
Vampire Hunter

Tiberian slayed the first vampire as Arasmus trembled with fear loosely holding his sword. The vampires went for his head only for Arasmus to stop them from doing so.

"Get it together," shouted Takei. Arasmus held his katana a lot tighter than he previously did. Aridien went for the head of Takei in the middle of the vampires. Only for the vampires to catch him and hold him back.

"Fool!" shouted Takei. Tiberian snared at him. Three vampires had their dark swords at the throat of Tiberian slowly poking into his throat. It was the valiant Arasmus who pounced on them with his strength and courage coming to the fore. Tiberian stood up as his cloak was blown by the wind. Tiberian with his cloak flew up in the air and attacked them. Aridien was envious of the way Tiberius had flown. He had a look of swagger on him. Aridien flew and slayed the vampires by the side of Tiberian. Aridien could not slay the vampires and only Tiberian could slay. He looked at Tiberian who smirked at him.

"Only the strong scent can kill them," said Tiberian. Takei grinned.

He at last was better than his brother at something. He ran towards the vampires and fought side by side with Tiberian. Arasmus and Aridien had to stand by and only fend off the attacks of the vampires.