

" Good or evil Hero or villian It all burns down to the power man can control." This book tells the story of Henry Blank, a human soldier sent to space to check a new planet humans on Earth named Saivas which was discovered on by a satellite. The soldier and his team reached Saivas but the whole crew was killed except for one soldier, Henry. Left stranded on a strange planet, he strives to survive in a dark world, then he luckily gained the strongest ability to ever exist. Henry protects his world and the strange world as he struggles to keep his sanity and values.

Emma08 · Seni bela diri
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Meeting the elite squad.

" Shit!" Henry mumbled under his breath as he saw that one beast saw him on the tree. Henry looked Into the beast's red eyes and he hoped that the beast wouldn't come over to him but his hope was shattered when the beast growled slowly which made the other beasts turn then looked up to Henry. Henry cursed inwardly as the beasts ran towards him.

" They can't climb the trees." Henry said with a smile but he was proved wrong when one of the beasts climbed the tree. Henry quickly jumped from the tree he was on to another nearby tree, the beasts followed him. He jumped from the tree to another tree but as he tried to jump to another tree, he fell to the ground. Henry grunted as he felt pain in his ankle, the tree was tall and the fall hurt his ankle, maybe a dislocation. He quickly stood up and he ran quickly but the beasts caught up to him and one of the beasts bit his leg.

" F*ck! What the f*ck?!" Henry asked as one of the beasts bit his leg, he turned around then he kicked the beast with his other leg and the beast released his leg. Henry continued to run but another beast jumped on Henry's back, pinning him to the ground. Henry couldn't get up as the other beasts also climbed over his body, they bit his body while Henry tried to get them off his body. He gasped as one of the beasts almost gouged out his eyes, but Henry punched the beast's mouth away from his face. The beast moved its mouth again to bite his eyes but a gust of wind blew over Henry's face which made him close his eyes. Henry opened his eyes and he saw that the beast was no longer on his body, it was metres away with a black spear lodged in its head. Henry saw that the other beasts were also dead with arrows in their bodies, Henry turned his neck to look back and he saw a few guys in mediaeval armour approach him. Henry smiled before passing out, minutes later, he woke up and he smelt burnt meat. Henry saw different men doing various things, some were sharpening weapons, some were washing dishes, some were cooking meat, some were patrolling and few were just sitting.

" You are awake." A man that sat down without doing anything said to Henry as he woke up.

" I am Greg, the captain of this squadron." Greg said with a smile as he walked towards Henry that was still laying on the ground. ' They are soldiers, thank God!' Henry thought as the man approached him.

" Who are you?" Greg asked as he squatted by Henry's side.

" Thank you for saving me." Henry said as he ignored Greg's question.

" You are welcome, but I asked you a question." Greg said as Henry still wondered how they spoke the same language.

" I am Blank… Henry." Henry introduced himself as he managed to sit up.

" Easy Henry." Greg said as he helped him sit up.

" Thank you Greg." Henry said with a smile.

" You are welcome, I will be asking you a lot of questions now and it will be better if you give me honest answers." Greg said.

" Shoot." Henry said.

" Okay. So first things first, where are you from?" Greg asked.

" You look weird with the strange armour that's so weak and you also have weird clothes in your bag. I have not seen clothes like yours before, I know there are a lot of places on Taintron that I don't know. But this one is beyond what I expected." Greg added and Henry remembered his bag after hearing what Greg said.

" Is this planet Taintron?" Henry asked for clarification, on Earth they called it Savias. But it seems it is called another name by its inhabitants.

" Yes. Your question really sounds funny, are you even from here?" Greg said.

" No… I am not from around here." Henry said honestly.

" Maybe you are the foreign races rumored to be brought as slaves from the void to Earth. Well, that doesn't matter, we might part ways soon." Greg said.

" So what brought you here?" Greg asked.

" I was on a ship with my team before we were attacked." Henry said before stopping to take a deep breath, fighting back a tear from tearing through his eyes.

" The ship was destroyed and all my teammates were killed, I was the only man that… survived." Henry said and he looked deeply into Greg's eyes.

