
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

Twin Horns


A surge of indescribable euphoria coursed through every fiber of my being, surpassing all expectations of what my awakening would entail. Closing my eyes, I basked in the newfound sensation, fully embracing the immense power pulsating within my mana core. Oh, the possibilities that lay ahead!

Suddenly, the sound of our mother's frantic voice shattered the serene moment. She rushed toward us, concern etched across her face, while our father remained kneeling on the ground. Curiosity piqued, I wondered if he had done something to warrant my mother's stern approach. Little did I know the true nature of their exchange.

With a mix of relief and overwhelming affection, our mother scooped both Arthur and me into her arms, squeezing us tightly. Despite the strength of my awakened mana core, the rest of my body remained that of an infant, struggling to breathe under the weight of her embrace. Jude managed to muster a whimper amidst the tight squeeze, inquiring, "What happened, Mom?"

Unanswered, our mother clung to us even tighter, a display of affection that seemed beyond human limits. Sensing the need to intervene, our father rose from the ground, gently patting our mother's shoulder. "Honey, they're both okay for now, but they'll suffocate if you continue like this," he remarked with a cheeky grin.

Gradually, our mother's grip loosened, allowing us to draw breath once more. "Mom, what hap..." I began to ask, but Jude interrupted by tapping my shoulder, directing my attention to our surroundings. I turned, my eyes widening as I took in the scene before us. Our house, our once cherished abode, lay in ruins.

"Dad, what caused this?" I inquired, seeking answers amidst the chaos. Leaning closer, our father explained, "The awakening of your mana cores triggered a surge of violent mana in the surroundings, resulting in the explosion. However, I've never witnessed such a powerful blast upon awakening, especially at such a young age."

"We're geniuses," Jude declared, crossing his tiny arms with a sense of pride. I mirrored his gesture, nodding in agreement. The sight of our conviction brought laughter from both our parents. "Indeed, my little prodigies," our father chimed in. "Now, we shall truly discover your talents through rigorous training."

His devious smile sent a shiver down my spine, a mixture of excitement and trepidation filling my heart. Little did I know that our journey had only just begun, and the road ahead would test our limits, shape our destinies, and reveal the true extent of our extraordinary gifts.


It was truly a revelation to experience the exhilarating sensation of mana flowing through my being. Cordelia's prowess and unwavering confidence in wielding such power suddenly made perfect sense. Though the amount of mana I possessed at that moment seemed minuscule in comparison, it marked the beginning of my journey towards reclaiming my status as the most formidable swordsman.

And so, our training under our father's watchful eye commenced.

To describe our training as "hellish" would be an overstatement, considering the grueling trials I had endured in my previous life. At the tender age of three, our training primarily revolved around foundational combat techniques and the purification of mana to advance our core levels.

Remarkably, within a year of our awakening, our diligent efforts paid off, propelling us to attain the solid red core level.

Not only that, my core soon broke through to the light red stage, surpassing Arthur's and matching my father's.

On our fourth birthday, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on my parents' conversation. Their discussion about our evident talent filled me with excitement and anticipation.

"I must admit, Alice, these two have surpassed my abilities as a teacher," my father exclaimed. "Their mastery of mana purification and combat techniques is remarkably advanced. I believe it's time to find them a proper tutor, someone with an orange or even a yellow core."

My mother's voice rose in concern, "Rey, they're only four years old! Are you suggesting we find them a tutor at such a young age? And where would we even find one in this rural area?"

Attempting to reassure her, my father continued, "I understand their age, but their talent is undeniable. How about we travel to Xyrus City? I have an old friend there who could help us find a suitable home and a skilled tutor."

After further deliberation and arguments, my mother finally agreed with my father's proposal.

Suddenly, Arthur appeared from behind them, pretending to wake up from his slumber. "Why are you two arguing so loudly at night, Mommy and Daddy?" he questioned, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I had sensed his presence all along, waiting for the opportune moment to intervene. My mother scooped him up, saying, "I'll tell you tomorrow, now go back to sleep!" With that, I swiftly retreated to my room, feigning sleep as my mother and Arthur joined me.

