
Senior Cheng (1)

"I'm sorry, are you alright?"

A set of blue eyes greeted Yuelin's hazel ones.

It was so blue the color instantly reminded Yuelin of a vast sky. Of freedom. Of the endless possibilities beyond.


Embarassed, Yuelin settled her gaze to carefully look at the person who bumped her with the sturdy door.

A young man wearing denim jacket, with only the top button fastened to expose the black shirt underneath, came into view.

Yuelin did a double take at the square jaw-line and high cheekbones that sharpened the man's feature.

But the genuine look of worry and the upset smile from the man's thin lips kinda contradicted the harshness of his face.

Because Yuelin took awhile to respond, the man decided to act first by unbuttoning his jacket and re-arranging it to wear around his waist. He was about to carry Yuelin when the latter finally realized his intent and immediately stood up.

Yuelin instantly regretted the move. She loudly groaned.

Her bottom was still sore from the sudden onslaught and her forehead was throbbing. At the moment, all she wanted was to lay somewhere comfortable, preferrably on her stomach until the ache passed.

However, Aoning seemed to have a different idea.

"Se..Se..Senior Cheng!"

Did Yuelin hear it right? Did the confident, high-spirited Aoning just stutter in front of this man?

The man called 'Senior Cheng' shifted his attention to Aoning.

If it were even possible, Aoning's face turned redder.

"We.. We will be alright, Senior. We are going inside first. P..Please excuse us."

Without waiting for a reply, Aoning grabbed one of Yuelin's free arms and dragged her inside the lecturer room in a flash.

Senior Cheng's dumbfounded expression was clearly displayed as the door snapped shut before his face.

* * *

"We are saved," Aoning exhaled.

Yuelin wanted to ask, but another voice interrupted her first.

"Saved from what?"

Aoning nearly jumped. "Professor Liu!"

A man in his late fourties sat behind the table not far from where they stood.

The white spacey room had a high ceilings and was occupied with six big tables. The tables were arranged like a tetris puzzle divided by cubicle.

All tables were variedly decorated according to each lecturer's preference and personality. Out of six tables, five were empty right now. Only one table had a person in it.

"Hello, Aoning... and is it Yuelin I saw?" Professor Liu re-adjusted his glasses. "Oh, how wonderful. Welcome back, Yuelin. You look a lot healthier now. Sit, sit."

The professor gestured at the two chairs in front of the table.

"Hello, Professor," Yuelin politely said.

The title 'Professor' was similar to the title 'Grand Master' or 'Sage' from what she found out and concluded.

The prestigious title is bestowed to those who had achieved the pinnacle of knowledge and greatly contributed for the society. It can only be granted with approval from the leader of the country or what is it called again... President. Yes, granted by the president.

Yuelin was busy forming words to say to the professor while Aoning flat out said what was on her mind.

"Professor, how come you didn't tell us that Senior Cheng will be here today. We are barely saved from embarrassing ourselves just now."

Professor Liu chuckled. "Did you? I don't know either about that famous senior of yours coming over this morning. He is looking for other lecturer who is yet here. It's better if no one knows. This office will be cramped in no time."

Yuelin was taken aback by their easy interaction.

The professor here wasn't as stiff and strict as the grand master in her old world.

It was a... relief to know.

"Yuelin, are you okay? I'm so sorry I forgot you have been hit! I'm too shocked silly seeing Senior Cheng like that!" Aoning ultimately remembered what had happened to her friend.

Yuelin gave her a return stare that basically said: 'Nice of you to ask.'

Aoning smiled sheepishly and apologized again.

"Now, now. Don't let a man ruin the beautiful relationship between friends." Professor Liu casually adviced as he angled himself to access the computer on his left. "Let's just get it done, shall we?"

"Fan Aoning... You already finished the photography class last year. This semester you chose to take art management and design research courses, yes?"


"Have you thought of your thesis topic yet?"

Aoning opened her mouth then closed it. "I have interest in some media that I want to try first. But yes, I already think of a few topics I want to research."

Professor Liu nodded approvingly. He moved the computer's mouse and made a click sound.

"I have confirmed your courses. After successfully passing the two classes, you can begin your thesis next semester."

"Thank you, Professor!"

Professor Liu turned to face Yuelin.

"Now, Han Yuelin... Let's see your course's progress report first."

My thesis advisor decided to leave early for holiday so tomorrow I need to meet him for assistance that will take me hours to prepare. My writing speed still sucked. At the earliest, I finished one chapter around 400-500 words in an hour. I tried to increase my speed day by day. This chapter has around 800 words and it took me 2-3 hours to finish it. I know, I will keep practicing :')

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