
Side Chapter: Mina Ablaze

Two Terra Years Prior of the Warp Storm covered the Kaurava System

The Planet was Invaded by a Minor Ork Waagh

People of Mina Stood ready, with their Walls once more repaired and Due to the Effort of Alex Examples, they used his Tactics as to not risk their homes burnt down to the Ground by bringing the fight to the enemy, eliminating them... before they even touched the first walls...

But a Moment of a Short peace

A Warp Storm engulfed Kaurava and Communication was not available to the outside world...

a Chaos Warband appeared from the Warp Storm, sensing that they were more of an easy slaughter than the system that is engulf by said storm, The Early Warnings alerted the planet below of the impeding Invaders... and the battered defense fleet sought to delay them as their fleet has been wracked to provide any defense.

Marshall Solomon sent a degree that All the Guardsmen were to Reopen the Armories once more...

A Group of Guardsmen felt that they is being Called to a Place... as they Rushed to the newly formed Industrial Sector, Bustling with life as Ammunition and Supplies are being prepared for the Coming Onslaught...

They stood in front of the Place that belonged to the Heroes that saved Mina a few years ago...

"69th Dust hounds Armory" was inscribed on the Token by the entrance...

A Sand Wolf figure Carved holding a Saber in its mouth as its eyes are Staring at your soul...

(???): We Shouldn't be here...

(???1): Orders are orders Private, Marshall Solomon has already stated that all the Armories are to be opened... and this armory is no exception... I hope those boys don't mind if we grabbed a Few Items?

As the Armory Opened, as Dust and Old Air Flushed out of the building from a Glory that was recent.... The Squad Entered the Premises...


"Those boys living it large!"

As they See a Huge Stockpile of Well Maintained Weapons and Vehicles laid in a Tarp, There are Crates Unopened bottles of Amasec and A Fully stocked Medical Cabinet... and Scores of Teef and Bleached Ork Skulls placed on the trophy rack..

and a Sapling that is Planted in the Center of the Room...


(???2):"Who's there?" as they entered deeper to find the source... they found a Vox Recorder

(???): "Let's open this... perhaps the Ork Slayer himself might have something about our enemy..." the group nodded as he pressed the button... the Recorder spring to life and a Video shows a Younger Alex Hyde now addressing to the Viewer...

"*Static* Is this thing on? That Damn Cogboys mess my weapons Maintenance again! You Stop taking my Groxmeat!" Bringing some of the Guardsmen to chuckle of their hero is making some joke as he chased a Soldier Running off with his plate of Food off screen...

"Well now that is out of the way... if you see this record and you ain't one of my men, it means that Marshall Solomon has Already decreed to opened the Armories and I understand the Protocols...This Place is very special to me and my men, we fought against the Orkz...it has Blessing of the Emperor, given to me to save Mina now given to you...where your weapons would be long lasting and Unable to Overheat...You can call in the local Sororitas and the Ecclesiarchy to verify my claims..."

the Guardsmen looked it closely as Next video showing Alex shooting a Rocket Launcher... and He shot what deemed impossible amount of Rockets coming from the tube hitting a Local Ork Camp... most was Slack jawed as they watch LasCannons never run out of Energy for a Short time Snapping the Orks into two...

"However I noticed it only multiply it by 59 per actual shot so make it count... I made this video so that Mina wouldn't be destroyed... and I know you Viewers would do the Same thing in my shoes...save our home...The moment you entered this place you have been blessed as your weapons *Static*... The Emperor protects...*Static*"

(???): Grab whatever you can! I see that we would be heroes like Captain Alex!

(???2): Aye Sir, We Should Protect our homes... that much I like to admit, he did left a Backup plan did he?

(???3): Less talk, more shooting!

As they Left the Armory in a hurry to assist the city as the defender are desperately holding the line, Guardsmen with a Halo watched them from the shadows, but they sense something was wrong at the orphanage... Leaving Feathers at their wake...

A group of Sororitas was escorting the children to a safer location as the Orphanage was in Chaos as cultists flooded the entrance spouting their foul chants and praises to the Dark Gods... the defenders were assaulted by word bearers and Pink Demons and the Sisters that have Former Military experience fought back with their Weapons and Faith....

*Boom* as explosion was heard in the distance


(???): Shhhh, you will be fine, the emperor will protects us.... as a Hospitaller soothe the fears of the children.... as they headed deeper to the sanctuary....

As they reached there, several groups of sister stood ready in their power armor and gun emplacements were erected at the balcony aiming at the door...

(???2): We better barricade this place, sister... I managed to Borrow a few Lasguns and autoguns from the armory... the sister distributed the weapons among the sisters...

