
Surviving the Apocalypse in the Multiverse

All of it started on the Earth. The most Isolated planet in the entire Multiverse. Saying it was tragic would be a big understatement for the beings, named humans, on this planet. Well, maybe it was except for one, who only cared for himself and the closest beings to him... We don't know how, or why, he became like he did, and accomplished what he did. All we know, all the Multiverse knows, is that he didn't care for anything and wouldn't help anyone unless there was something in it for him. That is unless he felt like helping you or caring about something... but that came at a cost. Some say that you had to sell your soul to him, others say you became his loyal servant through black magic. What is fact and what is fiction, many don't know... about him who goes by the name of Dark King by some and Ruthless Adventurer by others. That is unless you are me, who sees him as someone else and by another name... And that is... I see him as a kind person to those he takes in as friends and a ruthless monster to his enemies. He is known to me by the name his parents gave him... the name Abel. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, so pleeeease take it easy on me. I hope that you can give me positive feedback, like telling me what you would like to see more of in the novel and what you think I can change. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the book, and anything you gift me so that I can do this full-time would make me appreciate you a lot.

MooingNymph · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Moonlight and Updating?!

[Day 3… Wonder what the zombies are doing…]

Moonlight shone into the room, illuminating three silhouettes for Kylie, confusing her as she couldn't see in the dark room even with the help of the moon's light.

Abel, on the other hand, was looking at the strangest scene he had ever witnessed, including all the weird shit he'd seen already with the Apocalypse happening and everything that happened afterwards.

In the center of the room stood a zombie with a coffee cup in its hand, acting like it was sipping on something every now and then, even though the cup was obviously empty.

On a couch to the right, a zombie was writing on a bunch of papers on a coffee table like it was marking them.

To the left was a zombie with a book open in front of it as if it were reading.

When Abel and Kylie, with Omi on Kylie's shoulder and Khepri on Abel's shoulder, walked through the door after accepting the scene inside.

All three zombies turned their gazes towards them while dropping what they were doing with mouths agape, like they were caught red-handed with a naughty magazine.

The zombies started to groan at Abel and company as they began to walk towards them with outstretched arms.

Dark mist started to leave Abel's body, but he soon realized that Khepri was still on his shoulder, causing him to freak out and look over at her, only to find that she was wiggling her antennae happily, as if she enjoyed the mist around her.

Ignoring the strange behavior of the little roach on his shoulder, Abel focused more on making three tentacles to corrode the zombies brains.

Why he decided to kill them this way was firstly because of his weak physical stats and secondly because he was tired of the mess that was caused by bashing their brains all over the place.

Another reason was because he had thought that when dealing with the four zombies on the other side of the fourth floor, he would gain a skill like in some popular novels.

This turned out to be wishful thinking, as Omi explained to him that the system he had was different from the Multiverse System.

He wouldn't get skills by performing tasks; the only way he would gain a skill was by using his current skills and traits.

So he had chosen to go for the mage route before meeting the little roach on his shoulder, now deciding to rather go for the mage and tamer/summoner routes.

Abel had gotten used to forming tentacles with the mist from his Corrupt skill, only taking 2 seconds to form them and 2 seconds to have them arrive at the heads of the three zombies.

All three zombies screamed out loud after having their brains turned to ash. This took a total of 3 seconds.

Altogether, it took him a total of 7 seconds to kill all three zombies, which was really quite slow in a battle of powerful beings, but luckily he was facing slow-ass zombies.

Kylie closed the door when Abel went forward and placed the three zombies in his Inventory.

Abel, Kylie, and Omi started to search the entire room for food, finding a sandwich, a lunchbox with some pasta, some crisps, and other snacks in the lounge.

All of this went to Kylie, and a few pieces went to Khepri as she also needed to consume food.

Abel's body was able to survive off of the leftover nutrients from the beings he used Envelop on.

So he didn't need to consume the food that was left for Kylie; he only needed to use his skill for sustenance.

Thinking along these lines, he opened his System screen to check on his stats and how far he was from getting 100% in his abilities.


