

A few years have past and the once peaceful place of Tempria has fallen. Three sisters must come together with some strange people to defeat the darkness that awaits them all.

GeekyCryBaby · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Episode 3

"Do you see it?" Micky said smiling at the tree house before them, as they hid before bushes.

Kyle nodded. "Do you really think someone lives here?"

Micky shrugged. "Couldn't hurt to find out" He stood. "Lets go!" He headed for the house.


"I'm telling you. I'm fine!" Morgan groans as her sisters walk around her.

"You are not fine! You could've died! Or we all could have!" Melody hugs her. "Now shut it so we can take care of you!"

Morgan growls. "Fine!"

Margret laughs. "Someone hates being treated like a baby."

Morgan sticks her tongue out at her. "Bite me!"

"Oh sorry sis but I don't really play nice" Margret smiles.

Morgan rolls her eyes. "Lets just hurry up so I can go hunting for our food"

"Oh no you don't!" Melody crosses her arms. "You will not leave this house until you become better!"

"I hate to agree but she's right." Margret walks beside her. "You need to stay in."

Morgan tries to stand but fails.

"Be careful!" Melody growls. "You could hurt yourself again!"

Margret wraps, Morgan's leg. "One of us should go out hunting." She turns to Melody. "I will do it."

Melody stands. "Why do you think you get too?"

Margret laughs. "Because in the process to hunt is killing things. You know that are alive?"

Both Morgan and Margret laugh.

"She's right. You don't have a killer bone in your body." Morgan laughs.

Melody growls. "Fine! I'll kill! Just to show you guys that I too can be a killer!" She grabs her coat. "You'll see!" She heads out the door.

"She won't last one minute out there" Morgan shakes her head.

"I give her ten minutes." Margret starts to put things away.

"You're on!" Morgan smiled evilly.


Melody walked out in the cold air. Her skin was freezing. "I hate them two.." She groan as she looked back at the house. "Meanies.." She continued to walk when she hit the woods. She froze seeing how dark it was. No lights no nothing. "Yay.." She swallowed hard and began to walk in the dark woods.

*Inside the tree house*

Margret started to work on an experiment while Morgan sat in the kitchen, watching the moon.

"I hate this!" Morgan groaned. "I want to hunt!"

Margret poked her head out of her room. "You'll live.." She poured some liquid into a cup and walked to Morgan. "Drink this" She put the cup in front of her as she waited.

Morgan laughed. "I'm not drinking that" She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to die because you want to test some experiment on me"

"Is someone scared?" Margret grinned knowing she would take the bait.

Morgan growled at her and hurried an chugged the drink. When she was finished she slammed it on the table. "Ha!" She smiled looking at her sister.

Margret grabbed the drink. "Thank you" She walked to the sink and placed the cup in it when a knock was heard at the door.

Both sisters looked at one another.

"Since when does she knock?" Morgan laughed.

Margret shrugged. "Maybe she can't open the door" She walked to the door and opened it.

Micky and Kyle both stood there smiling.

"Good even-" Micky was about to say when Morgan turned into her werewolf self. "OH MY LORD!" He ran away, grabbing Kyle's shirt.

Morgan ran after them.

Suddenly, Micky tripped causing him and Kyle to fall. He turned around almost crying. "Please don't hurt us!" He yelled.

Morgan growled as she stood above them.

Margret walked beside her. "Who are you?" She demanded.

Micky and Kyle both whined. "We come in peace!"

Margret and Morgan both looked at one another.

"They are fine.." Margret said to her.

Morgan turned back into her normal self. "Get up!" She moved away from them.

Micky and Kyle both stood up, with their hands in the air.

"We promise not to harm you!" Kyle cried.

Micky smiled. "We are human..." He looked at Morgan's hands that were turning from fur and nails to human hands. He swallowed hard.

Margret studied them. "Yeah human" She looked at Morgan. "Think they are?"

Morgan crossed her arms. "Maybe...but they could be lying an be vampires." She glued her eyes on both men.

"Vampires?" Micky said looking terrified at Kyle.

Margret laughed. "Yeah, humans" She grabbed Kyle. "Come on" She pulled in towards the house.

Kyle just took it, afraid for his life.

Micky smiled nervously at Morgan. "So.." She grabbed him by his neck and pulled him. "Okay..." He nodded.

*In the woods*

Melody walked slowly through the dark forest. Hoping to find food. Suddenly something jumped out at her. "AHH!" She yelled. But nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see a bunny tilting it's head at her. "Awee." She petted the bunny. "Maybe this isn't so bad" Right then a tiger jumped out and grabbed the bunnies head and ran off with it. Melody stood in fear. "Okay then.." She swallowed hard, walking another direction.

She walked in the forest even more until she saw a purple light coming from the distant. "Did I do circles?" She wondered. She walked towards it hoping it was home or at least something safe. But when she saw where the light was coming from she froze. A portal stood behind a rock. It was blocking a big part of it, only leaving a small opening. Melody jumped down to get a closer look. She went to it closer. There were symbols around the rock and portal. They matched up. "What are you?" She whispered about to touch it when someone spoke behind her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.."

Melody turned around fast but no one was there. "Whose there!" She put up her fists.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you" The voice laughed.

