
Chapter 5: Some Alone Time.

*Meanwhile with cancer and Scorpio.*

"Can you pass me my phone".Scorpio said pointing at the phone on the coffee table beside cancer.

"Sure....here". Cancer said as he passed the phone with a calm look, impressive I must say.


Awkward silence filled the air with the TV being the only sound in the room. Scorpio started to think if she should go to her room cause she was feeling sleepy.

A few minutes passed until cancer felt something on his shoulder, he turned to check and it was Scorpio fast asleep on his shoulder. He was thinking of taking her to her room, but he just wanted to enjoy the moment and closed his eyes as he leaned close to her and drifted of.

2 hours later the crew came back with lunch only to meet this seen and decided not to enterupt the moment. And Aquarius chose to take photos to show Scorpio later.

"Let's leave them here they will get up soon so let's leave their lunch here". Leo said smiling while placing the food on a table.

"Yeah".They all agreed then they took their food to their rooms.

Scorpio was the first to wake up and when she saw Cancer she got up immediately which made Cancer jolt awake.

When she turned to see if anyone saw she saw a note on the table saying that 'Hope you rested well take the food and warm it to eat 😉.

Now she officially had someone to kill.

Next chapter