
Tales Of The Accidental God

It was said that before the Primal God came into existence, there was a being, created from the purest form of dark energy. This being was the embodiment of chaos and destruction! This being had many names, Darkness, Evil, Destroyer, Universe Ender... to name a few. But the one widely used was the Accidental God! But after the Primal God came into existence, he created the universe and fearing for its safety, from the influence of the Accidental God, created powerful warriors known as the Sentinial Soldier. With his Sentinial army, the Primal God defeated and imprisoned the Accidental God! But that was never the case, as the Accidental God had already escaped and made his way into the universe, forever haunting it with chaos! . . . PS, the Book cover isn't mine. Found it on Pinterest.

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105 Chs

I Am The Primal God!

But just as the teen took his first bite, a large shadow crowded over him. As he turned around to see, he was stunned and frightened to find out it was the shop keeper he had stolen the loaf of bread from. The shop keeper was a fat man in his fifties with rugged features. He was wearing a rundown apron. While sporting a coin pouch on his waist, with a broomstick in hand. The shop keeper looked at the teen and revealed a sinister smile.

"Didn't I tell you never to steal from me again?! Kid, you are in for a real beating this time!" With that, the man waved the broomstick in his hand, striking the teen's arm.

"AHHHHH!" the teen let out a sorrowful sob. Not because of his arm, but because just as he was struck, he unintentionally dropped the loaf on the dusty, sandy ground. He glared at the shopkeeper with an everlasting hatred, and said, "You should be honored that I, the Primal God, stole from you! If it was not for that bastard, I could have destroyed this garbage of a planet with just a thought!"

Although hearing such a thing, the man revealed a ridiculing smile. But looking back to the loaf of bread on the ground, he was brought back to anger. He stomped on the bread while hitting and kicking the teen. After about five minutes, the man had eventually stopped. He stared at the teen who lied on the ground with scorned eyes and turned away walking, while saying, "I advise you not to ever steal from me again! If you do, I'll end your pitiful existence!" But hearing this, the teen, instead of being grateful was even more furious. Listening to such insolent words from his own creations... that was way too embarrassing.

"You dare defy your creator!" shouted the teen, but that only prompted the man to beat him up even more. After the man left, the teen slowly sat up straight. He had a black eye, as well as numerous bruises all over his body. But contrary to his state, he was smiling. That was because in his hands was the coin pouch that once had belonged to the shopkeeper.

He immediately got up and slowly made his way to the dense market. He went to a jewelry shop and quickly bought a bracelet made of Jade and Onyx stone, making it look really charming and expensive.

"Hey, how much is this jade bracelet?"

The shopkeeper hearing this looked at the teen, who was all beaten up, and said with a sneer, "Look brat, I don't know where you come from but you better not cause problems around here! Besides the jade bracelet is valued at 50 copper coins. Do you have 50 copper coins?" While the shopkeeper was serious at the beginning, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle once he reached the end. How could a kid living in the slums have that kind of money?

But to his surprise, the teen, instead of walking away, said, "Alright, I'll take them for 5 copper..."

The shopkeeper hearing this was furious, "Are you saying this Jade bracelet is worth 5 coppers! Listen, you little shit! If you ain't buying then scram, or else!"

But the teen was even more furious, "You dare charge the very God that created you?! And if that wasn't blasphemy on its own, you dare threaten me?! Cut down your price, or I'll cut down your entire linage!!!"

"What did you say brat!"

"You heard me, old man!"

Hearing this the shopkeeper was appalled. Where did this bastard get the balls to dare say he was the Almighty Primal God?! And what's more, he even dared to say that he was going to cut down his lineage. Did this kid have some kind of brain damage?

Seeing that the shopkeeper wasn't going to budge on the price, the teen gave up and handed over the fifty coppers. Seeing fifty coppers, the shopkeeper was stunned, 'How did this brat get so much money?'

But the line had already been crossed, and so the shopkeeper shook his head and said, "The price has changed, it is now 75 copper coins." The teen was furious, but he knew that if he continued, the price would rise. And so with a heavy heart, he parted with 75 coppers.

Although the coin pouch was packed with copper coins a moment ago, right now, there were only three copper coins left. While for a person living in the slums spending such money was extraordinary, and a little wasteful. He didn't feel that way, instead, he was filled with happiness and willingness.

After walking for an hour, he reached his destination. In front of him was a run-down, over-packed apartment block. Just as he was about to ascend, a teenager in a group cried out loudly, "Hey, isn't that the Primal God?" Hearing his words, laughter filled the air. Everyone began to whisper and laugh.

"That bastard dares to call himself the Primal God! No wonder he has a trash aptitude for cultivation, he hasn't even reached the first stage of body refinement. I bet he was cursed by the Primal God himself!"

The teen, hearing this was furious and screamed loudly, saying, "You will all feel the wrath of the Primal God!"

And after climbing up six stairs, he finally made it to the apartment. The apartment was the same as the block, run down and ready to break. The doors themselves had many cracks. After entering, the teen was met with the sight of a delicate girl meditating.

The girl had long black hair, matching her black eyes. Her skin was clear and soft. Her body developing in all the right places. If she hadn't lived in such conditions, she would have stunned an entire city with her beauty. When the girl saw the teen a soft smile, capable of melting the hearts of even the coldest men, appeared on her face and said, "Nice of you to show up."

But when she saw the state he was in, she was immediately alarmed and asked, "What happened to you?!"

The teen hearing her couldn't help but smile profoundly. Although everyone treated him as a tool, Yuno was the only one who stood by his side, treating him as an equal. She was the only one who ever showed him compassion. If she hadn't been secretly sharing her food with him in the early days of his life, he would wager that he would have died from starvation!

"It's nothing. I just ran into some bullies, that's all."

Although she didn't believe him, she didn't ask anymore and smoothly changed the subject, asking, "Have you eaten?"

The teen hearing her shyly shook his head. After that, the girl immediately stood up and decided to give him something to eat. But just before she left, the teen passed a bracelet to her. Yuno enjoyed the cool and soothing feeling of the jade bracelet on her skin and quickly turned her head, only to be surprised by what she saw.

"Wow! It's so pretty. Is it for me?"

The teen hearing this, nodded his head, and softly whispered while hugging her in his arms, "Happy Birthday, Yuno."

* * *


: What do you think? Great for a second chapter right?


: Can you please get off your ass and quickly write the third chapter?!

[I Am The Primal God]

: What is this? What are you people talking about? And who was the person constantly narrating every single thing that happened to me?


: Reply to Reader: Writing is hard. And it takes time, you can't rush art, you know!


: Shut up! We all know you do nothing but watch anime all day, so spare me the bullshit!

[I Am The Primal God]

: WTF! What are you people talking about?


: Reply to I AM THE PRIMAL GOD: Can you shut up and just take a nap or something? You are going to need the strength for the next chapter.*Chuckles mysteriously*


: *Chuckles mysteriously*

[I Am The Primal God]

: You dare tell the Primal God what to do?! If I was still in my prime, I could destroy your entire galaxy with just a fart.


: You bastard you better shu... *The author was just about to slander "I Am The Primal God" when a realization hit him*... Wait how are you talking to us?


:*Once the strange occurrence was made aware by the Author, the reader was stunned and asked in a confused tone,* How ARE you talking to us?

[I Am The Primal God]

: What do you take me for? I Am The GODDAMN Primal God!

* * *