"Yeah sure." She swallowed hard.

Suddenly something fell behind her. She froze in place. She wanted to see but was to scared to see what it was.

"What are you?" She questioned.

"Turn around an see"

She closed her eyes with her fist rise high and turned around.

"Open them.."

Melody took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Her eyes widen to see a boy standing before her. He was young. His skin was pale and his eyes were a bright blue. Well very bright. He wore some furs as clothes. She blushed. He was cute. "Um-um.." She tried to say but nothing came out.

He laughed. "I'm Kai" He got close to her. "What are you?" He studied her face.

She blushed more as she could smell him. He smelled good.

He saw her blushing and backed away. "Sorry.." he blushed as well.

Melody smiled. "It's alright." She suddenly fainted.

"Oh my!" He ran to her before she hit her head. He laughed a little as he looked at her.

*At The Tree House*

"I'm trying to tell you! We are NOT VAMPIRES!" Micky yelled angrily. He was tied up with Kyle in chairs behind one another.

Morgan sat at the counter as she looked at them.

Margret was making some potions.

"When will it be done?" Morgan asked.

Margret studied her notes. "Almost ready"

"I'm gonna die..I'm gonna die.." Kyle repeated.

"What's wrong with him?" Morgan asked confused.

"Oh I don't know..." Micky laughed sarcastically. "Maybe because you guys have us tied and you are ABOUT TO MAKE US DRINK SOME KIND OF POTION!" He yelled.

Morgan rolled her eyes. "Not our fault you two fell from the sky" She crossed her arms.

Micky took a deep breath. "If you would listen! I keep telling you people that we didn't fall from the sky! We fell from a airplane. You know the things that fly in the sky?" He looked at her dumbfounded.

Morgan tilted her head. "But you still fell from the sky. Am I not correct?"

He groaned. "Well....yes.."

She smiled. "Not so stupid now am I?"

Margret came back out with some cups. "Drink this and well see if you really are vamps" She hands one to Morgan.

"I'm not drink this!" Morgan protested.

Margret rolled her eyes. "Not you." She looked at Micky. "Him."

"Oh.." Morgan sat up. She walked to Micky. "Bottoms up!" She opened his mouth and poured the liquid down his throat.

He choked. "My god! Let me breath!"

Margret went to Kyle. "Open"

Kyle opened his mouth.

She poured the liquid down and smiled. "Thank you" She walked to Morgan.

They both waited and watched both men but nothing happened.

"Well.." Margret sighed.

"Well what?" Morgan looked at her.

"Their not vamps." Margret went to them.

Morgan groaned. "Oh.."

Micky stood after being up tied. "Thank you!" He smiled. "But what did you make us drink?" He spit out the window.

Margret up tied Kyle. "Just some garlic. Vampire's are deadly allergic to them" She threw the rope to the side.

Morgan crossed her arms. "Still wish they were vamps.."

Micky growled. "Well.."

Kyle smiled big. "Thank you for not killing us!"

"Oh we never said anything about killing you" Margret smiled.

"We didn't?" Morgan raised a brow. "Oh yes! We didn't!" She smiled.

*Back At The Portal*

Kai laid Melody in his lap as he waited till she awoke.

"Hmm?" Melody started to open her eyes. "Wh-what happened?" She sat up rubbing her head.

Kai helped her up. "You fainted I think"

She looked at him an blushed. "Oh yeah.." She smiled.

He noticed and blushed as well. "Yeah.."

They stared at each other for a moment and started to moved closer to one another for a kiss but Melody saw fangs in his mouth. She pushed him away.

"Oh god!" She ran behind a tree.

Kai looked at her confused. "What?"

"Stay away!" She demanded.

"Why?" He moved fast to her. "Why stay away?" He asked.

She ran to another tree. "Be-because your a vampire!"

He laughed. "And?" He touched his fangs. "I know. I thought you knew. Since well you are too"

Melody laughed. "I am not!"

"Yeah you are." He touched her teeth. "See fangs. Like mine"

She moved away. "I am not a vampire! Those are my werewolf teeth"

He froze. "Werewolf?" he looked confused. "Whats that?"

She laughed. "It's a wolf? You know ones that howl?"

He shakes his head. "Never heard of them. But.." He moves behind her. "I don't care.." he kisses her cheek. "I like you.."

She blushes hard. "Well...welll..." She tries to think of what to say.

"Well what?" He smiles.

"Well you can't!" She looks at him. "We are too different!" She sighs. "You are a vampire and I'm a werewolf.." She rubs her arms. "We are suppose to hate one another..."

"Oh.." he sighs looking at her.

"Listen..we can be friends I guess..." She rubs her head. "Look I don't have time for this! I need to find some food for my sisters and I need to get back before they get scared and come find me.."

He looks at the ground. "Okay.." he suddenly flashes away but comes back with some dead animals. "Will this do?" There were about two bunnies and one squirrel.

She nodded. "Thank you..?" She grabbed the dead animals. She was about to leave but kissed his cheek and ran off.

He smiled as he watched her leave. When she wasn't in site he turned to the portal. His hands glowed as he pointed them towards the portal. The rock was slowly moving.