

  "I will talk about my condition later. Let me focus on finding a cure for Cathy."


"But… I already found the cure."


Veronica, Ovior and Ironin turned to look at her. In the next second, Veronica jumped to her feet.


"Cure? What cure? Where did you find it?" she asked. Her heart was thumping loudly.


"I was also reading a few scrolls," Urulas explained. He showed a scroll that was in his hand. "I found in this scroll that we have to take the dead body to Nellas Inglorion, the immortal lake and the body has to be covered in the Isilwen Tinúviel plant."


Veronica snatched the scroll and read what was written there. It was the exact same as what Urulas mentioned.


Ovior came over and read it too.


"What is Isilwen Tinúviel plant? What can it do?" he asked.