
Tales Of The Accidental God

It was said that before the Primal God came into existence, there was a being, created from the purest form of dark energy. This being was the embodiment of chaos and destruction! This being had many names, Darkness, Evil, Destroyer, Universe Ender... to name a few. But the one widely used was the Accidental God! But after the Primal God came into existence, he created the universe and fearing for its safety, from the influence of the Accidental God, created powerful warriors known as the Sentinial Soldier. With his Sentinial army, the Primal God defeated and imprisoned the Accidental God! But that was never the case, as the Accidental God had already escaped and made his way into the universe, forever haunting it with chaos! . . . PS, the Book cover isn't mine. Found it on Pinterest.

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105 Chs

The Main Character Appears


: A wise man once said the best way to tell a story was to start it from the very end, before periodically returning to the beginning, while simultaneously showing each character's perspective. So let's do that, shall we...


: Is this like the new way of writing? I was expecting it to be a normal book... guess he's different...


: The first time I decide to do this and you guys say I'm coochie man? I have a feeling we are going to get along! Anyways if it really bothers you then sure I'll do it the old-fashioned way! (Like a father who is lax on his children... but in a good way.)

* * *

The world has experienced many changes over the millions of years since the creation of the universe. Our planet, which had won the ultimate lottery was put where it wasn't too close to the sun to have water in its vapor state, nor too far to have it in its ice state. But the most remarkable thing was that there was water! And wherever their was water, there was bound to be life.

We're so fortunate to be alive, that's the one thing most people have forgotten... Anyways, after a few hundred years of the earth emerging in our lucky number 7 galaxy, life appeared in its most primitive form.

* * *


: Don't mind me. I'm just flexing my intellect...

* * *

After millions of years of evolution, humans appeared. After another hundred thousand years, people began to evolve. They have studied complex languages, and they have also developed complex machines. Humanity was at its highest height in the year 2134, as its technological achievements greatly exceeded those of the preceding century.

At that time, however, humanity was also facing its most catastrophic era! As the technological advancements were too great, the resources and raw materials required for their production and operation were in seriously limited supply. And because of this, our home planet was in a disastrous state, as natural disasters were as common as a bad Monday!... Which is actually every monday!

But what did the major corporations do? They didn't do anything! They swept it under the rug as if nothing had happened. I mean as long as their pockets got deeper, why would they stop. But in the year 2150, tragedy struck, and our heavily depleted planet completely died!

No matter how technologically advanced humans were, reviving the dead was still impossible, while reviving a planet was infinitely more so. Threatened by the annihilation of the species itself the top scientists did the most logical thing and gazed into the stars. After a year of development, the entire population of the Earth was relocated to a close-by habitable planet known as Area 51.

Yeah, you heard me. After using up the planet's resources and killing it, they threw it away as if it hadn't been the mother that had breastfed them for millions of years. But who could have known the death of the World would be the greatest thing to have happened to the human race!

As they found many new, powerful, and more efficient resources. After a millennium, humanity had developed Area 51 to its height. But, human nature was truly an amazing thing. After the prosperous colonization of a foreign world, the scientific advances had truly reached new heights. So the space exploration program was created.

It's purpose? The discovery and colonization of any habitable world. And sure enough, that's exactly what they did! After another millennium, they had even colonized any planets that were and weren't capable of supporting life. As they created a Great Atmospheric Converter, which was essentially a super-sized magic box that would transform the atmosphere of a given planet to that of one which supports life. As humanity thought it's self invisible throughout the galaxy, a sudden pulse of Celestial energy was discharged throughout the universe. The reason? Unknown! Yet this unexpected discharge of Celestial energy was humanity's greatest blessing.

The bodies of humans absorbed the energy tempering their physique and giving them extraordinary powers. But that wasn't the end, as the world was now enshrouded in a dense layer of Celestial energy, people began absorbing this energy through focused meditation. After this discovery, people began to cultivate their bodies, and through ancient martial arts humanity had considered obsolete, they were able to use the celestial energy they had cultivated within their bodies! And by using these ancient martial arts, people went past their limitations, almost imitating the gods!

And by combining technology and cultivation, humanity reached new heights. In their galaxy, they reigned supreme. But what they didn't count on was the plants and the planets absorbing the energy, transforming it into something magical. Even regular animals that absorb the Celestial energy had evolved into magical beasts. These beasts were far more powerful than humans, with their natural attributes astronomically enhanced, they could even pose a threat to humankind.

And so the researchers captured and killed a magic beast, trying to find out their anatomy and weaknesses. But what they didn't expect to discover was a beast core. A beast core being the absolute concentrated form of Celestial energy in magical beasts. And by absorbing the beast cores they discovered that their cultivation speed increased astronomically. And with that, the strongest cultivators in the worlds went on a hunting spree, destroying any and all magic beasts. Gathering great wealth, fame, and respect. And by utilizing some body parts of the magical beasts the weaponry created was unfathomable.

A peace never before seen in history descended onto the human race. And just like that, a millennium had passed. It was 5567, and mankind had spread across the universe. But as the saying goes, "Time could corrode any and all." As the years passed, classes had emerged, from the lowly Commoners to the Aristocrats to the Sacred Nobles and eventually to the Royals. The classification system was based on the cultivation talents of the individual. As the commoners had talent comparable to trash, the royals had talent that could move the stars themselves! These classes were things that no one could avoid unless they had a certain amount of strength. And to nurture the talented and potential, Sects and martial art schools were created.

* * *


: Congrats! You made it here. This was just the history of the world you are about to dive into, so get your seatbelt on, cuz you're going for a ride of a...


: Could you please just start the damn story! Why name the first chapter "The main character arrives" if you're not going to introduce the MAIN CHARACTER!


: I did get a little carried away didn't I... okay let's officially start the story, nothing is going to distract me now.


: Okay, great.


: And I mean nothing.


: Before you start, I gotta go to the bathroom.


: You ****** ***** **** MOTHER***... Now that I think about it I have to go to the bathroom too.

* * *

In a dark ally, a skinny boy around the age of sixteen quickly ran in. His garments were in a bad state. He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts. They were dirtied to the point of being brownish-red. There were a lot of cuts on them in which you could see his frail body. His face was no better, as the dirt on his face had obscured his malnourished features, making him look like nothing but a helpless beggar. He quickly fled into the dark alley, sweat trickling down his face as he hid, catching his breath. In his hand was a loaf of bread, that had been clearly stolen.

His name was, uh... Oh, wait a minute, he didn't have a name. He was born into a family of commoners, but unfortunately, his parents had been killed by an Imperial Soldier, even before they had given him a name. He was taken in by the neighbor after the death of his parents. But he's never been treated like a human. They used the "savior" excuse to make him work day and night. He was given little to no food, explaining his skinny stature. He had never felt the affection nor comfort of a family.

He looked around alertly until a bright grin emerged on his face. With an eager look, he quickly took a bite.