
TBATE - Strongest Magic Swordsman

Rose Kazaku found himself in the body of a kid who died in a town extermination mission. Picking up the shackles the kids destiny held, he pulled himself up with extreme ease. For 6 years he trained in secret, amassing power to rival that of Gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING!!!! OP MC! IF YOU DON'T LIKE INSTANTLY OP MC'S PLEASE DO NOT READ!

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Arrival On Xyrus

My journey back to one of the nearby towns with a teleportation gate to Xyrus was rather quick. Walking a normal pace did it better than I expected. I never liked expending a lot of energy. The town I arrived at was one that I was familiar with.

Actually, it's the same one I arrived in when I first started my journey through the beast glades. I never really completed huge dungeon excursions and what not, but I did explore them. Clearing C-Rank and B-Rank dungeons by myself was just another day for me.

Blackbend city was a city known for it's high crime rate and underground criminal systems. These criminals are so skilled in what they do, even with the guards stationed here to act upon broken laws, they still can't be caught.

Usually when they get a lead on one of these groups, even if they capture one they can't charge them for anything since there's never any evidence that states that they were apart of it. I can only imagine just how much wealth these underground criminal Yakuza wannabe's have generated.

The city was rather... Normal to say the least. As I entered, I was greeted by the stationed guard at the exit of the city. There was the occasional noble carriage that were being hauled by the horses that nobles would have in reserve.

As I walked through the town, ignoring the vibrant, greedy and lustful stares of men and women alike, I kept a level head making my way towards the teleportation gate. Getting closer, I pulled out a miniature bag of gold coins as payment.

Another reason as to why I'm heading to Xyrus is so I can get my adventuring license. Getting one of those would be really beneficial for me financially since adventurers can use Teleportation gates for free.

"The toll for the teleportation gate is fifteen gold coins. If you are an adventurer, show us your guild card and we'll authenticate it for you." The guards stopped me just at the entrance. Stating the usual textbook command, they stepped in front of me with their weapons crossing over each other in the form of an X.

"No need for the card. I'll pay." Counting out the amount owed, I handed it over and watched as they recounted making sure I didn't try and punk them. Nodding towards each other, they took a step to the side. Removing themselves from my path.

"Have a good day then sir!" One of them saluted, motioning me forward. Once I was past they quickly barricaded the gate again for the people that gathered behind me, looking to enter the floating city of Xyrus as well.

As I stepped into the gate, similar commands to what I was told were reiterated.

Sighing, I let the feeling of vertigo take over and I closed my eyes. I don't need to do such things but it does help smooth the awkward feelings that swell within one's chest and gut, over.

With a loud SWOOSH, I arrived at the grand city of Xyrus. The Mystical floating City.



As Rose appeared out of the teleportation gate, the wind swept up. Causing his rather revealing jacket to flutter in the wind along with his crimson blood red hair. His eyes squinted a bit due to the sudden increase in wind but it quickly settled.

Beginning his journey throughout the city, he had to ignore the same stares he usually receives from the general public as he thought about his next moves.

He first wanted to find a place to settle down for a little. Rest is important and even if his physical condition didn't call for it, that didn't mean he wouldn't mind a little down time.

The pristine and glamourous vibe of the town was a nice change of pace from the constant life-threatening situations and harsh mental and physical training he put himself through. The shops this town offered varied greatly and that was something he secretly appreciated as this would make buying what he needed easier.

Though, he'll be almost completely ran dry of money by then. That's why he want's to become an adventurer so he has a certified and legal way to make a lot of money. Enough money that he wouldn't have to work for a while.

The means he had to go through over the past couple years were anything but legal. Illegally selling mana-beasts parts and cores were a daily occurrence. It's part of the reason why he knows so much about Blackbends criminal system.

Passing the multitude of stores that would be rather difficult to find, Rose made sure to mentally imprint them all into his memory. Knowing where everything was ranging from, restaurants, magic shops, armories, and even beast core shops would be pretty helpful going forward.

Each shop varied in height. Some looked to be about three stories tall while others were two times less than that. Some were hundreds of feet long while others were double, maybe even triple that. It's safe to say that Xyrus was way more interesting than Blackbend in the density department, but activity wise?

It's debatable.

Rose took in the sight of the refined and luxuriously dressed adults and children alike, thinking that he might look like a barbarian with the way he's dressed up now. But he didn't really mind. If anything, he's comfortable and he wont change.

He glanced up, the sky being bathed in a purplish pink hue as orange canvased the rest. It was getting late, and he knew he needed a place to stay for the night. Which is why he's currently standing in front of Xyrus Inn. The only Inn available in this town.

Chapter 2!

The quality was a lot worse, I apologize.

I hope you guys enjoyed regardless and I will try and put out another chapter today, hopefully a lot better than these past 2.

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