
Between Two Realms

The sky is a vast expanse of iridescence, with shades of blue, purple, and black all melding together seamlessly. The colors of the atmosphere move and shift, which causes an ethereal dance that takes my breath away. The world around him also mirrors what Alex sees in the sky. There are plants of many colors with different aspects with each. Alex walks over to a flower with a gradient between blue and purple and a yellow center. The petals are so soft and delicate. He then brings his attention back to the landscape that he's in. The trees around this region are stretched so tall up into the sky that the leaves shimmer in the ever-changing light. The scent of the landscape is beautiful, a honey floral scent that seemed to come from everywhere all at once.

As Alex walks and observes the world he is in, he feels a sense of wonder. He is mesmerized by the beauty of the world around him, and he suddenly realizes this isn't like any other dream he has been in before. He knew many unknown things about his magic of dreams, but he never expected this. He feels a sense of wanting to learn more, gain more knowledge, and wonder about the dream realm he is wandering around. He wants to uncover all the mysteries there are to it. He looks down and realizes he is on clouds. As he walks with each step, the soft white puffs of vapor are soft and squishy. He decides to go below the clouds and discover what beholds him at the bottom.

He is surrounded by rolling hills with lush green grass swaying to the gentle breeze in unison with more flowers and trees. Alex decides to continue walking and see what lies beyond the mountain. Behind the hill, he catches sight of a vast expanse of an enchanting lake of liquid gold that sparkles with the beautiful iridescent sky. The lake has a feeling of warmth radiating from it. As he gets closer, Alex can see creatures swimming inside, ranging from schools of fish shimmering in the golden pot of honey to a mermaid with skin as radiant as liquid gold. The mermaid has jet-black hair that contrasts beautifully with her golden skin. She senses his presence and turns to face him, the expression of wonder spreading across her face.

As he approaches the mermaid, she still looks at him with her golden brown eyes.

She asks, "Who are you?" her voice is musical and enchanting. Alex has never seen a mermaid before, never mind one made of gold.

"I'm Alex," he replies slowly as he tries to process the surroundings before him along with the mermaid.

"Alex," she repeats. "I haven't heard that name before. Are you new here?"

Alex nods; he feels anxious, not knowing where this will go. He has read briefly before that dreams can be dangerous. "I don't know where here is. I just found myself walking here, and I assume I am in some dream." Alex says.

"You're right in the sense you are in the Dream Realm, but somehow you have wandered outside your dream and into the Slumbering Grove."

Alex's face lights up in amazement, he is so confused about what's going on, but he loves it. "Wow, this place is incredible."

With a mischievous glint in the mermaid's eyes, she says, "It certainly is. And you know what they say, Alex. Anything can happen in the dream realm."

Questions are racing through his mind, but to answer them, he asks, "What exactly is the Slumbering Grove?"

The mermaid spoke with a voice that was as fluid and enchanting as the world around them. "As we established earlier, the Slumbering Grove is a sacred place, a small but significant branch of the Dream Realm where dreams are born. It is a place where magic flows like a river, and dreams take shape as delicate threads of light. The dream weavers, the guardians of this realm, are beings of great power and beauty. They are tall and slender, with wings that shimmer like the iridescence of the sky and hair that flows like liquid gold. Their eyes are the windows to their soul, shining with the magic they weave into each dream."

Alex listened intently, captivated by the mermaid's words. "Dream weavers are responsible for weaving and maintaining the threads of dreams, ensuring they remain strong and intact. But sometimes, these threads can become twisted and dark, giving rise to the nightmares that haunt our sleep. So a delicate balance must be maintained, constant vigilance to keep the threads pure and free from corruption."

The mermaid paused, and Alex could see the weight of responsibility in her eyes. "There are others who dwell in the Slumbering Grove, like me, who aid the dream weavers when they need it. We are unsure why we can help them, but we do what we can preserve dreams' purity."

"Now you have a glimpse of the world you have wandered into," the mermaid concluded. "A world of magic and wonder, but also a great responsibility. May you find your way safely through the Slumbering Grove, and may your dreams be filled with light."

At that, the mermaid swam away into the liquid honey pot of gold as my alarm clock woke me up, leaving me with unanswered questions. Did that happen? Did I wander away from my subconscious into a beautiful world where dreams are created? I would like to know if I may ever know.