
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Derivasi dari karya
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59 Chs

Mana Core


As I delved deeper into the realms of magical knowledge, my focus shifted to a particular text titled "Beginner's Guide for the Privileged Mage."

The guide shed light on a fascinating aspect of mana manipulation—its hereditary nature. Surprisingly, not all children born to magi possessed the innate ability to sense mana. According to recent census data, approximately 1 in 100 children exhibited this capability, though the full extent could only be determined once their mana core reached complete development. This pivotal stage could occur anywhere between early adolescence and late teenage years. The awakening of a mage's abilities became evident through the initial repulsion of the surrounding mana, signifying the manifestation of their mana core. During this awakening, a translucent barrier formed around the individual, lasting for a brief period of a few minutes.

My exploration of the world also uncovered valuable insights. The continent in which we resided bore the name Dicathen and comprised four prominent regions: the human kingdom of Sapin to the west, the elven kingdom of Elenoir to the north, the dwarven kingdom of Darv to the south, and the untamed Beast Glades to the east, where monsters roamed freely, and dungeons lay hidden. The potency of a mage's mana core was categorized through a spectrum of purification colors, ranging from black, red, orange, and yellow, to the esteemed silver and white cores. Currently, the most formidable mages boasted silver cores.

Another intriguing aspect of this magical world was the existence of elemental forces. Four fundamental elements—earth, wind, fire, and water—formed the building blocks of magic. These elements, in turn, gave rise to deviants or advanced variations. Water gave birth to the ice deviant, wind to the sound deviant, earth to the gravity deviant, and fire to the lightning deviant. Moreover, the combination of water and earth magic yielded the plant deviant, while earth and fire combined to create the magma deviant. Additionally, earth possessed the metal deviant. Elves showcased proficiency in water, earth, wind, plant, and sound magic, while humans excelled in all four fundamental elements, as well as the four basic deviants. Dwarves specialized in earth and fire magic, with expertise extending to the magma, metal, and gravity deviants.

The pursuit of elemental specialization commenced once a mage attained the orange core level. Furthermore, humans possessed a unique breed of magician known as emitters, endowed with the rare ability to heal. Notably, my mother happened to be an emitter, making her exceptional in her own right. Meanwhile, elves boasted diviners among their ranks, granting them the gift of foresight. The relationship between Elenoir and Sapin remained tenuous, largely due to the abhorrent practice of slave trading. Elves, renowned for their ethereal beauty, were often enslaved and sold to depraved nobles in Sapin. Additionally, I stumbled upon accounts of a significant war that had unfolded several decades ago. Darv, a nation driven by commerce, capitalized on the unparalleled skill of dwarves as master blacksmiths and weapon crafters.

Central to the practice of magic in this world was the mana core. Two predominant types of magicians emerged—the augmenters and the conjurers. Conjurers exemplified the archetypal mages, specializing in casting long-range and mid-range spells. Augmenters, on the other hand, employed mana to fortify themselves and excelled in close-quarters combat. Naturally, I felt a strong inclination towards becoming an augmenter. However, thoughts of conjurers inadvertently stirred memories of Cordelia within me. What was she doing at this very moment? Dreams of our shared adventures in Pleiades flooded my sleep, accompanied by harrowing nightmares of our untimely demise at the hands of the Overlords. In my slumber, I clenched my jaw tightly, vowing to find a way back home and dismantle the schemes of those malevolent beings.

The process of developing a mana core, as I discovered, involved concentrating mana at a specific point within the body. This natural occurrence varied in timing, dependent on one's race and inherent talent. Elves and dwarves, with their heightened affinity for magic, typically experienced awakening around the tender age of 10. Humans, on the other hand, reached this milestone around the age of 12 on average. However, through the practice of meditation, it was feasible to expedite the concentration of mana at a designated point. By engaging in focused meditation, one could enhance the attraction of mana and guide its flow towards the intended destination. With this newfound understanding, I began incorporating meditation into my daily routine, seeking to establish my mana core. To my delight, my brother followed suit, intrigued by the potential within himself.

The journey into the realm of magic and its intricacies was an exhilarating one. The "Beginner's Guide for the Privileged Mage" acted as my compass, unveiling the mysteries of mana manipulation, elemental forces, and the diverse roles within the magical community. I absorbed these teachings with fervor, determined to unravel the secrets of this world and harness my newfound abilities to their fullest potential.

As my journey of exploration and self-discovery unfolded, it became evident that my progress outpaced that of my brother, Arthur. The disparity in our growth was apparent, with my mana core on the brink of awakening while Arthur's remained dormant. Recognizing the potential implications of this, I devised a different approach. Instead of solely focusing on awakening my mana core, I decided to invest additional time in fortifying my physical body by infusing it with mana.

