
Teen Again With My Laptop

Have you ever yearned to relive your teenage years without any regrets? This is the story of an adult who gets the chance to do just that. Using his laptop, which remains connected to the future, he embarks on a journey of wish fulfilment. Join him in a slice-of-life adventure with no overarching plot or ultimate villain, just a relaxing tale of everyday life as a regressor. If you enjoyed the story and want to support me, https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=F9CA8SY6LBTV8

IamYourFather · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

CHAPTER 2 Discovering Posibilities

As Sable delved deeper into the capabilities of the laptop, his mind started to race with possibilities. He couldn't help but think about their current financial situation and how he could use this newfound technology to change their lives for the better.

At first, he thought about freelancing or doing some kind of online business but quickly dismissed the idea. He knew that he needed something more immediate and substantial to make a real difference.

Then, a lightbulb went off in his head. What if he could find out the winning lottery numbers? if he knew the numbers, he could play them in the present and hopefully win big.

Sable quickly got to work, using the FutureNet network to search for the previous lotto results for April 29, 2007. After a few minutes of searching, he found what he was looking for - the jackpot was a staggering 31,721,656 pesos or approximately 674,928 US dollars.

Sable's heart raced with excitement as he thought about the possibilities. With that kind of money, he could change not only his own life but the lives of his family as well. But he knew it wasn't going to be easy. Still, he felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time. He was determined to make it work and do whatever it takes to improve their situation.

Excited by the possibility of winning the jackpot, Sable begins to formulate a plan on how to claim the prize money without anyone becoming suspicious of him. He knows that if he suddenly shows up with the winning ticket, people will wonder how he could have possibly known the winning numbers.

After some research, Sable discovers that he can claim the prize anonymously by going to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) headquarters in Manila. He decides to take the risk and claim the prize money, hoping that it will provide him and his family with the financial security they need.

With having figured out a solution he was again troubled, because he was still minor and was wondering if its possible to open a bank account in Philippines while he was still 14 years old.

Sable spent hours researching online and found out that it was indeed possible to open a bank account in the Philippines for minors as long as they have the proper identification documents and a parent or guardian to sign as the account co-holder. He breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this could be a way for him to secure his future without raising too much suspicion.

Excited by the prospect of having a bank account and potentially winning the lottery jackpot, Sable decided to take action the next day.

Sable: "Ma, can I ask you something?"

Mom: "Sure, son, what is it?"

Sable: "Is it possible for me to open a bank account?"

Mom: "Why do you need to open a bank account? You're still young and you don't have a lot of money to save."

Sable: "I just thought it would be a good idea to save some money for the future."

Mom: "Hmm, that's a good plan. But I'm not sure if you can open a bank account at your age."

Sable: "But I really want to try. I promise I'll be responsible with my money."

Mom: "Okay, let me ask around and see if it's possible. We can go to the bank tomorrow and ask."

Sable: "Thank you, Ma. I really appreciate it."

His mother was surprised at his sudden interest in saving money but was supportive nonetheless.

Sable and his mom arrived at the bank during the morning, and they approached the teller to inquire about opening a savings account.

Teller: Good afternoon, how may I assist you today?

Sable: Hi, we're interested in opening a savings account. Can you please tell us what we need to prepare?

Teller: Certainly, sir. Do you have a valid ID?

Sable's Mom: He's still a student, but he has a school ID. Can we use that?

Teller: Let me check. (The teller typed something on the computer.) Yes, a student ID can be used as a valid ID, but we would need an additional document to verify your address, such as a utility bill or a barangay clearance.

Sable: What if we don't have those documents?

Teller: You can also use a certification from your school that you are a student and that your address is the same as what's on your ID.

Sable's Mom: Okay, we have already prepared those documents. How much is the initial deposit?

Teller: The minimum initial deposit for a savings account is 500 pesos

Sable's Mother: Here are our IDs, and also my son's student ID.

Bank Teller: Great, thank you. And how much would you like to deposit as initial deposit?

Sable: We have 500 pesos here as an initial deposit.

Bank Teller: Alright, that's enough to open a savings account. I just need you to fill out these forms and sign them.

Sable and his mother quickly filled out the forms and handed them back to the bank teller. The bank teller processed the documents and after a few minutes, handed them their new passbook.

They went to the bank, and with the help of his mother's identification documents, Sable was able to open a joint savings account in his name.

As they were leaving the bank, Sable couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had taken the first step towards securing his future and potentially changing his family's financial situation. However, he couldn't shake off the thought that he was living in the past, and the life he had in the future was now just a memory.

Sable and his mom walked along the busy streets of Quiapo, the heart of Manila, after they had finished opening the bank account. As they made their way towards the church, Sable couldn't help but take in all the sights and sounds around him. It had been a decade since he had last walked around this part of Manila, and he was amazed by how it was still the same as his memory since it was around this time period when he stopped going to church with his mom and with me blaming God when he didn't answer my praying and pleading, for my father. I never returned again till I died at age 29. I was an idiot at that time, I shouldn't have blamed God and it was one of my greatest regrets as a self-professing Christian.

