
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


They all appeared in the angelic realm and saw it was destroyed with several wizards holding the angels of all kinds captive.

The weirdest part was there were none of the lower ranked creatures, only what Alexa and Felix called wizards, and one creature they had never seen before.

Skylar looked at the endless armies before him then said,"Stand back."

His wings came out and he took one feather, then it burst into black flames which went forward and in an instant, cleared off all the armies of wizards and the rest of them looked at him in shock, especially at his emotionless expression.

Felix then asked,"If it was so easy for you, why did you need our help?"

"Because of that creature."He said, pointing at the eight year old child sized creature floating in the midst of several different dragon elements.

The creature didn't move as they walked closer then when they began attending to the first of the angels, its eyes darted open and a shockwave shot through the entire multiversal realm, merging the demonic and angelic realms together forcefully.

It looked directly through the group as the heavenly place was being crushed and neutralized by its opposing realm, they had to stop it and fast.

The creature brought two of its four hands together, showing the green and red gem on its chest, then purple tree branches began to fill the place with the smell of sulfur and roses as they literally pulled the two realms together.

The group went forward but several of the branches darted at them.

Literally passing through all their attacks, the branches rammed into them and threw them into the crumbling ground, and an explosion occured as Skylar broke free, then darted at it.

The creature barely moved when the two merging realms experienced a great death as demons, angels and the other creatures dwelling there became terribly sick, literally fading away per second.

The branches around got burned as the black flames ate through them and released the others.

Skylar flew, burning through the wall of branches in his way and threw a dimension shattering punch at the creature which widened its violet eyes, then there was a massive shockwave which instantly turned half of both realms into dust.

After the dust cleared, showing Skylar's fist, being held, an inch away from the creature's face, then it grinned as it twisted his entire arm and broke it as he yelled.

Kofi yelled his name then slammed his palm into the ground as lightning brought the Electro skiffer and the light show began again, he had no other choice.

The others couldn't stop him and stop the creature both at the same time, so they set their efforts to helping Skylar, who had been thrown through several of the multiverses in the realm, shattering them completely.

Arachnida demanded the others went to help Skylar while she and Carna kept the creature away from Kofi and the Skiffer.

Multiverses were shattered as decaying branches in the form of open hands slammed through the sky scraper, targeting the developing collectors then a massive shockwave unfurled as the electricity burned through branches.

The two creatures within stood facing it, a giant, bear like creature with glowing scales on its back and a human like creature with black and white armour, both with a blue and orange gem on their necks.

The Electro skiffer darted at the central creature at light speed and tried biting through the clear, almost indestructible creature that had swallowed it and dodged when a bolt of white lightning burned through the arm like branches and hit the creature, with dark lightning adding to it as gamma radiation passing through, but the creature rather began to glow as the melanin in its skin absorbed the gamma radiation, then getting supercharged, the plants around began to glow too...

Lord Christian appeared by Skylar, through the shadows of the cracks of the severely damaged world he landed on.

He wasn't moving at all and the bolts of lightning shooting all around didn't help either.

Jonita tried to heal him, but it was futile, he wasn't a creature she controlled.

"This thing clearly doesn't care about Skylar, so what does it even want?!"Yokkan yelled.

A sudden fear enveloped all of them as they looked up to see the creature pointing towards them, then two of their gems began to glow, Jonita's and Vulcan's.

Before anyone could do anything, the pair had vanished and appeared right in front of the creature, as two glowing vines stabbed through the chest of the Electro skiffer and slammed Kofi down the same path as Skylar.

It looked at the two creatures, which floated before it, the pixie and the vulture, and without a word from its non-existent mouth, the two were forced to bow down, the same happening across the multiverse to every creature still alive.

Collins ran to his trial beast and cried over it, as it began fading into sparks.

Just then, Arachnida lost control and Alexa came back, angrier than ever before...