(???3): I get the children in a safer place... as she lead the children away from the killzone...

(???4): Here they come! as one manned a Stubber, aiming at the door

Their Sanctuary was breached and flooded by countless cultists, as they saw the children, they drooled as they wanted to sacrificed their innocent souls to the dark gods.

(Cultist): I sense undefiled souls.... WHERE IS IT!? *Brain Pop* as one screeched his desires until a stubber round pierce his skull... as the his corpse was trampled by his peers as they charged deeper, wanting to carve the flesh of a Child... but the casualties began to piled up at the door and they fled...

The defenders manage to rout the cultist, bringing a sigh of relieve.... with several wounded by the random attacks of the cultist as the hospitallers patching the wounds of their sisters....

*Stomp Stomp*

A Loud rumbling echoed in the hallways... Bringing a sense of dread...


A Chaos Dreadnought Barge into the Sanctuary crushing the skulls of the fallen Cultist, pressuring the brain matter to flow on the stone floors

(???): Sister attack!

As the Sororitas Began to fire at them...

Unlike the Cultist that charge in mere robes, the dreadnought is not affect by the barrage...

His Assault Cannon began to twirl, Some of the Sister noticed it and charged at him...

*BRRR* gunning down several Sororitas as bullet holes dotted their bodies in it's wake...

(CH. Dreadnought): "DIE" boomed from within the decayed dreadnought

and the cultist once more flooded in the Sanctuary...now jumped at the opportunity to kill the Sororitas...

In the Depths of the Sanctuary, now blocked by the thick door

A Child prayed infront of the Statue of the Emperor, Among the critically wounded sisters and the wailing of the children, To save them...

*Pound Pound*

The Door was being sieged by the Cultists

Bringing Fear to the occupanrs...

Then the Door gave way, a Group of Cultist swarmed to find where they were hiding... and about to charge at the room...

"Don't get your filthy Hands on our daughter!"

The Child looked around and saw a Group of Guardsmen, With Halos and Wings, armed with Lasguns and Stubber...

(Cultist): You Abomination! I... his sentence abruptly stopped as serveral Bayonets and Chainswords Pierced his body... one even ripped his tongue off... as the rest was hit by Las fire and stubber rounds

A Child went to the saviors much to dismay of the hospitallers trying to stop her...

"Dad? Mom?" two of the Guardsmen among the group Looked at her and smiled...

"My child... you have grown so much..." as the female jnelt down to her height, slowly touched the child cheeks.. bringing some warmth..

"I see that you have some meat on your bones! *Smack*" The Man Jokingly said softly as he was stared into silence....

"I thought you were dead... I seen your bodies..." as her eyes watered as she rememered the day she lost her parents...

"You prayed for the Emperor, we became his angels... And he sent us to save you..." making the child remember the man once spoke to her years ago...

"Your Parents went to become the Emperors Angels..."

*Boom* as the hallways outside rumbled from the explosions outside...

(Angl Guardsmen): You two let's go! We must save our city!

(Female Grd): "We Better go now, Sweetie... Be Healthy okay? As she hugged the child for the last time...

(Child): "Don't go Mom, Dad!" as She clunged to the Angels coat...

(Female Grd): "In death my duty does end, But we will always be watching you, And I am proud of you being strong...Here... Take this... My charm that I supposed to give you as a birthday years ago...Know that, We always love you..." She handed a Locket to the child that is Incribed with the letters "Duty Till the end" With a Picture of the Family and the child as a Baby... as she gave a kiss on the child forehead..

(Male Grd): "Sisters, Protect Our Children! At least that much you can do for the dead? I Will miss you..."

The Sisters that were in the room nodded in silence... as the Blessed Guardsmen rushed out of the room, some took to the skies shooting the enemies with accuracy, Some rushed at speed that defy the normal limits of a human, slaughtering the foes, in the name of the Emperor and their families behind them...

portals opened and supplying them more Divine Guardsmen in the front, Heroes of old, Officers, Men and women, that died on that planet to fufill their oath, to defend their city to the end...Reborn to Fight back the taint...

The Chaos Dreadnought Finished off one of the Sororitas as he snapped the sister into two with her entrails flowing on the floor, and he sense movement from where the group of cultist went, some of them running out where they entered, only to be put down under a hail of bullets and lasguns and rushed out as a Swarm of Soldiers flooded out, He didn't care as there is more to the slaughter... His assault cannon began to rotate.... One of them Rushed in with a satchel of Krak Grenades, Blowing up the weapon that slain innumerable casualties...

