
Retaking Kaurava [6]


"Incoming!" as Several Guardsmen dodged in the trenches

A Explosion was set off in the trenches, Killing Some of the Guardsmen as Corpse of Entrails and Flesh scattered in the faces of the Guardsmen bringing them A feeling of Dread...

General Stubbs was in a Command Bunker that is Close to the Gate... Watching the War Table as the Fight against the Chaos is on a Slow but grinding front...

He read Reports of the Xenos Incursions, And To realize that Kaurava III is a Necron Tomb world has brought him a Headache...

But on the flip side, he did see that Alex done the the Job Favorably, Destroying the Necron Lord that become a Dragon, he sent Observers and they came back the proof of the Pictures and recording, Capturing a T'au base Intact with most of those Insufferable T'au as a Negotiation Chip for him to decide, Making Alliance with the Eldar to not interfere and Killing the Dark Eldar and Freeing the Imperium Citizens captured by those "Things" is a One way to express is Gratitude...

While he fought against the Chaos with the Space Marines, the Dark Eldar attacked them every night, bringing paranoia in the Imperial ranks as they dragged off some poor Guardsmen doing Night Shifts, and the Daily intervals of the Tyranids as they rushed to plowed through the Defensive lines... And the Constant Shelling of the Daemon Engines, if it weren't for the Freeblade and the Baneblades that Alex sent, Fresh from the battle from Kaurava III Front, He doubt he would hold the line as well as he did,

Fresh Supplies and Medical aid were Constantly Sent to the Frontlines, bringing some comfort to the Soldiers that nearly believed that they were abandoned, but staved off due to Hot meals and Bandages...

and Added report stated that the Tyranids Splinter fleet is destroyed, it brought relief to Stubbs as they became Mindless Creatures as they wreaked Destruction on both them and the Chaos lines...

and what made Stubb day better was that there's no Midnight raids aside from the Chaos Marines... and the Blood Raven are doing the Cleanup of the Tyranids whose minds is on Flight or Flight response...

and the Kaurava IV Moon Lunacae is now refitted into a Airbase for Valkyries and Marauder Bombers to achieve Strategic Aerial supremacy saved for the Chaos Capital as A Giant Warp Storm preventing them from bombarding it to hell, and good news that it Providing Pinpoint Accuracy as satellites in the Vicinity of the Planet is now being reactivated and Their Operation time is now being smoother...

"Sergeant, Get the Army on the March, We Head To Peninsula of Iseult!" as he took a Final Look as the 3 Companies of Blood Raven Icons is Marching In a Steady pace after the total extermination of the Tyranids, While the Imperial Guards Is just a Few Weeks at best, Infront of them is a Fortress that supposedly defending the gate and Used to held the Kaurava 221th Regiment Garrison, hoping that they remained sane, Stubb sent a messenger to ascertain their loyalty, but was killed and his corpse was impaled on the Ramparts, the fortress... being turned into an Artillery platform of Demon Engines to lob their Shells at the Imperials, proving that the Regiment stationed there turned their back to the Emperor light... and Chaos Sorcery's made the Fortress a lot more sturdier and the Demon Engines to Shoot farther than the Basilisks range...

He Noticed a Fresh troops now coming out of the Gate... The Canoness Selena Agna of Adeptus Sororitas, Commander Indrick Boreale of the Blood Ravens, And Colonel Alex of the Monse Expedition...

"Let's take back Kaurava General!"

"Dust Hounds! Now the Time for the Hunt! Playtimes Over!" Bringing cheers Within the Guardsmen Ranks as they Revved their engines to Join the Fast Force

As Several Hovercrafts Flew Pass by to the No man's Land

And Attack Bikes now flooded out of the gate...

and "Initiates" Walker now Followed them with their triple barrels heading to a "nicer" location to shell Back.

