
Tanalya Greenewod: World 10

A Writer's Series.

Hearths · Fantasy
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19 Chs


The sun illuminated the tiny apartment, first in little rays, and then it opened out until not a dark spot was in sight. Inside this tiny apartment was the frail, short and blonde sleeping figure. She stirred on feeling the sudden warmth of the sun after the freezing night she had managed to sleep through, and after moaning and murmuring in annoyance, her beautiful sea green eyes fluttered open.

The trace of annoyance was visible on her pale face. It was obvious she loved her sleep, but with the life she had lived through, the sun was like her alarm clock. She sat up and yawned, looking out the window. She knew it was roughly seven in the morning, and she knew in a few minutes she would have to set out for school and then after it will be nonstop job hunting and then her night job. Her schedule was practically the same.

A sudden wave of adrenaline washed through her as she realized the fact of the night before. She laughed. She had actually done it! She had actually found the courage to run away from home. She had no reason to go back. Her school fees were already covered in advance. She could go to school and not worry about a thing; after all, she only had two more years left before she is an official grandaunt of GerNiC Bond. She would be an official journalist and life would go well for her- or at least that was what she wanted. She pressed her cherry red lips in a grim line and felt tears find its way to her eyes. Even in her dreadful state, she found herself missing her mother. She had never known her dad, and her mother was all she had. Or had had... She was determined that no matter how hard life got she would not go back. She had ditched her car, the warm morning breakfast, the luxury for an independent life she actually needed. Going back was the last thing she wanted to do, and she wouldn't do it until she had that as a last option- and she surely didn't want herself in that position ever. Anyone who knew her well would understand why she had resulted to that.

 She found her way to the bathroom and took a short shower before breezing out and into her hoody and jeans. She slipped into her vans and grabbed her bag. She opened the bag where she had all her notes and looked at her time table, dumping books in her school bag. She came very prepared. Her stomach suddenly roared. Maybe not completely prepared, she thought. She grabbed her key before shoving her wallet in her bag. She came out of the apartment and locked the brown wooden door before rushing out of the apartment block.

This was the start of her new crazy lifestyle.

This was the new crazy lifestyle of Tanalya Greenewod.