

"I see, then you must be a hard worker. I'm sure you are talented and educated enough to be picked up by them."

'I don't think she is taunting me but why does it sound weird in my ears,' Catherine thought as she sweated.

"I hope so," she replied politely without taking Vincent's mother's tone negatively. "There are other talented children in the temple who are getting jobs in the Ministry." 

Vincent's mother didn't let her thoughts show on her face. "Working for the Ministry must be nice. Do you plan to continue working there after marriage?"

The temperature of the room suddenly dropped to a few degrees. The atmosphere completely changed.

Catherine's voice softened, "That's actually my plan…"

Vincent's mother cut her off saying, "Is that so? How are you going to take care of both your family and Ministry duty?"

"Mother…" Vincent started.

"Let her answer, son." His mother sternly intervened.