The church was already crowded with people attending the Sunday mass, and the sounds of the choir could be heard from outside. Sable and his mom made their way inside, and they found a spot at the back of the church. Sable looked around and noticed how the church was packed with people from all walks of life, from the poor to the rich.

As they settled in their seats, Sable's mom whispered to him, "You know, son, when I was your age, I used to come to this church every Sunday with my mother."

Sable listened intently as his mom continued, "Your Lola used to say that no matter how hard life may be, we should never forget to thank God for everything that we have."

Sable nodded, taking in his mother's words. It was then that he noticed a man walking towards them, holding a box of candles. The man offered them a candle and said, "Light a candle and make a wish, young man. It might just come true." Yes, it already did and its only the beginning, he said in his mind.

Sable took the candle and lit it, closing his eyes as he made a wish. He wished for a better life for him and his family, and for the chance to make a difference in the world.

After the mass, Sable and his mom made their way to the candle room, where they placed their lit candles among the many others. Sable couldn't help but feel a sense of peace as he looked at the flickering candles, and he knew that everything was going to be alright.

As they left the church, Sable's mom turned to him and said, "I'm proud of you, son. You're becoming a responsible young man, and I know that you'll make the most out of your life."

Sable smiled at his mother, feeling grateful for her love and support. He knew that he had been given a second chance, and he was determined to make the most out of it.

Sable and his mom walked out of the church of Quiapo and headed to the nearby Jollibee branch. Sable was feeling nostalgic as he hasn't done this in a long time. He missed the simple pleasure of eating fast food with his mother.

As they waited for their orders, Sable's mom asked him how he was doing in school. Sable, still feeling overwhelmed with everything that has happened, didn't know how to respond. He looked around the restaurant, noticing how it looked exactly the same as he remembered.

"I'm doing okay, Ma," Sable finally replied. "Just trying to keep up with the schoolwork and all."

Sable's mom nodded, "That's good to hear. Just remember to take care of yourself, okay?"

Sable smiled, "I will, Ma. Don't worry."

Their food arrived, and they started eating. Sable savoured every bite, enjoying the taste of the fried chicken and the sweet spaghetti.

As they finished their meal, Sable's mom looked at him with a smile, "It's good to have you back, anak. I missed doing things like this with you."

Sable felt a lump in his throat as he looked at his mother. He knew he couldn't tell her everything that has happened, but he was grateful for this chance to be with her again.

"I missed this too, Ma," Sable said, holding back his tears. "I missed you."

As the days passed, Sable found himself spending more time in Navotas. He visited his old neighbourhood and met up with his high school friends. They talked about the things that happened the last year which was 2nd year of high school about their crushes and what they did during this summer vacation and just catching up on each other's lives. This was also the last time that I will be with them since this was the time period when me and my mom will be moving out to a different city and this time there will be no difference, just the circumstances.

Sable also spent time at the basketball court where he used to play. The court was still the same, with the same rusty hoops and the same uneven pavement. But to Sable, it was like stepping back in time. He played with his friends just like they used to, and for a moment, he forgot that he was a man from the future.

Sometimes, Sable would go to the internet cafes and surf the web and play games. He felt a sense of nostalgia as he looked at the old websites and the social media platforms "friendster" & "my space" that he used to frequent. He checked his old accounts and found that they were still active specially my old playlist, Haha how nostalgic.

As the day passed by, Sable felt a sense of nostalgia and longing for his past life. He realized that even though he had the chance to change his future, he missed the simple things that made him happy back then. But he knew that he couldn't let this chance slip away, and he had to do everything in his power to secure his future.

As the day of the lotto draw approached, Sable felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had already checked and memorized the winning numbers for this date, and he had a feeling that he would be able to get the winning combination.

On April 29, 2007

Sable walked towards the nearest lotto outlet with his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that this could be the ticket to their financial freedom, and he didn't want to mess it up.

"Good afternoon sir, what can I do for you?" the lotto attendant asked.

"I'd like to buy a lotto ticket, please," Sable replied, handing over the 20 pesos for the ticket.

"Sure thing, sir. Which draw would you like to join?" the attendant asked.

"The April 29 6/49 lotto draw, please," Sable said, trying to mask his excitement.

He filled out the form and handed it to the clerk,

"Alright, here's your ticket. Good luck!" the attendant handed Sable the ticket and he left the outlet, holding the small piece of paper in his hand he is Feeling a sense of hope and anticipation.

As he walked back home, he imagined what it would be like to win the jackpot. He could help his mother buy their own home and even invest in his future.

Sable decided to keep the ticket to himself and not tell anyone, not even his mother. He will only tell her after he already won.