
Taming the True Fire (HP)

[OC Harry Potter fanfiction/Marauders era] Catherine McMahon is not your ordinary witch. She keeps a dark secret about her very existence, from which she tries to escape in the friendships and love she finds at Hogwarts. Exploring her heritage and growing powers, Catherine is faced with choices which could destroy her family, friends and her soul. [R18+] This is not a happy and easy to read story. There are a lot of dark, and possibly triggering, themes and topics throughout the story. In later chapters there is explicit sexual content, dominance and submission, and related alternative sexual practices. Also, most of the characters, including the OC, are very far from good, perfect people. There's a lot of emotional pain involved. I change the lore significantly, where I needed for the sake of the story I'm trying to tell, but besides that I try to stay true to the HP universe as we know it. This includes the books but also other sources such as games, the FB series, etc. You can see my visual idea of the characters, items and events from the fanfiction on https://pin.it/5CqE3zjkx All images are generated via AI.

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154 Chs

Chapter 49: Tough Love (4)

Marquis Carsilion Egbert took a large sip of brandy, sighing audibly. He closed his eyes, attempting to relax all his muscles. This simple technique was taught to the Guardians as a basic exercise for calming their nerves before a mission. Unfortunately, it didn't do much for the DADA teacher. In his mind the events of the day were playing on repeat over and over again. 

He couldn't believe he lost it like that. It was all a big misunderstanding. He saw the flames and reacted instinctively but for a moment there he was afraid it was true fire, and he was doomed. By the time he had realised it was a simple, although powerful Fire-Making spell, he had already lashed out on Catherine and apparently pushed her too far. He was really surprised by the hurt in her voice. Sarcasm and anger, he could handle easily; they were natural reactions. But the pain in the girl's voice… the sorrow in her eyes, so like Louisa's eyes… this was unbearable.

'I've always known I'm terrible with children; that's why I've never wanted any of my own.' – the wizard thought gloomily. 

And yet, he had never hesitated to take the position of the DADA teacher and help Edward in any way possible to hide Catherine's existence. They've been doing it for so many years that his caution probably turned into a paranoia. Carsilion knew the chance of other aristocrats meddling in Hogwarts' business and finding out he was teaching there was very slim. Even if they did, it was doubtful whether they would have made any connections between him, Catherine Plantier, and the McMahon family. Despite that, he couldn't stop obsessing over the possibility of their cover being exposed. 

He had tried to appear brave and calm for his best friend that fateful November night twelve years ago, but the truth was that since then, the Marquis had constant nightmares about being forced to watch the execution of Edward, Louisa, and their children. 

A knock on the door interrupted Carsilion's thoughts. Without waiting for an invitation Professor McGonagall entered her colleague's office. She was wearing forest green robes, her black hair tightly drawn in a neat bun. Her flashing dark eyes and tight lips hinted that Carsilion Egbert or in this case his other alias, Carter Thorne, was in deep trouble. 

"It's good to see that you're relaxing, Carter." – she said with a metallic note in her voice – "I was a bit worried since you didn't appear at dinner." 

"Cut to the chase, Minerva," – the wizard spoke wearily – "I had a long day."

"So did I." – the witch stated, positioning herself in front of the DADA's teacher desk, hands on her hips – "Care to provide me with your version of the events that occurred during your class with my second-years today? More specifically, I'm interested in your particular disdain for one Miss Catherine Plantier."

The wizard ran his fingers through his auburn hair, quickly assessing the situation.

"Have a seat, Minerva." – he finally gestured towards one of the comfortable looking armchairs in front of his desk. 

"I prefer not to." – quickly declined the Head of Gryffindor. 

"Alright." – sighed the other teacher – "I messed up. I had quite some time to reflect on the incident and I admit I didn't use my best judgement there."

"You didn't use your best judgement? Carter, you've been purposefully edging this girl since she set her foot in the school. You know, I'm not the one to interfere with my colleagues' teaching styles, but I can't hold my tongue anymore when you're showing such obvious prejudice. Why do you dislike Miss Plantier so much?"

"I assure you that this is not the case, Minerva." – Carter Thorne shook his head – "In fact, I like Miss Plantier very much. I believe she has an incredible potential and if I am being tough with her, it is for her own good."

"How's constantly subjecting her to humiliation and expecting her to perform on much higher level compared to her peers corresponds to what you've just told me?" – asked the witch coldly. 

"I know it might sound harsh to you, but learning in stressful situations allows you to better adapt to unsafe circumstances in real life." – the wizard answered. 

"And what are these circumstances?" – the Transfiguration professor insisted to know – "I highly doubt anyone is going to attack Miss Plantier in your classroom, besides you, I mean."

"Sarcasm is not helpful in this instance. You know me well enough to be certain I'd never seriously endanger my students, let alone, Catherine." – Carter said with a stone face. 

"Do I, Carter? I thought we were very much aligned in many aspects, but I'm deeply disappointed you didn't bother to communicate your 'individual education plan' to me, especially since it concerned a student from my House."

"I appreciate your feedback, Minerva." – the DADA teacher said icily – "However, as you correctly pointed out, this issue concerns my classes and how I conduct them. If you have a problem with that concept, I advise you to consult Albus." 

"This is exactly what I'm planning to do!" – McGonagall snapped and turned towards the door.

"Minerva, wait!" – Carter stopped her – "I really wish you could see my point of view. I told you, I truly do like Catherine Plantier, to the extent that someone could accuse me of favouritism. That's why I will continue to train her to protect herself to the best of my abilities and in the way I consider most suitable for her. Exactly the way my father used to train me."

"And how did that turn out for you?" – the witch asked, before leaving the DADA professor's office and slamming the door behind her.

Carsilion slumped into his chair, burying his face in his hands. It had been years since he last thought about his father, and for a good reason. 

'If it hadn't been for Edward, I would have probably just killed myself back then.' – the Marquis thought – 'I need to figure out how to fix things with his daughter. I can't give up, her safety is of most importance.'

The sound of wings flipping came from the window. The wizard lifted his head just in time to see a handsome snowy owl that dropped a red envelope and swiftly flew away. Carsilion watched helplessly while the howler started to smoke, eventually exploding, the magically amplified angry voice of Louisa McMahon shattering the Privacy spells around his office.