
Tales of the Legendary Magus

Gold medalist of WPC#140! A magical school. A talented boy. Things should've gone perfectly, a talented magus should've been created within the walls of this school. Yet it is now, now that he is here that all these horribly dangerous events transpire. Traitors of the continent are hidden within the school. Mage supremacists are making their move. Schools will fall and cities collapse when the events begin unfolding. So what will become of this boy, wanted by both groups? Will he perish under their manipulative hands or will he rise and bring magic society to a new high? -------------- If you wish to support me you can do so by donating at www.patreon.com/belg4r perhaps then I won't have to go premium!

Belg4r · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
236 Chs

Chapter 135: Arriving At Decorus

When the time came, everyone carefully followed the professors. They went through some abandoned unused corridors before arriving at a certain wall. At this point, professor Crumb used a spell that caused an inconspicuous door to appear on this wall.

When the group went through they went through the sensation of teleportation and they suddenly found themselves in the snow above ground. A few of the students weren't used to the sensation of teleportation yet and couldn't help but puke in the snow, luckily, Villin wasn't too troubled by this anymore.

The sun was shining brightly blinding everyone in the group for a few moments before they could properly look around. 

"Alright, everyone wearing pieces of equipment come closer." one of the unknown teachers said gesturing at those who were wearing pieces of distinctive equipment.