" I am sorry for your loss." Greg said.

" But when did that happen?" Greg added.

" I guess yesterday… if things work here like where I am from." Henry said.

" You don't even know that! I guess that's early." Greg said as he nodded his head.

" You guys must be rich to own a flying ship." Greg commented but Henry didn't respond.

" Sir." A man interrupted them.

" What?" Greg requested.

" I found blue Anaconda meat in his backpack." The man said.

" I see… you can leave." Greg instructed as he turned to face Henry again.

" I see you are pretty strong. You are able to kill a blue Anaconda." Greg said.

" It was easy to kill it, not so easy though." Henry responded with a slight smile.

" Easy? Then you must be very strong." Greg said as he looked at Henry with squinted eyes.

" A blue Anaconda skin cannot be pierced with level 1 to 10 weapons and the beast has the ability to use lighting and it can only be killed through its abdomen." Greg said unhurriedly.

" So how is it that easy?" Greg asked.

" I guess I got lucky then." Henry responded before shrugging his shoulders.

" Hey!" Greg turned to call the soldier that just interrupted him. The soldier appeared before him quickly.

" The beast, is it an adult?" Greg asked.

" No, it's probably a year old with no horns and ability." The soldier said and Greg dismissed him.

" Now I see why you are able to kill the beast." Greg said as he smiled.

" What or who attacked you?" Greg asked.

" Is that related to what you guys are out here to do?" Henry asked.

" That's none of your business, our purpose out here is classified information." Greg said.

" Okay. A man attacked us, he had armour just like yours but with a different colour, he used the fire ability." Henry informed Greg about the man that attacked them.

" What's the colour of his flames?" Greg asked slowly, Henry noticed that he was suppressing some emotions from surfacing on his face and in his words. It felt like excitement, expectation and a bit of caution.

" Deep blue."

" Woah… you're lucky to have survived his attack. " Greg said as he stood up.

" Why? Why would you say that?" Henry asked as he also struggled to get on his feet.

" Because the man that attacked you is called DreamFrye, a criminal wanted by two empires and sixteen kingdoms. He is one of the strongest ability users in two continents, he is a Level 35 ability user. He destroyed a whole city of soldiers by himself two days ago and he fled after that." Greg made a quick description about DreamFrye. Henry was surprised that that man had such power and a remarkable past.

" The rest is classified for a slave to know." Greg said.

" I am not a slave." Henry responded firmly.

" You are from the Void." Greg simply said and Henry didn't talk again, he didn't know what the void is or anything about this planet.

" You are taking us to where you were attacked." Greg said.

" No… I can't, that place is really far away from here." Henry rejected but was cut short.

" I wasn't asking you, you don't have a choice Henry. By the way there's transportation." Greg said and he walked away, Henry sighed deeply as he shot the soldiers an angry look. What he wants is to go home to his family but before going home, someone has to die, DreamFrye has to die.

" Okay boys, pack up. We have a lead on our target." Greg said to his soldiers and the soldiers started packing immediately. Unknown to Henry, the squad that Greg led is an elite team tasked to take something from DreamFrye, not kill him, they can't just kill him. Although the lowest in the squad is a Level 19 human with Greg being a Level 24 ability user, they still couldn't kill DreamFrye. DreamFrye possesses remarkable weapons with the lowest being a Level 17 which is his belt and his main weapon which is a staff is a shocking Level 47, an extraordinary weapon.

As the team packed their belongings, suddenly they all heard a loud caw followed by another then another and It didn't stop. They all looked up and they saw about a hundred large birds that Henry had met before, flying around them.

" Shit, Desert Ravens." A soldier said as they all prepared for a battle with the birds.

" Just a waste of time." Another soldier said.

" They traced you here." Greg said to Henry.

" I guess so." Henry said as he smiled wryly.

" You really messed with a lot of beasts on your way here." Greg said as he chuckled.

" Find somewhere to hide, you are in no position to fight. The advantage these large meats have is speed and sharp beaks." Greg said and after he said that, one of the birds swooped down, heading towards Greg.