
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


The next day at school, Kofi and his new girlfriend were all the talk and Portia couldn't stand it, till Leslie came to her then said,"Portia, I have something to show you."

"Please don't let it be..."

He brought out a small box and at that moment, the hallway was filled with ooohs and aahs and shut your smelly mouth, I'm trying to listens.

He opened the box to show a beautiful emerald bracelet and she looked at him as he said,"I figured you couldn't wear a necklace because that one might be precious, so I got you a bracelet, for your hand instead."

She looked at the one Skylar gave her then Leslie said,"Oh no, I forgot about..."

"Don't worry, it's okay, I've been wanting to get rid of it for a while now, leave the past in the past."She said.

She began removing it when Kofi turned in her direction then by the time she was about to put it in her pocket, he gripped her wrist tightly then asked,"Portia, what are you doing?"

"What is it to you?"She asked, annoyed.

"You can't just get rid of something like this, you know Skylar gave it to you because he truly loved you."

"Well he doesn't anymore so what's the problem?"

"I don't think it's the right thing to do."

"And when did you become Father Theophilus?"


"Let me go."

"I won't until you put it back."

"Do you like own me?!"

"Kofi, leave her alone."Leslie said.

"Shut up, this doesn't concern you."

A crowd began to gather as Portia and Kofi looked into each others' eyes, then Portia frowned as golden flames just appeared on her hand and Kofi yelled in pain, as Portia dropped the bracelet into the trash and walked away with Leslie.

Kofi searched frantically for it in the trash and people started talking, but he couldn't care less.

He found the bracelet, then sighed,"I'm sorry, old friend..."


Portia was asleep when she had a nightmare, it was of Leslie, he was being chased by something, something scary and powerful, he sought refuge in her but was dragged away by an unknown force from the creature.

Then it roared over his face, making him yell in fear, then it just let him go.

Portia woke up and wondered what it meant, so decided to consult Ms Terratikka the next day, and then, realized Leslie didn't come to school on the set date.

She was so distracted waiting for him that she forgot her appointment with her Physics teacher.

She went into the fourth dimension and into his mind to find out what was wrong, then he said,"Portia, I was attacked."

"What?! By whom?!"

"I don't know, I've never seen something like it before, but it was scary, it didn't harm me but told me to stay away from you or it will be back."

Portia frowned deeply then turned, she stormed towards Kofi, and slapped him in the midst of his friends.

They got defensive and he was surprised as Portia yelled,"Do you think this is some kind of joke?!"

"What are you talking about?"He asked, confused.

"Leave me and Leslie alone or I'll have to stop being nice to you."She said, then left.

Jack and Lloyd were shocked that she just threatened Kofi, but he was confused, what did he do to them?

Portia went to Leslie's home right after that to apologize and tell him the problem was solved, but he said,"There never was a problem, I will never leave you."

She smiled as he kissed her.

But she had another nightmare that night, it was the same thing, just, the creature was emanating a bright light this time, and she could barely make out any of its features.

She immediately went to Ms TT after Leslie called again then Ms TT asked,"Don't you see a pattern?"

"What are you talking about? Someone is threatening my boyfriend and you expect me to pay attention to every detail of this fear factor?"

"Portia, do you live Leslie?"

"Yes, with all of my heart."

"Do you love him, really?"

"Of course, why are you asking?"

"~sigh~ I have had these dreams too, but they were about you, and someone guarding you...Skylar."


"Skylar sent that demon to intimidate Leslie to leave you, but since it didn't work, he sent an angel, Portia, he's trying to protect you from Leslie."

"Portia was angry as Ms Terra asked,"Is everything okay?"

"No, it isn't..."

Portia just stormed off.

After school that day, she began to yell,"What do you want from me?! You first left me alone and now you are threatening the man I love?! Why are you doing this to me?! Show yourself you idiot! Show yourself!"

"Please..."She whispered with tears in her eyes.

She felt someone hold her shoulder then turned to see Leslie and burst into tears in his embrace.

She went home that night, sullen and not wanting to speak with anyone.

She had her wish and went to bed without eating.

She slept peacefully till a mild wind was kicked up in her room, before two streaks of black and white started spinning around the room, then swirled and simultaneously entered her forehead...

Portia realized her entire dream world was changed into a pure white space with a vanta black floor.

She heard someone call her name and looked back then gasped when she saw him, Skylar.

He flew down then his wings and tails vanished as he said,"It's been too long."

She burst into tears and sought refuge in his embrace as he rubbed her back softly, but then she opened her eyes again then pushed him back and asked,"What are you doing?"

"I came as you called, what do you expect me to be doing?"

"I mean with Leslie, what's your problem with him?"

"Portia, remember my last few words, I gave you my blessing, to be with Kofi."

"Is Kofi the only guy out there? No, I don't even like him, I loathe him."

"Portia, no relationships happen immediately, but take time to grow, but must still be nurtured, Leslie is a wonderful young man, but not the one for you Portia."

"So let me guess, the only other person in the entire universe I can date is Kofi? Are you listening to yourself?! When you died, he tried to snatch me from you and then when you came back and abandoned me, Leslie tried to make me feel better, but now he's not good enough for me."

"It's not that, you are not good enough for him."

She fell silent then asked,"What?"

"You are aggressive, lack self control and jump to conclusions, he doesn't, he learns from his mistakes, something you don't do easily, you would never be happy together, Kofi on the other hand, is similar but opposite to you."

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

"I scared him but not you because I swore to protect you, not him and I saw him as a threat to your safety and joy, but Portia, you need to realize that this would never work between Leslie and you, no matter what you did."

"But Kofi is with that witch!"Portia yelled, with tears in her eyes.

"That's exactly why you have to fight for him Portia, it's not all relationships that start easy, or early, but the best of them, start at the right time and in the right way."

"Kofi will never take me back, after all I've done."

"You'd be surprised, and even if it takes years, you will have to try."

She began to cry and fell on her knees then he walked to her and placed her into his warm embrace, she missed it as he said,"Portia..."

"I miss you, I love you, please, come back to me."She begged.

"You and I both know I cannot do that, I'm sorry, Portia."

Then she woke up and found out it was morning, and she had sweated gallons of water onto her bed.

She evaporated all the water and went to get ready for the day, with a new mindset...