The dreadnought didn't mind as he began to Engage in Melee, Feathers and Blood Flooded the Sanctuary, he noticed the more he killed twenty took their place, he was overwhelmed until.... Where one of the Blessed managed to Pierced the Sarcophagus of the Dreadnought and Incinerated him in the process....

The Remains of the Ordo Hospitalers Went out from the Broken down Orphanage with the Children, Looks of Awe, was given to the Angels as they Left the Orphanage... as the parents of their orphaned children hugged them for the last time as they cleanse the taint...

With the Child holding a Locket, staring at Angels dissapearing in the distance as she was escorted back to a safer location....

"I alway loved both of you too...And I will never forget both of you..." as she kept the locket close to her heart...

2nd wall

The Third wall was breached once more as a flood of Heretics and Chaos Marines Flooded the city, slaughtering those that were unable to flee, filling the streets with blood as those heathen drew heretical symbols to the plaza, ripping reality as daemons accompanied the assault, Pink Horrors and Khornate demons Rushed in the battered Lines... It was thanks to the Guardsmen that opened Alex Armory that they held out this long, as Streams of Lasguns and Autocannons kept the Chaos at bay... each shot killing a lesser demons upon hit.... and this wall was the last wall that have the orbital cannons to defend the forces from total flooding of Chaos as the last wall defenses was still rebuilding from the last waagh...

A Horn was heard amisdt the Fire and Destruction, Both sides turned to looked at the place where the sound took place as a army of winged soldiers charged at the enemies and assisted the Defenders, What the guardsmen saw, as they wept, as they remembered the ones that lost their lives, now saving them, the forces of chaos snarled what they saw a abomination to the beliefs of the dark gods....

Both Forces clashed outside the 2nd wall, Chainswords, Bayonets and power swords Blessed by the Emperor, met with the Bloodletters Axes and Swords, The skies was furies was met with the winged guardsmen as they shot them down with lasguns and Stubber whose brass casing rained down, each shot taking a furie to be destroyed in the warp...

As the defenders of the gate stared at the battle that is not seen within their lifetime


"What are you doing? Shoot them or i will shoot you!" As a Commissar with a Halo clicked his bolter still emitting smoke ready to be shot...

All of the guardsmen began firing back as they knew that commissar that died long ago in the first waagh and it made them scared, if a Commissar in the flesh shot them, would they go to Heaven? but if its a commissar came back from the dead shot them? would they go to eternal dammnation? those were the thoughts as they fired frantically and assisted the reinforcements...

The Chaos Ground Forces was destroyed to the last, as their ships was turned into wrecking hulks floated away in the seas of stars...

As the Battle was over, the Blessed about to leave, they were met by their Families meeting them... the ecclesiarchy examined them as they found out that they were holy... they sent psykers to examined them, which all of them saw a piece of the emperor essence within all of the winged figures the angelic guardsmen that saved them turned into motes of lights as they went to the heavens or so the story goes, Later the planet was known for the absurdities that alex left behind making some sectors tried to copy their cultures with success. A War monument was raised of the people that lost their lives, Congreation of Statues of Guardsmen was raised, words are inscribed in the base of the statues "Even in death, they are duty bound to the bitter end." it became famous as the Cadian line "Cadia broke before the guard did!" as Cadia fell.

Mina Regiments was known in the galaxy as the most devout to the Emperor, there are certain cases upon guardsmen perishing in the battlefields, they were granted a second life... and accomplished their task before dissapearing...

The High Lords found out about this attributes, the Lord Commander Militant of the Astra Militarum wanted to raised a vote to the levies of Mina regiment requirements to the Highest, But were stopped by the first 7 High lords, General Fabricator of Mars, Representative of the Inquisition, Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum, Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas, Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes and the Cardinal[s] of the Holy Synod of Terra... Downturning the vote that would bleed Mina to extinction...

The defendants case, was that if raised Taxes more than it is capable, not only would the it would rebelled and it would be more of a headache, and they were classified as a Holy world by the Adeptus Ministorum as the dead are now assisting them, and with the almost infinite ammo capacity the General Fabricator is interested in the planet as he wished to see if the tales are not mere fallacies, he sent a mechanicus fleet to help with the rebuilding and find the place that make it possible of such tales to happen... and lastly the Captain General for the first time in court took a stance that is not within the interest of the God Emperor, causing the people that took a fence sitting action to vote no....

[Short language: Conflict of interest in the High Lords, By the Religeous factions of knowing that Human Angels aside from the legion of the dammed existed and the Mechanicus desire to know the perk alex left behind vs the Astra Militarum High Lord Intensive conscription to bleed the population dry, and the Captain general whose been neutral swayed the votes mostly to "no"]