Fortress Gate wall no.12

A Fortress Wall that was raised as a Checkpoint of the Gate in the mountain range for travelers to pass through to reach the city located in the Peninsula of Iseult, ever since the Eruption of the Warp Storm, they Decided to turn to Chaos, as Voices, whispered their Darkest Desires, Resentment and Ambition, blinded by their Dreams are now met with their Former Colleagues from Kaurava I, Seeing themselves as the dregs, washouts from the Academies in the Kaurav City, They Killed the Messenger and Showed defiance to Imperial authority... And the Chaos Champion Firaeveus Carron already provided them with Demon Engines to add to their artillery Arsenal and Sent Cultist to sacrifice the People that defied them, Many of the PDFs Looked at their former Families, Friends, Relatives that defy the teachings of the Dark Gods, in Cold uncaring eyes as they stood by, as the Cultist Murdered them to use their blood to activate a Ritual to open a Warp Rift to provide reinforcements from the depths of hell...

In the Process they were attacked once more in the process

The Corrupted PDF took to their Stations and saw a Force that is now attacking them was different, the Demon Engine come to life as they resumed the Bombardment across the cratered No man land. Bikes Now Showering the Fort with Rockets with a Hit and Run with the occasional Flashes of Shields protecting the vehicle, Hovercraft now Aiming their Rocket Pods Acted as a Mobile Artillery, and Initiates now doing Counter Battery Operations, Blowing the Ramparts with Flesh and Gore from the traitor guardsmen and cultist with Each Explosions Shaked the foundations of the forts, while they were distracted with the Force outside, Drop Pods Came Flying down from the Chapel Barges and Blood Ravens now Flooded the Fort and Predators and Rhino Transport teleported within the Base providing Fire Support, Within a few Hours they Accomplished their goals and the Flag of the Imperial now raised on the ruins of the Fort wall.

Alex Headed in the Basement and saw the Handy work of the Cultists....

Bodies Desecrated, Elderly, Youths, and Adults their eyes glassed as they looked up at the Ceiling... Whose blood Flows to a Unfinished Ritual Circle, with a Silent Question on their faces...

"Why? Emperor, did you Forsaken us?"

"I am Sorry I am late..." As Alex Removed his Helmet to pay respect to those that held their faith in a planet that is covered by the three Factions...

"The Emperor Never forgets your duty... Come... He will Guide you to Paradise..." Alex Began to Glow Gold and a Golden Portal Opened beside him...

As Souls that still remains in the Sacrificed Corpses, came out of their bodies... and went to the Golden Portal...

"Thank You, Sir" Said a Ghost Child no older than 8, Smiled as he was lead by a elderly, Joining the Parade of Souls that entered the portal...

"Do you wished to see the Emperor? Canoness Selena?" as Alex said out loud making the Canoness walked out from the shadows along...

Despite a Short Hesitation, they went inside the portal...

What Transpires there was only known between the two...

Later Cannoness Selena Wrote in her Diary

"During My Youth, I was told by my Elders that he watches over us, I serve the Emperor since the moment I knew my place in the Galaxy, It was my sworn duty to keep the Faith Alive in this dark times...But After Meeting with the Incarnation of the God Emperor Himself In that Golden Palace in the Heavens.... My Service was Appreciated By him... And He believes in me...My Duty was Known by him... He Is the Almighty... and..Wise..."

Her Diary was Stored in the Library in the Sama District...

A Day Later...

A Graveyard was Placed Outside the Fortress, Most of the Corpses was turned to Ashes in fear of Infection or tainted by the Chaos, But Alex Recalled each and Everyone of the names of the People that died in the Basement, And a Sapling of the Yggdrasil was Place beside the Graves, To remind them of their duty and Faith....

After the Conflict it was One of the Pilgrim Sites, To Pray, As there was Some Legends that there is a Angel that belongs to the Emperor that watches over the Tombstones...

