
Tales Of 9 Zodiacs

A group of friends tying to live normally but things are much more difficult than they seem, with danger almost every where they go all due to a man named Razer who will do anything I mean anything to get their power. He even went as far as to risk his children for the sake of power. In the end they his children fall in love and refuse to help him but he did not take that lightly, so as the Zodiacs try to live normally and take care of their planets they face danger and meet the missing zodiacs who just want to live their life as if they where normal so they leave to persue their dreams (Cringy right even Scorpio thought so). Anyway enjoy and sorry if I gave you a massive spoiler (Not really sorry you just had to read this huh). I'm Aquarius by the way tell me who you are in the comment and I might add the first five of you into a chapter.

Blinger301 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Info List

Name: Aquarius. Bday 3rd February


Hair colour: sea blue.

Eye colour: white.

Gender: Female.

Name: Pisces. Bday 24th February

Age: 15.

Hair: Green.

Eye colour:brown.


Name:Aries. Bday 15th April.


Hair colour:Orange.

Eye colour:Red.


Name:Cancer. Bday 16th june


Hair colour:Yellow and Black.

Eye colour: Black and yellow.


Name:Leo. Bday 24th July

Hair colour:Golden.

Eye colour:Yellow.


Name:Virgo. Bday 4th september


Hair colour:Violet.

Eye colour:Black.


Name:Libra 1.(Taurus). Bday 4th may I don't know why they don't calculate his birthday with his Zodiac.

Age: 16.

Hair colour: White.(Gray).

Eye colour: White.(Brown).


Name:Libra 2.( Main Libra). Bday 16th october


Hair colour:white.

Eye colour:Gray.


Name:Scorpio. Bday 30th October


Hair colour:Black.

Eye colour:Purple.


Name: Valerie

Age: 16.

Hair colour:Pink.

Eye colour:Hasle. (Almond shaped).

Gender: Female.

In that place it is normal to dye hair and wear contacts to make those eyes look cool. That think that the have put in contacts.

Ok listen every time a new character comes I will put their info there. I'm too lazy for this 🥱😪.