She ran up the stem of one of the trees dodging the razor sharp branches that spontaneously grew allover, then did a barani flip and landed, covering all the creatures that the central creature controlled, in webs and slamming them into the ground, while the poisoned tree crumbled over half the armies before her.

She stretched out her arms as they morphed into spider like appendages, then sliced open one and pierced into the thorax of another, shooting a web which passed through a tree and held on to the head of one ot the creatures, smashing it into the tree and the others, she wasn't bowing to that thing until she was dead.

The creature looked down as all the creatures in the midst of the poisonous mist died then it was about to grow another creature to finish her off when a powerful wind blew its arm off target, destroying half its armies in the process, then it turned to see the wielder of wind dodging and destroying all the trees and its armies.

It realized he had just been cured of the poison in his mind, by the wielder of wisdom, then finally tore its belly open to show its razor sharp teeth as all of them were infected with the very disease the rest of the realm had, it then turned back to its children and grinned as two of its hands settled on their heads and began absorbing their life essence, the giver of life taking what it rightfully owned.

A flash of light appeared then vanished and appeared behind it as time and space warped and expanded spontaneously, making a monstrous shockwave which angered the creature, which turned back and screeched from its supposed belly.

Kofi then darted at it, dodging and passing through all the vines at light speed and striking down its forces with lightning then throwing another punch at the creature's face.

It was about to catch his fist when, faster than it could think, he switched limbs and landed a blow to the side of its head with his other fist, causing a small fraction of the weeds to wither and the diseased to be cured.

His fist began emitting bolts of colourful lightning as he slowly pushed deeper into its almost unbreakable skin, after teleporting past the creature around it.

Two of its hands held his own to pull it off but he pushed harder, his eyes glowing brightly as he yelled in rage.

It was about to cause him disease when its arm got ripped off, it turned back and saw Alexa with a maniacal grin across her face as she said,"Forget about me?"

She then stabbed it in the back with its own arm and it didn't bother to attack, it knew their efforts were futile, till it felt a sudden pain in its chest as the gem began to crack, when both its children betrayed it.

The pixie taking its life essence and the vulture filling it with disease and rot, the creature tried to fight back, but its weakness had been breached, it was powerless.

It began screeching as it was burned in green and red flames and the result all absorbed by the gem, before it exploded, filling the entire realm with glowing green and red vapour.

The vapour slowly cleared as the vines wilted and vanished and all its armies vanished back to their own realms, with the two realms separating again and all the damage being restored, the wounded being healed and the sick recovering.

Skylar slowly stood up and saw Kofi looking at him with a grin.

Yokkan made sure to show his gratitude to Kofi then when he saw Alexa, with her gem not glowing, everyone was shocked, especially...

"Alexa? You stopped her?"Felix asked.

"Actually it was a group effort, I wouldn't have succeeded if..."

"Just say you saved the entire multiverse Alexa."Kofi said.

They then looked at the Electro skiffer, which was totally gone now, Kofi's other half.

He slowly walked towards Collins then said,"I'm sorry about your trial beast, and I know nothing could replace it, but, here, at least to keep you company."

Collins looked surprised at the Electro skiffer he was being offered with a gem on its neck.

He asked,"How did..."

"It turns out I control all dark and white lightning and all creatures of them both now, so I guess I made him, and the crystal."Kofi said.

Collins stood up then said,"Thank you."

They then looked at Jonita and Vulcan, merged into their true forms.

Jonita's pixie like wings had been replaced with majestic vulture wings and her dark hair was multicoloured, not mentioning Vulcan, whose feathers had been replaced with leaves and flower petals and its body circulated by glowing green and red dust which spiralled from its four talons and the feathers at the bottom of its long dog like tail, around its multicoloured torso and around its head, only one word could describe it now, beautiful.

Toyoran looked at Jonita, who used to be his lover and before he could say anything, she had kissed him on the lips...

After defeating the creature, which turned out to be just a new kind of ' wizard ' Darlok was in the mood to make and freeing both realms, everyone went home to relax and never do that again.