
A New Chapter

The morning light streamed through the window, filling his room with a warm glow. Alex is eighteen; he is lean and tall with sharp angular features. His jet-black hair was cut short and styled neatly, framing his face to emphasize his deep-set eyes. His eyes are larger, almond-shaped, with a deep shade of hazel that often seemed to shift in color depending on the light. His eyes had a dreamy, distant quality that hinted at the dream magic that he possessed and made it seem as though he was always lost in thought or contemplation. His complexion was smooth and pale, with high cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin that complimented the rest of his face.

He is still confused about what happened last night but needs to get up and prepare for his last day of high school. He walks down into the kitchen for breakfast and sees an envelope with the stamp of the University of Aurorium. This summer, he will be going to University, and this is his top pick for a school. He looks around to see if his parents are anywhere and wanna see him open it, but it seems like they already went off to work. He opened the envelope and extended the letter, "Congratulations, Alex. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Univeristy of Aurorium, the most prestigious magic school in Caelondia. Your journey begins on the first day of summer after one more week of spring left." Alex is caught in disbelief; he pinches to see if this is real.

Aurorium is the largest and most prosperous city in the world of Caelondia. It is situated at the center of the continent of Arcturus. Vast enchanting forests, rivers, and surrounding Aurorium mountains. The city is known for its architecture, markets, and diverse population. Globally, Aurorium is the world's capital of Caelondia due to its central location and economic and political influence. You could already tell by the name, but the University of Aurorium is also there; it is regarded as the foremost center of the university level of arcane learning in Caelondia. The University is housed in a sprawling complex of Gothic-style buildings surrounded by lush gardens and ancient oak trees. The faculty includes some of the most brilliant and renowned arcane practitioners in the world, and its curriculum covers a wide range of magical disciplines, from elemental manipulation to divination. The Univeristy of Aurorium attracts students from all over Caelondia. Its graduates are highly sought after by governments, corporations, and organizations worldwide. The University's research facilities are also among the most advanced in the world, and its scientists and scholars have made numerous breakthroughs in the field of magic and related fields.

Alex could hardly contain his excitement as he held the acceptance letter from the University of Aurorium in his hands. He read it repeatedly, savoring each word and feeling a sense of pride wash over him. Finally, this was it; he thought to himself, the moment he had been waiting for all his life. He was finally going to study magic at the world's most prestigious university in the heart of the global capital of Caelondia.

But before he could dive into his magical studies, Alex had one last day of high school to attend. So he went about his morning routine, making himself some scrambled eggs and toast, his mind buzzing excitedly. High school had been a mix of general education and magical classes, with the former consisting of English, Science, History, and Math, and the latter of General Education of Creatures and a specified course based on each student's magical abilities.

Alex's town is named Willowdale, a small town with a more nature-type vibe. Along with Aurorium, Willowdale is also in the continent of Arcturus.

As Alex walked to school, he took in the sights and sounds of Willowdale. The town had a quaint, small-town charm, with tree-lined streets and well-manicured lawns. Cars drove by him sporadically, and he could hear the faint sound of birds chirping in the distance. The path to school was familiar, and he could walk in about two minutes. He passed a row of small shops and cafes, some of which had already opened for the day. The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted out from one of the cafes, making his mouth water. Despite the excitement of his acceptance letter, Alex felt a tinge of sadness at the thought of leaving Willowdale and the familiar surroundings behind. The smell of the crisp fresh forest air and leaving behind the raging rivers was calming to sit near and relax. He may miss it, but he thinks about how this change is necessary for his development and knowledge of his magic or just magic in general, and that makes him less saddened by the idea of leaving.

As he arrived at school, he was greeted by the usual chaos of students rushing to their classes, laughing and chatting with their friends. Alex went to his homeroom and sat, waiting for class to start. His first class is English, and he ends with his magic-focused class. He doubts they will be doing much since it's the seniors' last day of high school, but he'll have to get through it. As the day progressed, everyone discussed what they would do in the summer, their plans for higher education, etc.

Once the bell rang, the chaos of leaving the school was followed, and an old chapter ended while a new chapter began. After leaving the school, Alex walked through Willowdale, taking in the scenery one last time.

Alex arrived at an empty house; his parents were still working. He took a deep breath and sat on the couch, staring at the acceptance letter. The whole situation feels surreal but fundamental, which delighted him even more. As he sat there, lost in thought about what the next journey will bring him, he heard the front door open. His mother has returned from work. "Hi, Mom," Alex greeted.

"Hi, Alex!" his mother replied, removing her shoes and putting on everything she had brought home from work. Alex's mother is a geologist, which makes sense since she has elemental earth magic. The forest right next to our town is a national forest, so she collects data from it and analyzes that information. Then, if there is a problem, she addresses it, and if she needs her magic to fix it, she can use it. "How was your last day of school?"

"It was boring," says Alex enthusiastically, "I got accepted into the University of Aurorium!"

"Oh my god, that's amazing! I am so happy for you; when do you start?"

"In a week."

"Oh wow, that's quite quick. Well, make sure you get everything you need before you leave. Don't procrastinate!"

At that final sentence, Alex and her part as she goes and takes a shower and goes upstairs to see what he needs.

He hears the door open and then close; his father must be home. He walked down the stairs to tell his father the news and was happy for him; after all, he also went to the University of Aurorium. Alex's father has sleep magic. His father works at a sleep clinic in his village. His father can control someone's sleep and see problems within their sleep like he can detect sleep apnea without needing a sleep study. Alex's father can have a person sleep longer with his magic or sleep shorter and skills similar, relating to sleep.

As Alex sat down to eat dinner with his family, his father shared stories about his time at the University of Aurorium, just as excited as Alex was for his son's acceptance. Alex's mother told tales of her academic journey as a biologist, providing insight into the rigorous coursework he might expect in his field of study.

After dinner, Alex returned to his room to prepare for his upcoming adventure at University. He rummaged through his closet, selecting the clothes he wanted to bring and making a mental note to pack his favorite hoodie. He also pulled out his laptop, eager to start researching the campus and classes he would take. His schedule isn't completed, and he won't see it until he gets there, but he liked speculating. He knows that at the University of Aurorium, everyone only had a major or area of focus in their second year, so his courses could be an extended range of things.

As he began compiling his list of essentials, he realized he would need new supplies for his dorm room. So he added bedding, a mini-fridge, and some posters to decorate his walls. He also made a note to buy extra notebooks and pens, knowing he would take plenty of notes during lectures.

With his list complete, Alex closed his laptop and settled into bed, the excitement of his impending adventure keeping him up late into the night.