
Systematic Records | Bloodborne

“He who fights Monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a Monster. And if you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche However, what if the one fighting the Monsters is already one himself? ~~~~ Ethan is a seventeen year old teenager who is currently living at a church, seeing how he was abandoned at birth and found by one of the nuns who worshiped the Goddess of Light. The clergy often treated him differently than the other orphans because his appearance was unnatural. He knew nothing about who he truly was, however, what he did know is that he was not Human like the rest of the people in the church. For years he searched for the answer to find out what he was, but all the clues didn't go anywhere. Until the night where he had a dream, or one could say a vision, where he was walking past many books and stopping in front of one. Written on the cover was a single word "Bloodborne". Ethan was determined to find that book and read it, however, is obtaining knowledge always a good thing? He would discover more about himself than he wanted to after finding that book, and many hardships would follow. ~~~~ I do this as a hobby in my free time or when I feel inspired, it will likely not turn into anything serious in the future. So be ready for it not to update daily or for a few months. Since ten chapters have been released, I'm putting the Discord Link in here: https://discord.gg/gkbWjRVmEW

Willow_Ashes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


Ethan waited by the door inside his room and listened to the conversation Hazel was having with someone. He had an idea who it was because he couldn't hear the other voice.

"Yes, I understand," Hazel said in a slightly saddened tone. This was unlike her cheerful self Ethan was used to, however, he had heard this tone from her before. After a few seconds, she began to respond again. "Yes, I'll see you soon. I love you too."

Ethan could hear a long beep sound and finally opened the door. When he walked out he could see that Hazel was leaning against the wall next to his door. She looked at him and smiled, however, it was slightly forced.

Ethan gave a sympathetic smile to her.

"Let me guess, you were listening."

"Yeah. Your father is returning, huh?" Ethan rubs the back of his head but soon lowers his arm. "How long till he's back this time?"

"He said a week to a week and a half. Guess we'll have to make the best of it before he gets here." Hazel sighs and looks up towards the ceiling. After a few minutes, she pushes herself off the wall and stretches her arms. "Anyways, let's get going to the dining hall, they've likely run out of food by now though."

"You should've eaten before you came to wake me up if you were worried about them running out of food." Ethan lets out a little laugh as he passes her and starts walking toward the dining hall. "C'mon or I'll leave you behind!" He shouts behind him.

"You're becoming a real jerk, you know that?" Hazel mutters, however, she sees Ethan wave his hand in the air. 'He heard that?'

Hazel quickly started to jog over to Ethan and hit him in the back of the head. He looked over at her and heard her make a 'Hmph' sound, then saw a small smirk on her face. He rubbed the back of his head and sighed as they continued walking through the church.


A group of clergymen and women are gathered in one of the rooms at the church, they're all looking over maps or at magical devices. Clearly, they were trying to locate the book that Ethan had stolen. Suddenly one of the nuns stood up.

"May I be excused for a moment?" The nun with the blindfold asked.

"If I may ask why, Sister Sasha?" The head priest returned the question with his own, though he looked at her like he suspected something about her.

"I've been working all night and I haven't rested, I wanted to check if they have any breakfast left and I could also use a good cup of coffee." Sasha could tell he had suspicions about everyone in the room for some reason.

"Ah yes, I suppose I did have you all work throughout the night." He sighed then continued, "Adjust your sleep schedules, we'll reconvene tomorrow. Also, make sure the news of the missing book doesn't leave this room, and keep your eyes out for suspicious individuals."

"Don't even let the other members of the clergy learn about this."

Everyone in the room replied with the same answer again 'Yes, Father Siamon.' then began to leave the room to go and rest. However, Sister Sasha started heading towards the dining hall.

'This place is a fucking cult, everyone's dedicated to that man and not the Goddess of Light they claim to worship.'


Ethan and Hazel had made it to the dining hall and quickly walked to where the food was being served, however, for some reason there was still quite a bit of food left despite the breakfast hours almost being over.

Hazel picked up a tray and began to grab several items of food, however, Ethan was frozen for the moment when he was going to grab his tray. He could feel like a powerful presence was watching him and it was slowly approaching.

Soon he could feel it behind him, he tightened his fist and turned around ready to attack whatever it was. But before he could punch whoever was behind him in the gut, his hand was grabbed. Then he saw that Sister Sasha was the one behind him.

"You need to calm down kiddo. I'm not your enemy." She whispered in a volume that only Ethan would be able to hear.

Hearing her words made him calm down somewhat, however, he was still on guard and could still feel his heart beating extremely fast. He lowered his arm to his side and looked at the blindfolded nun.

"There you go kiddo, you caused a big stir in the church because of last night. I wasn't able to break free until now." Sasha went to grab a tray from behind Ethan then slowly began to put food on it. She continued to whisper as she did so. "Let's talk when we're alone."

"How'd you know." Ethan picked up a tray and did the same as the two ladies, however, continued the conversation with Sasha, at least wanting to know the answer to this.

"How could I not know? I'm a Seer after all." Sasha looked at him, giving a bright smile while holding her hand next to her face and making a peace sign.

⬩⬥⬧ Seer ⬧⬥⬩

⌜Seers are a class exclusive to the blind. They can't see the world like the rest of the people, however, they can see the Mana in the world and the souls of living creatures. Along with having extremely heightened senses, normally allowing them to move around without a guide of any sort.

They can see the soul and Mana flow around people, Mana Beasts, Monsters, and Mythical Creatures. Each soul is a different color depending on what creature they are; Humans are white, Mana Beasts are blue, most Monsters are a pale red, and Mythical Creatures are golden.

The Mana flow around each creature will be the color/s of their elemental attribute. For example, Ethan's soul would appear light red while the area around it is purple and dark red, showing that he has an affinity for darkness and blood. While Hazel would appear white with yellow and a sliver-ish color around her, showing an affinity for lighting and metal.

Seers can also see the Mana in plants, spells, or anything imbued with Mana. For instance, Sasha was able to read the directory in the Forbidden Library because the writing tool was imbued with Mana while the person wrote.

They can tell from the Mana fluctuations of a creature when they are likely going to attack, or with people, if they are lying. Along with being able to see the strength of the creature and guess what Abilities they could have. Making them sought out by churches, guilds, and other groups.⌟

Both the ideas for Hybrids and Seers came to me when I was screwing around with other stories I wanted to write.

Willow_Ashescreators' thoughts