
Swapping Geneive

Saving someone from drowning was the last thing I would do, ESPECIALLY if I couldn't swim. This only excited Geneive though. Driven with greed and the need for fame, FINALLY! this was her chance to shine. It was 'clearly' the gods that had gifted her this opportunity and there was no way in hell she was going to let it slip pass her buttery fingers. She smirked as she thought of herself being on T.V .' Scrawny teen girl saves helpless boy from drowning' there was no denying that she would be a household name.. Letting out a croaky battle cry, with a new set of determination, she marches into the unforgiving waters without even questioning the sudden change in weather. What she didn't know was from the moment she placed her feet into the odd lake her life was about to change drastically. Yes change was going to happen. But things do not always go as plan, do they....? Forcefully thrown into a world that Geneive thought only existed between her book pages, she is mortified when she finds out what exactly what she has landed herself into. Escaping 'maybe with a few antiques' is her main priority, but will she want to when she finds out exactly what or who is waiting for her?

Ploppyreads_ · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 4~ Woah There Cousin

Geneive's pov

I broke into a cold sweat. My heart pounded uncontrollably as I paced back and forth, stomping my feet impatiently at each end of the claustrophobic room. Checking every few minutes at the old clock hung crookedly over the door. I was disappointed each time I noticed not that much time had passed.

How much longer would I have to wait? I was beginning to get impatient.

After the maids and the guy left, I opened the note and was in for a surprise... Apparently I had a cousin that had everything planned out for my escape and it said to stay put until he came to rescue me.

At least someone in this girl's family actually liked her.... I was beginning to think that no one here was kind, poor her.. A sharp knock interupts my thoughts, banishing the last vestige of questions prowling through my mind.

Was that him?

I slowly etched towards the door trying to calm myself. What if it was someone else... What if the Alpha guy realised what her cousin was planning to do and stopped him...? I would be doomed. We both would be... But.. Me mostly.

With trembling hands I unlock the door with a click. Before I could even get a glimpse at the stranger, their strong arms encircle me, pulling me firmly into their chest. Was he trying to suffocate me...? He buries his face in my hair making me yelp out of surprise.

What was he doing? Clearly my "cousin" didn't know anything about personal space. But maybe they were close? Too close apparently.. It was making me feel uncomfortable and I just wasn't accustomed to people touching me.

"I thought I almost lost you Gevie, they said that you were not breathing when they found you," his muffled voice says as he tightens his hold around me. I didn't die from the drowning but if you continue tightening this hug I'll surely die from asphyxiation. I thought Irritatingly.

I heard a few sniffs and my shoulder felt wet.. Was he crying right now..? Well isn't this awkward..

It seems he really liked his cousin. I wonder what he would do if he found out I wasn't Geive. Ofcourse.. I wasn't going to tell him. I'm not that stupid and also I needed him to get me out of this strange place. Maybe I could tell him after..?

Most likely he would not believe me even if I said who I really was. Who would though.. I looked, sound, just like her everything was like her. I would just have to pretend until then.

I awkwardly place my arms around him, giving him a few pats on his back. Was I doing this correctly..?

After he calmed himself and he was sure that I was okay, he pulls away giving us enough distance. And enough space for me to see his face.

Let me just say I had to do a double take. Now.. he wasn't drop dead gorgeous but I could see him being a model.

The first thing that stood out were his sea rover-blue eyes and thick dark eyebrows, which contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His hawkish nose went well with his angular cheekbones that carved down towards a flinty jaw.

His messy muddy brown curls stopped above his slim shoulders. And his height.. I would say he was around 5'10 or 5'11.. Definitely someone that wouldn't exist in my world most likely in a book.

He just seemed so... Unreal.. I gulped. Now why couldn't I get him as the main character instead of the old Alpha guy.. I shiver thinking back to how he looked.

Her cousin was a solid eight and a half.. Maybe even a nine. If I were to go back home, I would be sure to take him back with me.. With a pretty face like him, I would make big money.. It sucked that he was her cousin though.. he had so much potential.. Life was truly unfair.

