
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


||Past Death||: System: Rebirth Complete.||

I open my eyes.

My vision is not blurry, but some-what fuzzy.

'Ugh, what happened?'

I ask myself as I get a split-headache, "Ugh"



'Why does my voice sound like that?'

I get up from laying down and stand up.

'I feel taller?'

But how is that possible..?

The last thing I remember is passing out from… fatigue?

"||Past Death||." I say

<<System: Rebooting :>>






<< System Reboot: Complete>>

<<System: What seems to be the matter, Hiroto Saito?>>

Even the "System" feels different from before, it now feels more like an AI rather than just an answering machine.

'What happened? I feel taller, and my voice feels more masculine.'

I explain, looking down at my body,

'I've grown more muscles, completely different to my scrawny, skinny figure from before.'

<<System: What you currently experienced is known as, 'Rebirth'

This allows you to gain more skills, getting physically and mentally stronger, allowing your brain to process stimulus 2x quicker than a mid-ranking ranker.>>

"Meaning in a catastrophic event, I'm able to process what's happening 2x quicker than a Mid-Ranker?"

<<System: Correct>>

'That's useful.'

I started to resume walking towards the exit, as I realized I was asleep for 6 hours, which means in real time, it's been 90 minutes.

I open up my skills, as I remember that I was able to collect more skills from the rewards of my completion of the quest.

<<New Skills: (2)

<< (New) Low-Ranking Skills:


Rank: Lower-Level - D-Rank

Activation - The thoughts of using it.

Invisibility: Able to turn invisible for 10 seconds. However, after 1 use, you must wait 10 minutes until the skill is usable again. Leveling up through rankings will lower the countdown by 1 minute 30 seconds and increase the time of use by 40 seconds.

<<(New) High-Ranking Skills:


Rank: High-Leveled - B-Rank

Activation - The thoughts of using it.

Neutralization: Able to neutralize your opponents skills and abilities. Getting knocked out causes the ability to stop.

"This is great! Not only will monsters or any other people in my way won't be able to use their abilities, but now I don't have to worry about being noticed or worry about monsters knowing where I am.!"

I check my other skills, and they've all leveled up nicely.

'Hey, System, have you leveled up too? You seem some-what different.'

<<System: How come?>>

'See! You spoke informally! And you now give off a care-free vibe now…'

<<System: Yes. You are correct. The more you rebirth, the more of a reference of an AI I become. Allowing me to change forms through human and my original.>>

'Wait, so if I do tons of Quests, rebirth a whole lot, you can change forms through System and Human?' I ask inwardly with excitement

<<System: That is Correct.>>

'So what gender would you become, boy or girl?' I ask with a grin.

Yes, I know, kinda pervy, but a boys gotta know these kinda things sometimes.

<<System: I am able to choose through the 2 genders, but you are the one that can pick which. I am capable of not being any gender too.>>

'Wow, alright'

Not going to lie, i'm quite curious how humans may look genderless.

I finally got to the exit after my talk with the "System" was carried out.

'Phew! Thank god I got out of the gate.'

In the real world, I was only out for about 2-3 hours, which means it was only 3 in the afternoon.

I started to walk back home, however, the continuation there, I got a lot of stares, unusual ones.

Look, I might be quite dense, but there was something weird about people staring at me, especially a skinny boy like me-.

Well, I mean a person as tall, deep voiced, and lean-muscle guy like me.

The stare I get were mostly from women,

'Do I really look that weird from rebirth?'

Anyways, I got home, updated the app on my phone and took a cold shower. I went into my room, waiting for my mother and younger brother to come home.

'I'm going to the other side of the world in less than 2 days, oof. At least I only have to go to school once a day a week.'

My mom and brother got home and my mother went straight to the kitchen while my baby brother came into my room while I was sleeping on my bed.


Sora (my baby bro)screamed out and ran towards the kitchen, right out of my bedroom.

"Huh?" I wake up in confusion. 'Isn't that Sora?'

I could hear my Sora and my Mom from my bedroom.

"Mommy! There's a stranger in the house, inside big brother's room!!"

My mom, who was clearly shocked, responded,

"What?! Let me get my broom! Stay here Sora."

'Shit! I completely forgot that my rebirth changed my physical appearance!'

I ran out of my room, before mom started walking towards it with a broom.

"Wait, Mom! It's me! Hiroto Saito!!"

My mom freaks out, but keeps a calm face.

"How do you know my son's name?! Are you some kind of stalker?"

"No No No! I AM your son, Mom!!"

My mom smirks, giving off a dangerous aura.

"You? My son? My son isn't as handsome as you, nor is he as good looking or strong. You should've asked some skinny kid off the streets to help you, thief!"

Ouch Mom. Is this how you really perceived me?

"I know your blood type is B, have 2 sons, your husband died 5 years ago, you moved from Japan to here for jobs!" I yelled out desperately, but it was in vain.

My mom hit me with a broom. BOOKM!!!


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Hello readers.

I realized that I was past the due date for my updating schedule, so I rushed to finish it!

Hopefully you are excited about the next chapters as we may see Hiroto Saito on a plane off to the other side of the world.

Before you stop reading and skip to the next chapter, I am also going on a plane to somewhere, so I might not be able to post a chapter, please understand! ≧◉ᴥ◉≦