This undertaking proved to be a grueling endeavor, as the human body is not inherently adept at conducting mana. However, I persevered, determined to push the boundaries and strengthen my muscles and ligaments through the infusion of mana. Over the years, this dedicated practice yielded tangible results, gradually transforming my physique into a vessel capable of harnessing and channeling the mystical energy.

While I devoted considerable effort to my physical development, I remained mindful of Arthur's progress. I maintained a balanced routine, ensuring that my meditation and mana reinforcement aligned with his pace. It was essential that we both awakened our mana cores simultaneously, fostering a sense of equality and unity between us.

After years of disciplined meditation and intense mana infusion, the momentous day arrived when my mana core stood on the precipice of awakening. Arthur and I reached the culmination of our shared journey, eagerly anticipating the transformative moment that awaited us. With bated breath, we prepared for the final step, poised on the threshold of an extraordinary revelation.

And then, it happened.



It fills my heart with joy to witness the remarkable growth of my beloved boys. From their first attempts at crawling, which brought an immediate sense of pride, to the realization that they require constant vigilance, their mischievous nature reminds me of their father. If I let my guard down for even a moment, they seem to embark on all sorts of adventures! It seems they are destined to be as spirited as their dear papa.

Arthur possesses a charm that captivates hearts effortlessly. His azure eyes sparkle with intelligence, complemented by his auburn hair, making him undeniably adorable. Yet, Jude surpasses even his brother, with eyes resembling glistening emeralds and the darkest, most lustrous hair I have ever seen against his fair complexion. I cannot help but believe that he will grow into one of the most handsome young men of his time.

Though my love for them knows no bounds, both boys emit a peculiar aura. Arthur exudes an air of natural authority, as if he were a little king in the making. It only intensifies my desire to shower him with affection. Jude, on the other hand, possesses an even more extraordinary aura. How shall I describe it? It is as if he possesses the presence surpassing that of a king, transcending the ordinary. At times, when he slumbers peacefully, his aura seems to radiate a divine essence. Ah, but surely, my imagination is playing tricks on me.

In just 23 days, we will celebrate their eagerly anticipated third birthday, an occasion deserving of grand festivities. I am determined to spare no effort in making it a day they will cherish forever.

I cannot help but chuckle at their mischievous nature, stealthily venturing into the library to peruse books on mana. Their fascination deepens when they observe their father's tireless training in the backyard. Curiosity glimmers in their eyes, mirroring their thirst for knowledge and adventure. As I stepped outside to check on Rey, who had been honing his skills for hours, I approached him with a plate of fresh fruits in hand.

And then, unexpectedly...



My love for both my sons knows no bounds. They are not only incredibly adorable but also possess an undeniable handsomeness, undoubtedly inheriting their good looks from me. I can still recall the sight of my beautiful wife facepalming in amusement at their insatiable curiosity.

Those two little rascals would often vanish from sight, their mischievous nature leading them on grand adventures. As their father, I am eagerly anticipating the day when I can train them, should they awaken as augmenters. Alice, my dear wife, has scolded me countless times, reminding me that it is unrealistic to expect such young children to awaken their mana cores. After all, the average human awakens at the age of 12, and even the most gifted elves rarely awaken before the age of 8.

Having been an ex-adventurer myself, boasting a light red core, I hold aspirations of training my sons and guiding them towards achieving the orange core, and perhaps even reaching the illustrious yellow core in the future. Over the years, my focus has shifted from purifying my core to developing advanced techniques. It has become a personal challenge to overcome my stagnant core level.

Gasping for breath, I collapsed onto the ground, my stamina waning compared to my younger self. It was then that I noticed my beloved wife emerging from the house, a basket gently swaying from her left arm. A tired but affectionate smile found its way to my face as I struggled to regain composure. Alice began speaking, her voice drowned out by the sound of her footsteps, and she handed me an apple...


Instinctively, I swatted the basket out of her arm and pulled her close, spinning around to shield her from any potential harm. Aware of my limitations as a non-conjurer, I positioned myself to cover as much of her body as possible. Debris from the explosion crashed against my back with force, but I remained resolute in my determination to protect her.

As the explosion subsided, I released my embrace and asked with concern, "Are you alright?" She nodded, but her next words sent a jolt through my entire being. "Oh no, the kids!" Her desperate cry instantly triggered my instincts, propelling me forward toward our now ravaged home. I sprinted without hesitation, racing towards what appeared to be the epicenter of the blast. The word "impossible" escaped my lips, barely audible amidst the chaos that unfolded before me.