Was I feeling guilty for checking him out..? Of course not.. I mean.. He was her cousin, not mine.. A little ogling wouldn't hurt anyone.. Especially me.. I was enjoying the view.

Oh gosh.. I sound like a pervert..

And awkward cough broke me out of my thoughts.. And I looked up to see him smirking...

" You like what you see, don't you?" he asks smugly then all of a sudden starts doing model poses.. I roll my eyes and push him out of the way. He just had to open his big mouth, talk and ruin the moment. My moment.

" I have seen better things, get over yourself, bones." I reply walking towards "my bed."

"Who are you calling bones? You wound me gevie." he pouts and dramatically puts a hand on his chest.

"I'm sure you will survive, so what is your plan?"

"Well since everyone is at the ceremony now and mostly likely will be drinking, I would be able to sneak you out, without anyone noticing. All you have to do is sneak out of the pack house, sneak past the guards and meet me at the edge of the border.

I will be waiting there with my car ready to pick you up, brilliant right?" He smirks. I looked at him in disbelief. Was that even a plan? I was doing most of the damm work... This cousin surely wasn't reliable.

My stomach drops.. How was I suppose to know how to get out of this huge house hell even get to the freaking border...? The real Geneive would know..

"Are you okay geive? " he asks putting a hand on my shoulder." You are acting strange. Do you feel sick?" I looked up seeing a concerned look on his face... Should I tell him that I lost my memory or something..? No that wouldn't work.. The doctor said my memories should be back by now. I decided against it. I would just have go with the flow and hopefully make it out.

" Uh..Y-yeah I'm fine. Sooo... your parents wouldn't question where you went? Wouldn't it be suspicious?"

"Ha, no. I told my mother I was feeling unwell and she said I could go back to rest," he grins. Suddenly I felt sad remembering the similar conversation I had with my mother this morning before all this happened. If I had stayed home.. Would any of this happen? Did my parents or sister even realise that I was missing? Or did the Geneive from this world swap places with me? Was she also pretending to be me? All of these unanswered questions were giving me a headche.

He looks over at the bed then back at me.

"Where are your stuff? You don't plan on packing anything?" he asks questionably.

What would I pack.. All of the clothes here were revealing and nothing was of any value. He didn't even have any jewellery laying around for me to pawn. For an Alpha he was quite poor. I thought.

"I don't want to take anything here with me, I just want to start a fresh," I force smile, hoping he would buy my lie. He just looks at me weirdly but nod, not totally convinced.

"Umm.. Can I ask you a favour?"

"What's wrong?"

"Would you mind lending me your T-shirt?" I smiled sheepishly. I really wasn't comfortable with wearing whatever I was currently in. His T-shirt would be long enough to cover me up though. He laughs but replies with an okay. He unbuttons his dress shirt and tosses it at me. Might I add he was wearing nothing under that shirt.

My face flames as I quickly throw the shirt on missing a few buttons in a hurry. What have I done to the gods that angered them so much to be put through this torture.. I eyed his body at the side of my eye. Not bad, not bad.. This wasn't wasn't the time to be ogling people's cousin Geneive, I scolded myself.

Before he leaves he gives me a bear hug which I didn't protest to this time. I was just looking out for my cousin wink wink.

I wait a few minutes then followed after him. There were barley any lights in the hallway so it was really difficult to see especially without my glasses so I had to feel around. Which sucked. I got to a wooden staircase and tiptoed down slowly cringing each time it groaned as I put my weight on it. Darn old stairs! Was anything here good? I was shocked no one came running to capture me with the amount of noise I was making. The house was dead silent almost eerie making it even creepier.

As I got to the first floor I could see dust, cobwebs covering broken furniture, broken glass tables, peeling and ripped wallpapers were thrown on the ground. Jagged holes were dug into the walls as if the person or thing that dug them was trying to escape.