Peninsula of Iseult

"Little was ever uncovered and little will ever be known of how the Warp Storm was unleashed on the Kaurava System's fourth habitable planet. Whether Guardsmen there grew corrupt and turned to evil worship, or whether the Storm took them unawares is an open question. What is without doubt is that the Storm's eye lay the lair of the Chaos Space Marines, and at the heart of this lair, a network of unholy and bloodstained shrines, linked somehow inextricably to the storm itself." -Dawn of War Soulstorm Archives

Unlike in the Canon, The Forces of Imperium stood United, instead of Infighting for the Command of the Forces, Against their Ancient foe...

all the Commanders of their respective Factions now surround the War Table that views the City as they figure the next course of Action.

(Boreale): "We the Blood Raven should perform a Steel Rain manoeuvre, and Take out the Center of the Point right here, We can end this once and for all." as he Pointed center of the Map that Held the Command Structure of the Chaos Marines

(Selena): "No, My forces should Face the Heretics, My faith in him will shield me and my sisters!"

(Stubb): "The Kaurava Conservator Regiments are hungry for glory, What says you Colonel any thoughts?"

As they looked at the Man that united them, for his input....

"I believe that there is a Number of Shrines that is scattered throughout the cities" as Alex Inserted a Few Grotesque Statues holding the Chaos Symbols...

"This Shrines are Empowering the Chaos Base, Taking them out is the Major Priority for bringing in Air Support, as the Warp storms is making the Aircraft unable to Hit directly at them, The Sisters should take it out as their faith can shield the temptations of the Dark Gods, any normal Guardsmen risked joining the mass of Insanity when they are near that thing." The Cannoness Nodded

"It would seem that the Factories in the Industrial District in the outskirts of the City as they are now Making Hell Talons, Demon Engines and Refurbishing the Garrisons Arsenals to Chaos, General Stubbs, It is needed to cut off from supplying the City, destroy anything as what is in there, might be tainted, what is there would be the glory you seek, As there are plenty of Cultist and Dark Mechanicus is in there, you might earn a Few Favors from the Mechanicus if you bring the heads of their traitors." Making the General thought about earning a few favors with the Mechanicus...

"Sir Boreale, Your Steel maneuvre is Impressive, But Plenty Flaws in that Logic, it might be useful for a Shock and Awe or a lesser civilized world, There might be Flak emplacements hidden in the city and Anti-Astartes Weaponry in the Buildings, and We only could see from the generalization of the City, they are Expecting you to dropped in, as they knew you are coming, and we received scout reports of a Chaos Knightblade Active in the city, Even if you use the Chronosphere to teleport in vehicles, it takes 5 minutes to Recharge, the Emperor Angels aren't Cheap...Once all the Shrines are destroyed, You can Achieve Imperial Supremacy..." Giving Boreale some time to pause and think about his maneuver and his Plans to Update it..

(Stubbs): What are you planning to do Colonel?

"For Me? I will take the Freeblade and Monse Expedition Force Charge to the Front Door and Be a Distraction once more, To Fulfilled The Freeblade Oath and Take out any Flak Emplacements...while the rest will achieve their Goals as we Lessened the pressure of the rest of the Group..."

As they Head to a Separate, Boreale Spoke Privately to Alex...

"You know Colonel? you would make a Fine Space Marine..."

"Perhaps, But it is the Emperor will, that I am where I am, Sir Boreale." Alex Left the Space marine behind as he Start the Operation...

The Worshippers of the Dark Gods knew they were coming, they stood ready by the walls, they hidden themselves in every Buildings, Every place where even a Human Could fit into, is Covered by Tank traps, Trenches, Mines, Barbed Wire, Corrupted Turrets, Making a Regular Assault seem Practically Impossible... But what they Faced is the absurdity...

Monse Expedition

Loud Rumbling heard in the distance....

The Chaos Guardsmen knew the Protocols and Hunkered down in the trenches waiting for the High Explosives they used to know...