[@%$&#%! $%@# System]


[Name: Abel Obsidian] | [Age: 17]

[Race: Inferior Husk]

[Physique: Unknown]

[System Lvl: 0]

[System Exp: 0/10]

[Host Lvl: 1]

[Host Exp: 11/20]



Health: 1/2000

Mana: 46/2000

Strength: 10 | Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 10 | Intelligence: 10

Vitality: 10 | Wisdom: 10

Agility: 10 | Spirit: 10

[SP: 10]




{Novice Skills}

[Appraise: 20%] | [Wither: 39%] | [Corrupt: 31%] | [Nurturing Corruption: 0%] | [@%$&! Envelopment: 3%]



[Usurp: 4%]



[Enveloped Beings: 0]


He had gained 1xp from the weird mouse thingy and 3xp from the three zombies; along with the 4xp from the zrendza, he had gained a total of 8xp since arriving on this side of the fourth floor.

Looking at the skill points that were still available for him to use, he chose to place five each in Intelligence and Wisdom, making them 15 each.

While Kylie ate her food with Khepri, Abel went and took out a zombie corpse after waiting for his mana to replenish, biting its neck to use Envelop on it.

Hearing a squeal from where Kylie was sitting, Abel guessed that him using Envelop must have shocked her a little bit.

And so, Abel would use Envelop and fall to the ground until all of the zombie corpses within his Inventory were used up.

Abel had thought that he had been doing this for close to a day, but when he went over to the starved-looking Khepri and Kylie, they told him that it had been exactly 3 days since he had begun.

Trying to figure it out caused him a huge headache as it made no sense until Omi told him, "The reason that some bodies took longer to digest than others is because of their grade.

The two zrendza took a total of 16 hours each, and the fat zombie took 8 hours.

What you thought was you just being paralyzed because of your lack of mana was actually just the fact that you were digesting everything and converting it to purified energy for the crystal in your chest."

"Ah! That makes way more sense than me being paralyzed from lack of mana.

I mean, even when I had 1mp left, I could still move around, but when using Envelop, I can't even move a muscle. I should have checked my mana and not just assumed." Abel spoke in a dejected tone.

The man/boy felt bad for having starved Khepri and Kylie, only thinking of himself and what he needed, as one was his tamed or something, and the other was, well, someone important to him.

Resolved to not forget about them next time, he apologized, to which they said that it was fine, being the kind girls they were, unlike a certain cheeky fairy, he thought.

When he had thought of that, he had felt a cold sweat build up on his back as a specific killing intent was felt coming from a certain fairy.

Stiffly, he turned to face the fairy that could kill him with a flick of her finger, only to receive a 'Hmph!' as a reply with pouting cheeks and arms crossed.

Soon he realized that she really wouldn't do anything to him, so he decided to placate her by giving her a reward for explaining and helping when she could, even though it must have been terribly irritating for her to do so.

Leaning towards her face that was turned to the side, he gave her a light peck on the cheek, saying to her with a smile on his face, "Thanks for being with me from the start, Omi. I really do appreciate you, and I know that you are just teasing me because you've been stuck in that crystal for so long and haven't been with anyone else in a very long time."

Omi's face was letting off imaginary steam at this moment, as her face was a bright red from how shocked and embarrassed she was.

She quickly squealed like a little girl and flew behind Kylie's red hair to hide her face from the chuckling Abel.

He decided that he really liked the cute side of this cheeky fairy and would try to bring more of it out.

Abel decided to open his Status Screen again to place the enveloped beings into the system experience when he found out that he couldn't even open his System up, only getting a weird screen.


Looking at the words in front of his face and the fairy peeking out from behind Kylie's fair white neck. Abel was at a loss for words right now as he had no idea what was happening, and right before he could ask, Omi answered with a small pout still visible on her rosy face.

"The zombies that you had used Envelop on were directly placed in the System Experience as you had no other use for them." Omi explained quickly and hid back behind Kylie's neck as the redhead giggled at the silly fairy's antics.

Now he understood why the system was busy updating, but he wondered how much each zombie was worth experience-wise for the System to level up so quickly.

Looking to Omi, who didn't even wait for the question and answered, "You get the same amount of experience as you would get for leveling up, so 1xp per normal zombie and 2xp for the fatty, you understand?"

Abel nodded to Omi as he looked at the System screen in front of him and said, "Now I just need to wait…"