
Tanalya Greenewod: World 10

A Writer's Series.

Hearths · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


Classes couldn't have been more boring to her, but with the excitement of her new life she was able to manage and stay vibrant through the stressful 10 hours of learning. She walked out of her school with piles of homework in her bag, a vibrant smile on her face and amazing enthusiasm. She was, as a matter of fact, completely famished as she had nothing but an energy bar all day. The pang of hunger that overshadowed her sometimes made her body want to give up and she thought she would faint, but she was able to keep herself up and going. As she heard her tummy rumble, she knew it was better she find something decent she could eat. She looked around and smiled when she saw a huge burger place. It was called Santos Patties and she had only been in the place once. She couldn't recall properly, but she was sure the burgers they sold were both divine and cheap. With her mother, she had only proper meals that helped her keep fit. They were never filling; her mother had insisted being filled wasn't appropriate. She smiled even wider. This was the one rule she was willing to break. She would have pizza and burgers like every other normal human being on the planet. She crossed the road a hand over her tummy. She immediately went to the counter and waited in the little line that was building up. She could smell the thick smell of sizzling meat and wonderful buns and she felt all the more hungry. She could barely wait her turn, and when it was her turn she looked at the open menu and was upset she could not afford using so much money to get a large sized burger and decided she would treat herself when she had a secured job. She smiled at the employee behind the counter and ordered a medium sized burger instead. The employee told her the pay and she paid, got the burger and sat to eat.

She literally scoffed down her burger and when she was done with it, she felt a bit more satisfied. She let out a contented sigh and let out a tiny burp before giggling. She was about to stand when she saw a lady slip into the seat in front of her.

The lady was quite pretty with shiny gold curls and bright blue eyes. Her lips were painted red with lipstick and her face was glossy and bright. She looked like a model taken out of the TV and placed right in front of Tanalya. She opened her perfect mouth and spoke in a thick French accent:

"Nice to meet you stranger," Tanalya raised a brow at the lady.

"Are you talking to me?" Tanalya found herself asking politely, but the woman didn't seem to take it that way. The lady's face scrunched up in disgust and her eyes narrowed and she eyed Tanalya openly.

"It seems you don't know who I am, well, I am not surprised with your countenance and all..." Tanalya was offended but she hid it behind a tight smile, "I am Madame Chloe Debovere, the famous model and manager of HORBAiN Corps West. I am here to give you an opportunity that could change your life for the best. Especially before you begin to ruin that perfect figure," Chloe Debovere's eyes shot down to the packaging of the burger and back to Tanalya's face before she gave her a tight smile. Debovere then slipped a hand into the pearly BATEL bag she held and took out a shiny silver card and placed on the table in front of Tanalya, "My contacts are written on this card. Call me if you ever want to take up the modeling job," Once again, Debovere eyed her and Tanalya felt like murdering the model, "I advise you to be quick on taking this offer before it is snatched away or before you won't be... suitable for the job anymore," Debovere stood, "Your name?" Tanalya didn't want the proud filled woman knowing her name and so she did the sensible thing.

"Refer to me as TG... for now." Tanalya had spoken and the woman didn't insist on bickering. She simply nodded, turned and sashayed out of the restaurant. Tanalya didn't move for a minute before she got herself and looked at the card.

It was an honestly tempting offer, but she knew what modeling meant - no more junk food, a controlled life and monitored one as well. She didn't want to be famous. She wanted to eat junk food, she didn't want creepy men texting her or googling her. She wanted a peaceful content life where she controlled her own actions. But still she slipped the woman's card in her wallet. In case, she thought, it didn't hurt to have it as an option.

She stood and, thinking over things that had just occurred, left the sweet smelling restaurant. Her eyes immediately caught sight of the shiny poster pasted on the building she was leaving. She grabbed it and scanned through it. As she finished reading it a smile appeared on her face. This was exactly what she was looking for. She looked at the restaurant and giggled. Folding the poster neatly, she slipped it into her pocket and let out a contented sigh.

Things were turning good. She was happy.