What erupted was not a Craters of Explosions, But Sanctified Promethium Napalm and Chemfuel Shells dropped on the walls and the first Building Blocks, burning the Inhabitants out and Cooking the Chaos Guardsmen alive as their Flak and Carapace Armor melted into their skin, as there was no need of Collateral Damage as Alex Checked that there was no Innocent in the city no more... Thus Removing his Morality as he Engaged in Total Destruction... Not a Cultist was left alive, no amount of Excuse from their foul mouths will they be spared from the Bolter, As Alex Only word to them...

"You could have fled, or Stood on your ground, I Respect that you have the mind to flee, but you just gleefully butchered your neighbors and Families for that Blessing of those wretched gods? You don't deserve any Pity, You belong to hell!"

As He Managed to Destroy the Final Flak Emplacement, He Heard a Horn...

"Fulfill Your Solemn oath Sir, May the Ghost of the Past that cling to you be Free from this day onwards..." as Alex Spoke to the Freeblade Through Voxcast, the Titan Charge ahead to meet his Sibling now Controlling a Corrupted Knightblade...

The Two Clash Uncaring for the Collateral Damage they committed, as Shockwaves Flowed about Building were destroyed, Blade against Blade... The Corrupted Knight took a Stance and Parried The Freeblade Vibrio Blade and About to Finish it off with a killing blow...


The Freeblade was Envelope by a Reddish gold Coating that Block his Chainblade, Giving enough time freeblade to Kill his Sibling....

"Why brother? why abandon our Family, our Tradition? Why Kill our Parents Eli!?"

"I want More, Father never wanted me in the household *Bleugh* I See his Stubbornness not letting me enter the First Knightblade... Seem Like you won Little One...."

"Farewell Brother...may you meet your Dark Gods In hell" as the Vibrio Blade turned Gold He Slew His Brother... not knowing that he permanently Killed him forever....

The Freeblade took a Few Seconds and Followed Alex in his Path of Flames providing a Valid Distraction....

Adeptus Sororitas

they charge in tandem and Destroyed the Keepers of the Shrines as the Majority of their forces are now distracted by Alex Rampage, And under constant Bombardment of Sanctified Shells, the Structure collapse, in their place a Mini Warp rift was opened and Flowed Out Demons, The Sororitas stood their ground and with Heavy Flamers and Bolters until the Warp rift was unable to sustain itself in the Materium...

"Let us March Sisters, We have a Few More Shrines to Destroy! Anyone that is Injured are to be Healed, And those that are lightly wounded to fight? March on!" as they proceeded and Meticulous spraying Flamers on their path to the Next Shrine...

Imperial Guard

Thanks to Alex Extravagant Entrance, Some of the Guards went to reinforce the City, but most remained...

and the Kaurava Conservator Regiments Descended on the Factory in a Tide of Lasguns, Taking the Square by Square, inch By Inch, as Artillery From the Basilisk and Initiates rained down on their Location, the dark techpriest desperately tried to Created the Demons engines, they were killed upon Sight...

Stubbs look at this Accomplishment and a Loud Noise was Heard as the Warp Storm ceased to exist... He Grinned widely as he ordered the Air force to attack, as Countless Valkyries Took to the Skies, eliminating any Hell Talons that are still in the Air, and Drop Pods Rained down bringing Steel Rain to the Survivors.

Firaeveus Carron that saw the Losing side, he sought to flee the battlefield as he has a Sense of A Crisis waiting for him if he stayed, He was Met by Four People...

"Well, Well You done a Hell of a Paperwork, Now who should we Sent first to kill him?" a General Looked at him Coldly

"Allow me to Burn the Heretic!"

"Would you do the Honors, Sir Boreale?" Quoted by a Human Officer

"Gladly" as the Space Marine charged at the Chaos Lord with his Daemonhammer

"Hah, You will never take me Down, I am blessed by the Dark God themselves!" as he Rushed to meet his foe with a Khornate Axe, Despite being weakened by the Loss of the Shrines, He put up a Fight, and in a Single hubris, he got the Hammer caved into his Skull and his Armor was Pulverized....

With the Death of Firaeveus Carron, Marked the end of the Kaurava Conflict....


I know it rushed and I have Plans for the future?