
Survival Rising Stage

The battle was over...but the losses were great, for me at least. Why me exactly??... I wasn't strong or powerful, I didn't provide great support, nor did I keep the team together. "So why me?" this was the thought in my mind as I bled out. My killer was on top of me at this moment and I questioned them. Black hair, purple eyes, and a faint mysterious aura surrounded this person. He looked me in the eye, with a crazed look and a bloody grin on his face, "because you were weak", he said. "because you were weak...I would be able to take you down with me before...I died" his ability to speak was slowly slipping away. He was also bleeding out just like me. But, I did not create his injuries. To the right was a woman who once was a crybaby, with black hair, yellow eyes, and a petite body representing the fact she was only 17 year old, staring coldly at us. "She's changed so much", I said reminiscing in the better times, when she was easily scared by an ant crawling on her arm. To the left was a man with a murderous aura around him, he was the one who brought along the fatal injuries on my killer...no traitor of our group. He had black and yellow eyes as well and was the older brother of the other woman, unlike a cold stare he has a murderous aura, the reason was unlike the other 5 members of our group and this traitor, he and I were like brothers and were very close. I was very sad to have let him down. Smiling a bitter smile I looked at, "Im sorry", I muttered.

breadbringer · Game
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2 Chs

Why do I feel like I wasn't reincarnated???

It was dark and cold, so cold that one would feel like they were being chilled to the bone. There was no ground, neither was there a sky. There were no creatures in sight and not an environment to experience, it was dark...and cold.

Reitolk opened his eyes in discomfort, only to be greeted with a scene he was not at all familiar with, well, lack there of. As he was examining the area he found himself in, an emotionless voice reached his ears.

*Player please input your character information.*

A system screen was before him asking him for his character information, this alone was enough to make him realize where he was. But...how was he supposed to believe it?!!

Was he reborn, reincarnated or something, no.

He felt it, he didn't know what he felt, but it seemed to tell him he wasn't brought here through some miraculous means. More like...he was here the whole time.

He didn't understand what to make of this situation, but he didn't need to make one just yet. A foreboding aura was surrounding the timer above the system screen from before. He only had five minutes to finalize his character's information. And as time passed by the pressure he felt only grew.

Quickly he put in the information from before, there were multiple things he had to put in, such as name, gender, and some personal information to link your character to who you are in case of emergencies.

Right before he confirmed his character's information he stopped himself. There was only 1 minute and a few seconds left.

"System I want to leave", he called out hoping as he realized the situation and possibility before him.

No response

"System logout" he called out once more.

No response

"Secret'break-ForceLog, NOW", he screamed in sadness and desperation.

*Players will be able to logout after character information finalization.*

"Bull crap", he screamed in sadness, why was he here? He regretted that choice he made back then, it felt like years had passed since that choice but even then it had only been a year since then. It had only been a year in that...in that...dream??? Simulation??? he looked at himself and realized he had no scars on his body nor any demonization marks occurring on his left arm.

"I'm no longer demonized", he muttered in astonishment, those words quickly proved to be a huge mistake.

*Human Reitolk Isaac bashayar has become an anomaly, initializing The Fair Neutralizing Anomaly Procedure.*

*Time to complete player character registration has been reduced by 90%*

*Player information collection and integration speed reduced by half*

Suddenly the 49 seconds Reitolk had reduced to 4.9 secs and was running out quickly. Registration and integrating player's finalized information usually took 2 seconds to complete.

Clicking the finalize button so his character information could be registered and integrated into his player character form before the timer ran out he immediately started sweating bullets as he watched as the timer on the system became smaller and smaller, until, finally it disappeared as a new message showed itself.

*Character information has been finalized, now teleporting player to 'Survival's Rise'*

In the blink of an eye Reitolk disappeared.

Sorry about the abruptness of this start, but um, I decided to stress my brain to place some clues on what happened the MC that led to this situation.

breadbringercreators' thoughts