The following morning, Arthur posed the same questions to our parents, eager for answers.

Smiling, my mother replied, "Well, both of you have shown remarkable progress, so we've decided to go to Xyrus City and find you a tutor!"

As they continued their conversation, my father added, "Xyrus City is quite far away, approximately a three-week journey by carriage. I've reached out to some old friends who will be arriving tomorrow to escort us."

I couldn't contain my excitement and anticipation throughout the sleepless night. I had read about Xyrus City, the magnificent floating city crafted by ancient mages of immense power. A floating city—it seemed inconceivable, even for someone like me. Cordelia and I had discussed the possibility of such a marvel, and she had mentioned the challenges posed by the "nature of mana."

Nevertheless, her creation of a floating castle proved that it was indeed achievable. Still, my excitement soared. I was equally thrilled about meeting my father's old friends. Being adventurers, I knew they would be formidable individuals. Perhaps, I could even engage in a battle with one of them and push myself to the limit. The exhilaration kept me awake all night, a minor inconvenience compared to my previous godly state.

I groggily roused from my slumber upon hearing my mother's voice calling out to us. Stepping outside, I was greeted by the sight of two males and three females donned in sturdy armor, armed and ready. Two of them appeared to be conjurers, their attire lighter and equipped with wands and staffs in lieu of conventional weapons. Dad embraced his former comrades before introducing them to us, his voice brimming with pride, "Gentlemen, these are my two sons, Arthur Leywin and Jude Leywin."

In unison, we bowed respectfully before proceeding to shake their hands. One of the men chuckled and remarked, "They certainly don't resemble you, Rey," eliciting laughter from the rest of the group. Dad cleared his throat, signaling the commencement of introductions.

Helen Shard: A formidable female augmenter, specializing in magic archery.

Adam Krensh: A skilled male augmenter, renowned for his mastery of spear arts.

Jasmine Flamesworth: A talented female augmenter, excelling in the art of dagger combat.

Angela Rose: A skilled female conjurer, harnessing the power of wind magic.

Durden Walker: A proficient male conjurer, exhibiting expertise in manipulating the forces of earth.

"Aw, aren't these two just adorable? Consider yourself lucky, Reynolds, they definitely take after their mother," the woman exclaimed with a mischievous grin, her ample bosom threatening to engulf me entirely. Extracting myself from what felt like the clutches of a memory foam deathtrap, I focused on the woman who was attempting to smother me. Undeniably beautiful, although not quite on par with my mother, she exuded an air of regal elegance with her flowing blond locks that curled at the ends and captivating emerald eyes that held a hint of weariness.

Just as my oxygen supply was on the verge of depletion and my face was in imminent danger of being lost forever, a pair of strong hands intervened, snatching me by the knapsack strapped to my back and liberating me from the well-endowed woman's grasp.

"Angela, you're hurting the poor boy," a deep voice grunted.

Suspended in mid-air like a helpless kitten lifted by the scruff of its neck, I found myself unable to move.

I gazed up at the towering figure.

Standing well over two meters tall, a staff strapped to his back, the giant carefully lowered me back down to solid ground and proceeded to straighten my rumpled attire with utmost gentleness.

Such tenderness.

His eyes were narrow, his eyebrows sloping downward, giving him an almost innocent countenance that contrasted with his colossal frame. His short, untamed black hair added to his rugged appearance, completing the image of a lovable bear.

Brushing off the dust from my clothes, I turned my attention to the woman who seemed slightly younger than the others. Her straight black hair was partially tied back with a ribbon, accentuating her piercing red eyes and curtly set lips, which bestowed upon her a no-nonsense demeanor.

She gave a subtle nod before averting her gaze.

A reserved woman.

And so, our journey commenced.