Commandants work for you in real life. These commandments will help you be yourself, think on your feet, and act naturally.

I will give you The Ten (Principal) Commandments on Women to help you survive because, like in the movie Heart-Break Ridge; you may forget your training and rely only on instinct on the battlefield.

It's easy to remember details in a controlled environment, like a training exercise, but on the battlefield, when something doesn't work the way it's supposed to, like back in training. Then you go into panic mode.

And that, no matter how good something looked on paper or how many times they practiced their drills, combat, or shooting, nothing rehearsed will play the same way in actual battle.

Instincts (emotions) will always overcome training or anything else you learned. So, if you forget my exact words but understand the underlying principles, you can overcome, adapt, and improvise.

Clint Eastwood was trying to teach them what he already knew from being in combat -through his experience (s).


Many business teachers at universities have never actually opened businesses. Or when they did, they failed miserably, and that's why they became teachers in the first place.

Worse, all universities are subsidized by the government!!!

And that includes Ivy League schools like Harvard-in fact, Harvard gets the most. I would give you figures, but I don't want to date this book.

How can you teach someone else how to be successful when they depend on "Educational Welfare?"

Conversely, teaching is a steady paycheck, and it's much easier to teach someone to do something than actually to go out and do it yourself.

You may hear me repeating myself often. Well, get used to it; it's not by mistake. I will try and teach you from my mistakes (experiences) -so you don't make the same ones.

-Jason Gabriel Kondrath

Here's a reference for you, Star Wars Geeks, as you're the category of men who probably need this eBook the most.

I call it luck.

-Han Solo

In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.

-Ben Kenobi

Luck attempts to explain something to people who don't understand why something works. Or, said another way, they are rationalizing.

Healing, praying, superstition, religion, magic, etc., are all devices used to try and get results.

And usually, these things are based on your faith, so if you fail, it's your fault. You didn't have enough faith or were not a true believer. If you had-it would have!

The Ten commandments or rules will work for you whether you believe in them. You don't need any faith because it is based on psychology.

I don't have to convince you of anything. The truth is the truth, so you'll know it when you hear it.

One thief knows another.

-Zed Proverb

Never bullshit a bull-shitter
