
chapter 3

As cats were watching emberpaw with worried glances, snowstar was tearing away the ground with her claws while keeping an eye on emberpaw, she stopped and started to pace in circles peaking in every couple of minutes. Around sunhigh the cats started to part and go to their normal duties. then firefur strolled out of her med den and looked at snowstar, "emberpaw is ok but he needs to stay in the medicine den until he recovers-- ive never seen a kitty-pet survive after feasting on a couple deathberries-" he said turning his head to the sleeping apprentice then walked away to get herbs.

snowstar sighed in relief, then padded in the med den and looked at emberpaw as he was starting to wake up, "a-am i alive?" he paused the started to laugh uncontrolably and so did snowstar.

"a-am i alive?" he asked grunting "EMBERPAW!!!" snowstar exclaimed with joy "your ok!!!" she nuzzled emberpaw, "m-my stomache hurts..." he groaned laying back down, "i'll go get firefur.." snowstar replied looking at the poor apprentice, firefur was trotting back to camp with some yarrow and catmint in his jaws when snowstar approached him. "emberpaw is awake but he said his stomache hurts- you might want to check on him" firefur- unable to speak, he nodded in response and walked to the med den slinking in the shadows.

"hey bramblepatch! i need to talk to you for a minute!" snowstar called out to bramblepatch beckoning him to her den, "you needed me?" bramblepatch asked tilting his head, "yes- go ahead and sit right there." snowstar responded pointing her tail to and empty sandy spot in the corner of her den and bramblepatch circled around a couple times before laying down. "emberpaw wont make it to be a deputy- so i think you will be the next deputy- i must make a meeting about this!" snowstar said starting to get up and pad out onto the highledge "All cats old enough to catch prey gather underneath highledge for a clan meeting!!!"

as snowstar yowled out those words cats started to pad out of their dens and sat in an almost perfect circle, some queens had to hold back their kits from trying to scamper up to the highledge. "i have some important news! as some of you know we have a new apprentice emberpaw, and he had been fed deathberries from shallowstar! he will not make it to be a deputy and its almost been a moon, so with that being said- bramblepatch please come up." snowstar spoke as bramplepatch padded up leaping from stone to stone eventualy making it to the top.

the warrior looked at snowstar bowing his head, "this is our new deputy!" snowstar yowled loud enough for mossclan to hear. as she heard cheers from the crowd of cats she seen minnowface growling and lashing hier tail in anger, "this meeting is dismissed." snowstar said above the noisy cats, and warriors and apprentices departed bramblepatch was assigning border and hunting patrols.

minnowface padded to snowstar, still lashing her tail and whispered in her ear, "i will kill that kittypet and if you have kits with him i will kill them and leave one with a nice- long- scar, on its side..." she hissed then padded off, before snowstar could think about what she said, she heard a yowl come from the queens den, firefur was running in there with herbs and a stick, while other queens ran out and grabbed their kits taking them out to play.

firefur was feeling frostflowers stomach and felt ripples, and she started to count one- two-- t-three! "there are three kits- now take this stick and put it in your mouth and bite down on it" frostflower did what firefur said as she gave birth to three beautiful kits. firefur was just about to leave when frostflower yowled, "WHATS WRONG?!" firefur asked turning around to see the she-cat starting to cry "t-this one is dead" she said rolling ever the golden she-kit.

firefur sighed mournfully "have you named her yet?" he asked, "n-no, why should i- she is dead" frostflower asked. "so she has a name in starclan of coarse!" firefur yelped in surprise. "then i'll name her-- goldenkit! for her golden fur." frostflower meowed smiling. "alright- i'll arange a vigil with snowstar for goldenkit." firefur replied softly.

firefur padded out of the den with goldenkit in his jaws and dropped her at snowstars paws, she looked down and gasped as her tail quivered, "i-is she d-dead?.." she asked shaking out her fur. "yeah" firefur sighed out the response "can we hold a vigil for her?" firefur asked.

"we can hold one right now-" snowstar said climbing up the side of the highledge, she pounced up and landed on top, sitting down she wrapped her tail around her paws "all cats old enough to catch there own prey gather under highledge for clan meeting!" she yowled as a couple of crows flew away, cats where coming out of there dens weary and dragging themselfs around the kit staring blankly and they all gasped.

"what happened!?" blackclaw rasped over the murmuring cats, aprentices started to shuffle their selves close together murmuring to each other as snowstar tried to explain her best they all bowed their heads, they all were interrupted when the apprentices started to stop there paws down on the ground in sync creating a thudding sound, the warriors glanced at them then looked among each other.

they joined in and the noise started to almost sound like thunder, what is happening- snowstar asked herself jumping of the highledge and padding up to them "what is happening? what are you guys doing?" sonwstar asked tilting her head,

"well..." apprentice started.

***yes this is a cliffhanger! yall probably hate me but i wont hate you all!!

sorry this was so short- i will get my next chapter out when i dont have writers block (writers block is when you cant think of anything to write) i would love to hear some of your idea's, if you have an idea dm me- we dont want people to know what will happen next if i choose yours! hope you all had a great new years and christmas, and i am only human so i have school, so if im really late on posting its because im having trouble catching up! have a good day!***
