
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


They all took their seats at the same table and the moment they did, their orders were taken...that was fast, in the goodish/ badish way.

Before they got to talk, like really talk, the food was brought, what kind of over speeding customer service is this?!

Portia decided to halt the feeding and begin the relationship seeding by breaking the ice.

"So, Vulpine, how did you meet Kofi?"Portia asked.

She began to laugh, and so did he and she was confused, did she like cross a borderline they were trying to hide or set their funny bone to hyperdrive or something?

Vulpine finally spoke after the two laughed, relaughed and laughed because each other were laughing.

"It's the funniest story, you see, Kofi and I both go to the same donations centre and I kinda got a crush on him, but he never realized, he should get his eyes checked."

He yet again, began laughing at the joke Portia didn't understand till Vulpine said,"Sorry, inside joke..."

Wait so they have inside jokes now?! How long have they known each other?!

"...okay, so Kofi didn't realize till some girl said she wasn't into him, to him of all people, then Kofi's cousin helped him find out he had a crush on me and now we're here."

That's the foundation of their relationship? Rejection and encouragement? Really?

Well your's isn't any better, little miss I don't want to love anyone who doesn't have better abs than my previous boyfriend girlie.

Shut up.

"What about you? How did you two lovebirds meet?"Vulpine asked.

Portia already didn't like this girl.

"Oh, it's kinda complicated, too much so for me to say so..."Portia began.

Leslie also began to laugh and Portia was confused, she thought only yawns were contagious, now laughs too?

"Ours is a funny story too, you see Portia was..."

Portia glared at him but he didn't seem to notice, or care as he continued talking about all her insecurities and problems.

She frowned, reversed time, then yelled at him while time was still frozen.

"But it's also a funny story."He said.

"Do you see me laughing like Ms Vampire teen drama over there? Let's just not talk about it, please."

"If you don't want to talk about it, then why did you do it in the first place?"

"I was bereaved, would you want every single thing you did after your mom died displayed to your stepmom?"

He was silent then she continued the time matrix as the question was being popped again,"How did you two lovebirds meet?"

"Portia doesn't like talking about it."Leslie said.

Portia looked at him surprised, had he just aged ten years when she reversed time? Because he was acting a lot more matured.

"Oh, that's strange, is it like an embarrassing thing, nostalgic or..."Vulpine began.

"He said I don't like talking about it Vulpine!"Portia yelled, defensively.

"Calm down Portia, she was just being nice."Kofi said.

"Well I don't like it when people meddle in my affairs, something you should know by now, Kofi."

There was instantly tension formed between Portia and the par de deux at the other side of the table, Leslie, wanting to shift the conversation to anything else said,"Umm Portia, your food is getting cold."

"Well the guy with the hippo sized appetite can have it because I'm not hungry."She said,"That is what you do best, snatch something belonging to someone while they're shortly gone, isn't it?"

Kofi seemed to be getting angry, then before anything else could happen, Vulpine said,"It's running late, I think we'd better go."

"Yeah, probably."Leslie said.

Vulpine was taking Kofi away when Portia yelled,"Yeah, run away! It's the best and only solution for cowards like you."

Electric arcs were jumping off of Kofi's eyes and fists but Vulpine turned him to face her then said,"You are better than she says, don't make her feel proud of getting to your head."

He calmed down by her words then led her out.

Leslie also turned Portia to face him then asked,"Portia, what are you doing?"

"Giving that jerk what he deserves."She said.

"Portia, you are doing it again."


"You are clearly jealous of the two of them."

""What? No I'm not, you're just delusional."

"This say your words, but your actions say otherwise, Portia please stop doing this to yourself."

She looked away but he turned her face back to his then said,"Please."

She slowly then smoothly nodded...

Kofi walked quietly into the limo, but it was obvious he was still angry.

Vulpine walked in with him then gently placed her hand on his and said,"Kofi don't worry about people like her, I'm here."


"Shhh, no buts about it."

He gently chuckled as she slowly leaned in and kissed him on the lips, and he was shocked, of all the nymphs, spirits and creatures he had kissed, how was her's so much better?

He kissed her back and she loved it as her fangs scraped his smooth lips.

She then pulled back and said,"Don't wear these clothes, they remind me of her."

"You don't have to tell me twice."He said.

She kissed him again, while unzipping his jacket, then he took it off and gently held her by the cheeks as the lights in the car changed colour then they set to a romantic pink one as slow music played and Kofi wasn't going to stop anytime soon...


Portia was taken home and she made up stories about how wonderful the date was, and Uncle Cloud said,"Portia, in the five months you've lived here, I've learned to love you like the daughter I've never had and know you as such, please, don't lie to me."

She looked at him, as her lips trembled, then he hugged her as she burst into tears on his chest, he knew this would happen, he had already seen it...