
chapter 2

"finally at the moonrock!!!" snowripple exclaimed "i can finally become leader!" then it hit her, do i want to be leader? she shook her head to clear the thoughts. "emberpaw and sunpaw your going to come with me into the cave to see what happens, bubblepelt please stay out and keep a lookout if anything happens come and get the apprentices to fight it back" snowripple said glaring behind her, "come on!" she whispered excitedly.

padding though the dark hollows they start to see the glowing of the moonrock, they make it to the moonrock and they stare in awe, "i must share tongues with starclan" snowripple said lying down putting her nose on the cold rock, it made her shiver but she fell asleep fast and woke up to nine cats staring at her, "oh! uh s-sorry!" she stumbled to her feet and licked her chest fur in embarrassment, "we are here to give you your lives!" sandpaw exclaimed,

"oh yeah im getting my lives!" snowripple said. wait i recognize these cats! she thought exitedly.

sandstar came up first, "with this life i give you ressurance, for you will need it in darkest times." then she padded up to snowripple and touched her nose on her head.

then snowwhisker came up, "with this life i give you guidence, when your clan cant find a way you will" he padded up to snowripple and touched his nose on her head.

then frostpettal was next, "with this life- i give you love, you will show love to your clanmates" then he padded up and touched her forhead,

(sorry i couldnt think of alot so only 4)

then last was sandpaw, "with this life i give you mercy! you wont kill for no reason and you will show mercy to others!" sandpaw squeaked and snowripple bent down so the small apprentice could put his nose on her head.

as the cats started to fade as she woke up, "she is awake!" emberpaw purred, "so did you get your nine lives?" bubblepelt asked.

"yes i did, now im- snowstar? that sounds weird but whatever" snowstar said shrugging it off.


snowstar pads up to the highledge, and looks down on the commotion happening below her. she jumps down then walks to bramblepatch, "hey, could you be one to appoint patrols, untill emberpaw is trained well enough to be a deputy?"

"sure, snowstar. you should start training emberpaw!" bramblepatch said grinning, and walking to highledge, and appointed a meeting. snowstar ignored it an spotted emberpaw, "hey pumpki- emberpaw, wanna go train with me?" emberpaw looked up and snorted in protest "sure why not!" emberpaw squeaked then bounded to the camp entrance with snowstar on his tail, breaking through the camp entrance and out into the wooded area, they bounded off to the training area, making it they halted, "whats that noise!?" emberpaw asked having to raising his voice.

"thats a thundersnake!!!" snowstar yelled. as the noise started dimming snowstar decided to start training with emberpaw, "let me see your hunters crouch." she said and emberpaw listened doing as he is told, after a while of training they sat down with there tails intertwined, then bramblepatch came tumbling through the gorse tunnel, puffing he managed to get out the word 'fight', snowstar turned around and yanked away from emberpaw "come on!" snowstar yelled speeding down the tunnel. emberpaw just sat there dazed not sure how to respond.

snowstar threw herself into camp to see shadeclan taking over the camp, she seen the leader sitting by a stump grinning like a baby hyena had just killed its first gazelle, fuming with anger snowstar launched herself at shallowstar, taking him by surprise and started clawing at his pelt, chunks of fur went flying to the ground as blood started to well up in his fur, "you will not take my clan or my cats!" she yowled, as one of her claws made it into his eye. then shallowstar lost a life- falling to the ground, limp, hopping off of him she yowled so all cats could hear her, "STOP!!!!" as they heard her they started separating from each other and stared at snowstar, "What makes you flea bags welcome in my territory?!" she hissed looking at shadeclan and baring her teeth.

then swallowtail spoke up from the murmuring cats while others tried to worm away, "WHO SAID YOU WERE LEADER, AND WHERE IS SANDSTAR?!" she yowled, obviously paranoid, "SANDSTAR IS DEAD, I AM THE NEW LEADER, NOW one more Time, why are you attacking MY warriors?!" snowstar hissed getting closer, and starting to get really agitated. "one of your so called WARRIORS crossed the border just to take a nap! so~ shallowstar made the decision to try and teach your WARRIORS a lesson!" swallowtail replied and looked satisfied, "then maybe i should just-" snowstar reached down to shallowstars throat with claws unsheathed, "take another one of his lives!" she grinned knowing they wouldnt want there leader to loose a life, "now if you want him to still have his 2 lives, i suggest taking this leafbrain back to your camp and go back to doing duties and cleaning elders!" she growled as the shadeclan warriors gasped and started murmuring and staring blankly at shallowstar and each other.

they quickly took the passed out leaders body and ran to there own territory, "IF ANY WARRIOR OR APPRENTICE NEEDS FIREFUR TO CHECK YOUR WOUNDS GO TO THE MED DEN!!!" snowstar yowled across the camp, as startled warriors started making there way to the med cat and to there dens to sleep, with there ears pricked, on high alert. out of the corner of snowstars eye she see's emberpaw stumbling into the camp foaming at the mouth "h-help f-firefur...." he whispered collapsing to the ground, snowstar ran towards emberpaw grabing him by the scruff and rushing him towards the med den, then sniffs his pelt, she smelt death berry and shallowstar, w-what?! she thought, "OUT OF THE WAY, FIREFUR, EMBERPAW HAS BEEN FED DEATHBERRIES!!!!" she she-cat cried as warriors started to part, they looked at emberpaw with fearful eyes.