
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
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64 Chs


"Skylar, Skylar, please I need you."Portia whispered,"Right now."

Still no response, maybe it was because she wasn't yelling as usual,"Skylar!!"She yelled,"I need to meet you right now!"

The crickets in her room fell silent and she frowned, not at them for their obvious disrespect, but at the fact Skylar wasn't responding.

She was about to yell again when a thud was heard and she screamed to see Skylar had fallen on the floor...

Skylar's eyes slowly opened and he first saw Aeric then sat up and asked what happened, then immediately remembered, then said,"I have to leave."

"Sky, is something wrong?"Aeric asked.

"It's nothing you could help with, but I have to go back."

"Skylar, please."

"Aeric just..."

"Skylar would you just listen?! You have been alive for all this time I thought you were dead and the first thing you say to me when you come back is that you have to leave?!"

Skylar was silent for a few seconds, he didn't feel any regret, or anything else.

He looked at Aeric, who was clearly angry, then said,"I never came back to you because I've changed, in a way I knew you'd never understand."

"Skylar, you're my brother, how couldn't I understand you?"He asked.

He looked at Portia, sighed then brought out his six wings and ten tails and Alexa also seemed surprised by this turn of events.

Aeric then said,"Of course that's why Griffin looked like that, you're part fox, part..."

"Tedaph, I know."Skylar said,"And now, I have duties to fulfill, as ruler of both the Heavens and the Nether realm."

"Wait..."Alexa said,"You must be..."

"A gem wielder, I know."He said.

"Not that, a collector."

"A what?"He asked.

"That's what I call the next generation of gem wielders who can hold two opposite gems at the same time, like you."

"Of course that's why."He said.

"Why what?"Portia asked.

"Why I was attacked..."


A man entered into the mansion and squinted his eyes and told the little girl besides him to stay near.

He took her hand and disappeared, then appeared in one of he guest rooms and was about to attack when he saw Skylar.

Aeric was on his way out when he bumped into him and they looked into each others' eyes, Alexa and Portia, already knowing what was about to happen, went to separate the two giants then tried to explain everything.

The man introduced himself as Felix after he was comfortable with the crowd, and immediately went to Skylar's side.

"You were attacked?"Felix asked.

"That was Darlok's next plan, he had just been distracting us so we'd find the first and older generation of gem wielders, but now he's looking for the better and improved ones, like Skylar."The little girl said.

"What's your name again?"Collins asked.

"The only name given to me which your vocal cords would be able to resonate at will be Celestia."She said.

"What?"He asked.

"Celestia is the only name of her's you can mention."Felix said.

"Now that's absurd."He said.

"That's what I said."Felix said.

"It's not possible."

"Get in the club, but Skylar, we have to help your realms."Felix said.


"You helped mine once, it's the least I could do."He said,"But we may need help..."

"So I guess this is the entire gang?"Illusa asked.

"Yup, assuming you've already met my sister, Dollovan and his opposite, Randall, these are Corma, Toyoran, Jonita, Nisha, Yokkan, and a bunch of guys whose names are still a mystery to me."

"The reason I haven't killed you yet is a mystery to me as well."A pink coloured creature with long, blue hair said.

He grinned then said to leave, but Portia couldn't find Aeric, so decided to stay behind and look for him, while the others vanished then she began to wonder, how many of us were capable of inter dimensional travel?

She found Aeric sitting alone on a balcony, then he looked down as she placed her head on his chest and asked,"Aeric, what's wrong?"

He looked at her, smiled and kissed her forehead, then said,"Nothing is wrong Portia, why did you ask?"

"You've been acting strange since you met Skylar, I was just wondering."

She looked into his grey eyes then said,"You don't have to hide anything from me Aeric, I love you."

"~Sigh~It's just, Skylar and I were so close before he died, or maybe it was just I that thought that, because now he's back, he doesn't seem to care about me anymore, I know it's stupid and childish, but..."

"No, no, no, I felt that same way, he's just different now, he parted into two when he died, Griffin holds his emotions, but Skylar holds the power, he can't feel anything now as he's pure Seraph and Tedaph, it's just that way, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, maybe he doesn't, but he would never intentionally hurt you, not for no good reason."

He then looked into her eyes and she saw them, as their colour changed.

She had never seen this process before, it was beautiful.

It was like a spiral of colour from his pupils, with a sunset and gold gradient forming as a result.

He then leaned in, and she did too, then they kissed each other...