
Episode 2

Margret and the middle sister walked along the beach. Margret turned to her sister.

"You said she wanted to met us here right?" Margret sighed as she looked at her sister.

The middle sister struggled her shoulders. "Thats what the note said." She stopped an reached in her pocket. "Ah here" She pulled out a note and handed it to Margret.

Margret took it and read it out loud. "Dear Margret and Morgan, Please meet me at the beach at noon. Its very important. Love your sister Melody."

"Told you" Morgan said crossing her arms.

Margret rolled her eyes. "Well whatever." She handed the note back to her sister as she looked around. "She better not be playing jokes on us."

Morgan put the not back in her pocket. "Well if she does than I'm hurting her."

Margret looked at her raising a brow.

"What? She disturbed my sleeping time." Morgan said crossing her arms.

Margret rolled her eyes as she looked forward. "Huh?" she saw something move somewhat away from them in a bush.

"What?" Morgan got into a fighting stance. "Do I need to get ready for fighting?" She started to grow hair on her arms and neck.

Margret shook her head. "I think its Melody" she walked closer to the moving bush. "Melody?"

Suddenly something jumped out of the bush.

"Shit!" Margret jumped high into the air.

Melody stood laughing. She wore huge leaves on her body.

Morgan laughed. "Hahaha! She got you!" her fur went away as she laughed.

Margret looked at both of them. "I knew this was a joke." She growled.

"What? She had the idea!" Morgan pointed to Melody.

Melody smiled big. "Well come on? It was pretty funny"

Margret smiled a little. "Fine it was."

"See thats' the spirit." Morgan put her arm around Margret while still laughing a little.

All of a suddenly the ground started to shake. All sisters freaked.

"Whats happening?" Margret said looking around.

"THERES' SOMETHING COMING!" Morgan quickly turned into a wolf and grabbed her sisters in her mouth an ran away.

A small plane fell into the ocean near the shore. The water splashed the sisters as they tried to get away. Morgan fell in the water while her sisters fell out of her mouth. "AHH!" All three sisters screamed as they went under water.

Margret turned into a wolf and started to swim to her little sister, Melody. She grabbed her as she went to the surface.

Melody coughed. "Wh-what happened?" She wiped the water from her eyes away.

Margret turned back human. "I think Morgan said something was coming" she coughed a little.

"Um...where is Morgan?" Melody looked at her sister worried.

Margret's stomach turned. "Quickly look around for her!"

Both sisters looked around for their sister.

"I see her! Shes on the shore" Melody said swimming to the seashore.

Margret followed. When she got to the sand she fell to her knees. "Damn it..."

Melody ran to Morgan. "Morgan!" she held her sister. "No! Please don't be dead!" she started to cry.

Margret stood an went to her sisters. She bent down to them. She felt Morgans pulse. "Shes still alive. Move!"

Melody moved out of the way. She held her sisters hand. "Please be okay..."

Margret started to pushed down on her sisters chest. "Come on!" she pushed harder. Suddenly Morgan jumped up coughing. Water came out. "Thank god." Margret stood.

Melody hugged Morgan. "Oh my god!" she cried more and more.

Morgan coughed up the last bit of water. "A-am I dead?"

Margret laughed. "No"

Melody laughed a little while still crying.

Morgan looked at her sister. "Hey don't cry." she wiped her sisters tears. "I'm fine! I'm too strong to die just yet." she smiled big.

Melody smiled at her sister. "Still I could have lost you!"

"Melody I promise I'm not going anywhere" Morgan stood while having help from her sisters.

"What did you see coming?" Margret asked.

"I saw something coming from the sky. It was coming at us." Morgan answered looking around. "Where is it?"

"I don't know. I didn't see it" Melody said looking at the sky.

"It went into the water. That's why the water hit us." Margret said looking at the ocean.

"Well can we please go home? I'm freezing!" Morgan said shivering.

"Yes. Lets go" Margret said walking to the way of their home.

"I'm just happy your okay!" Melody said hugging her sister again while they walked.

Morgan smiled. "I know"

Meanwhile at the plane some people started to pop up from the water.

A man with dirty blonde hair coughed. He moved his hair away so he could see. His green eyes shined bright.

Another man appeared from behind him. He had blonde hair that was cut so it wasn't in his eyes.

"Kyle!" The man with dirty blonde said turning around to the other man. "Thank god you lived!" he laughed.

Kyle looked around. "What happened?"

The man looked sad. "I think the pilot had a heart attack."

"Oh..." Kyle looked below. He saw the plane slowly sinking.

The man also looked below. "Listen we will get help. I promise" he put his hand on Kyles shoulder.

Kyle smiled. "Okay."

"But first we must get to that island" The man started to swim there. Kyle followed.

When they reached the sand they let out a sigh of relief.

"God I hate the ocean." Kyle said hugging the sand.

The man laughed. "Well I think its beautiful" he started to look around.

"Micky you always think everything is beautiful!" Kyle said standing. He wiped off the sand from his clothes.

Micky looked into the woods. "I think if we walk around the woods than we should fine something faster!"

Kyle looked a little away from them. He saw that the sand ran around the island. He looked at Micky. "How'd you know that?"

Micky smiled cocky. "I saw the island before we crash! A good adventurer must always be prepared!" He started to walk. "You coming?" He looked behind him at Kyle.

Kyle nodded. "Yes sir!" he walked beside Micky.

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