The few windows that were in the room were either broken or had mold growing on them. The room was poorly litted and the few lights that were hung by wires kept flickering.

Black and brown mold dotted the ceiling in clusters making it evident that rain had been seeping through the roof for a good amount of time.

There were roaches and mice running around the room searching for their preys. The smell of urin and tobacco was so strong in the air, that I had to cover my nose. It was disgusting how someone could be living like this. For goodness sake this was the pack house..Now, I was not claiming to be a clean freak, but I was sure I new how clean a room. This place looked as if it was set up for horror movie shoot!

After almost getting lost twice I finally made it outside thankfully. The outside of the house looked dilapidated and abandoned. Vines formed a maze around the house, reaching their fingers towards the roof. The walkway to the house was unkept with weeds growing out in large batches. Not surprised there.

The pale cresent moon was like a silvery claw in the night sky surrounded by an ethereal glow. The blanket of stars stretched across the sky as far as the eyes could go it was so pretty. The nights aroma prevades the air and I couldn't help but take large inhales, heaving out a sigh of relief. I have never missed fresh air so much.

The serenity and quietness of the nearby trees swaying in the gentle breeze, and the sound of crickets in the night was very comforting.

I trampled my my along the rotted, trail in silence. Rain had recently fell as the ground was muddy and was filled with large puddles of water. It was so cold outside I had to hug myself to create some warmth. As if the animals could feel my irritation they either scurried away or ran into their homes as I passed them. Do I look that scary?

All of a sudden, I hear leaves crunch breaking the silence. I quickly hide behind the nearest thick tree. Oh shit! I forgot about the guards. My heart quickens as I hear footsteps slowly approach the tree I was behind. Goddammit, can't I catch a break.. Just five minutes is all I ask for.

"Did you hear that?" a deep voice questioned, someone. I press myself closer to the tree trying my best to blend in, I could feel the bark scraping against my skin painfully but bit my lip to prevent myself from making a sound. Also I tried to slow down my breathing. Not that I thought it would make much of a difference..

They were freaking werewolves ofcourse they would still hear you breathing genevie.


Please don't come over here, I did a silent prayer as I saw his shoes infront of the tree. This was it.. I was done for.

"No, what is it?" another person replied.

" I am not sure of what, But I heard something over here." he says.

"The Luna has escaped!" someone shouts from the pack house. Distracting them. They now knew I was missing. I only had limited time until I would be found.

"Come on Charles, let's go look for her you are hearing things, it could be an animal for all we know.. Also you know how Alpha would react if she is escapes," the other guy said presses on. Yeah.. Listen to your friend.

" But-"

"No let's go."

After a few minutes of them bickering, the guy followed after his friend angrily.

I waited a few minutes and when I was sure they left I stepped out from my hiding spot and continued walking again. Not even 6 minutes in I heard another shuffle of the bushes and I froze. Did they wait for me to come out of my hiding spot to catch me..

I could hear the heavy breathing coming from the side of me and took off running before I knew what it was. I wasn't gonna wait around for them to catch me. It was now or never. You would've sworn I was the next Usaint Bolt with the speed I was going at. After A few more minutes of running I finally saw a light in the distance.

I increase my speed as soon as I see the tail light of what I was assuming was my cousin's car. I could hear multiple paws hitting the ground and heavy breathing behind me. Which made me go even faster. If I even stopped for a millisecond I would be caught.

I yank the door open and jump in the front seat. "Drive!" I shout buckling my seatbeat. My heartbeat starts the settle down as the car takes us further away. The mournful howls of the wolves sound behind us, making my pores raise. It was so creepy. I leaned my head against the seat and let out a sigh of relief as I tried to calm erratic heart beat. I still could not wrap myself around what just happened.. I just escaped from being a werewolves bride..

"Are you okay?" he looks at me to the side of his eyes briefly before focusing on the road again.

"I'm better now," I reply turning away from him and pressed my forehead against the window. I honestly wanted to cry at that moment but would crying really fix anything? At the end of the day I would still be here.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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