
Survival Rising Stage

The battle was over...but the losses were great, for me at least. Why me exactly??... I wasn't strong or powerful, I didn't provide great support, nor did I keep the team together. "So why me?" this was the thought in my mind as I bled out. My killer was on top of me at this moment and I questioned them. Black hair, purple eyes, and a faint mysterious aura surrounded this person. He looked me in the eye, with a crazed look and a bloody grin on his face, "because you were weak", he said. "because you were weak...I would be able to take you down with me before...I died" his ability to speak was slowly slipping away. He was also bleeding out just like me. But, I did not create his injuries. To the right was a woman who once was a crybaby, with black hair, yellow eyes, and a petite body representing the fact she was only 17 year old, staring coldly at us. "She's changed so much", I said reminiscing in the better times, when she was easily scared by an ant crawling on her arm. To the left was a man with a murderous aura around him, he was the one who brought along the fatal injuries on my killer...no traitor of our group. He had black and yellow eyes as well and was the older brother of the other woman, unlike a cold stare he has a murderous aura, the reason was unlike the other 5 members of our group and this traitor, he and I were like brothers and were very close. I was very sad to have let him down. Smiling a bitter smile I looked at, "Im sorry", I muttered.

breadbringer · Games
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2 Chs

A Castle?

A beautiful sky could be found when one looked up, just like the real-world, it was baby blue, holding a ball of light and many randomly shaped foggy structures in the sky also imitating the real-world's sun and clouds.

As one could clearly tell by the description of the sky Reitolk was angry and was taking it out on how the sky in the game looked.

"To think that we had no hope the second we entered the cabin", Reitolk sighed in frustration.

He stopped focusing on the choices that led up to what happened now and instead focused on what was before him. A forest that he knew was on an island about the size of 3 Texas states combined. He knew this was a place he only had 24 hours to be before he was transported to his actual spawn.

There were people already here when he arrived. Looking around he found a man named Jolan, a charismatic idiot who led him and half of the other players here to their deaths. Losing the only extra life a player started with, and immediately sending them to the real spawn area in Survival's Rise, the myriad of dungeons in this world.

The 24 hours spent on this huge island is meant to be used to gather the necessary equipment and resources needed to survive and break out of the dungeons. The resources one can find in this place would be hard to acquire once in the real start of this game.

Knowing this Reitolk decided to start moving immediately. He looked at his basic stats which were the same for all players.


Player Status:

Name: Reitolk

Condition: Healthy



Health: 20

Stamina: 20

Energy: 10

Strength: 3

Agility: 3


Equipment: None


This was a player's Status screen, this allowed players to see their stats, condition and equipment.

Now this game wasn't like other games in the rpg sense, Reitolk remembered something about this game. You can't level up or stage up, or go and train your stats to unbelievable levels either in this game. You can become stronger, but the path to strength is dangerous. The likelihood of you dying is much higher than you succeeding in this game.

But here he was with the knowledge of the future in some way with the perfect opportunity to get stronger in a much more quick process relatively safer method than most can get.

Although he was in a place he wasn't used to, he knew it would be easier to survive here than in the actual game world because this was the place for resource gathering newbie players and in the true game world it's a place where survival is only for the strongest, luckiest, smartest, and best players and npc's.

Knowing this Reitolk started scanning the area, and sure enough this was a place for players to gather resources in a relatively safe manner, he found three uncommon plant type resources around him, these weren't too valuable on their own, but they just happened to be the resources needed for health and agility potions.

One of the plants was called Tense Blade grass, which was slightly big extending 2 feet outwards and 1 feet upwards. This plant was useful in creating health potions. Another plant was called Dripping Vital root tree, its roots covered the earth and the tree part was underground, its roots were constantly dripping a glowing substance that would energize you and specifically target your leg muscles with extra strength. This plant was useful in speed potions and stamina potions. Last was the Dented Yellow Carrot, unlike the usual carrot plant its stem was yellow and bent up in many spots, making it look like a bunch of kindergarteners woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to take it out on the poor plant. This plant was useful for perception speed enhancing potions.

Reitolk simply gathered the grass and the carrot, but for the Root tree he would need a container to take the glowing substance with him. Understanding that he decided to leave for more resources.

On his way he found more of that Tough Blade Grass and carrots, as well as a few more of the tree roots. He also found many other useful plants when he finally found a ruin he had been searching for. The same one he died having followed that charismatic idiot Jolan.

As Reitolk was walking around in the forest he noticed the trees start to clear up. The grass that was there before started to fade away into just plain dirt. Before continuing any further Reitolk grabbed 2 thick dead trees. Eventually there was nothing around for him to hide himself around. Looking out he saw a Stony structure about 0.8 miles away.

It was a dilapidated old ruined castle, that had seemed to have long been abandoned. Moss covered many spots of the clearly breached wall that had many holes in it. One could occasionally see rats scurrying around the front of the barely recognizable gates. All the structures on this land were like that, Reitolk guessed that as he listened to many others talk about their time in this startup land.

Reitolk stepped back a bit and found a stone about the size of both of his hands balled up together and tossed it over to the gate, but not before finding a couple of dead trees, and setting them up vertically.


*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

*Clank* *Clank*

*Ching* *Ching* *Chink*

Reitolk had thrown the stone at the gate and triggered an advance trap. The trap shot 2 initial arrows out and then calculated the direction the stones came from, finding that there were only two dead logs where the stone came from it deactivated. If it did find someone in the direction the stone came from, said person or even people would be bombarded with arrows. If it didn't it would deactivate. As one would guess seeing how well he knew this trap he had indeed survived this trap. The method to...he was not proud of.

Walking out from behind the dead trees Reitolk immediately started walking towards the castle's gates. It took him about an hour to reach here, looking up into the sky he sees that the sun has moved a little. Judging the position of the sun Reitolk guessed he had about 2-3 hours before Jolan and his group of people got here so he had to be quick.

Walking through the gates of the dilapidated castle Reitolk immediately after a more stealthy disposition, bending his legs and back until he was in a crouched position. He moved along the wall avoiding the monsters he knew were there, the undead. Eventually he got to the right tower. If he was to walk there normally it would have been a about an 8 minute walk, but dodging the skeletons and zombies around the area made the 8 minute walk a 17 minute walk as there were quite a few of them. Even the small noises had a high chance of attracting the zombies within a 8 yard radius and skeletons could sense anything within a 4 yard radius of them. Making avoiding this castle of brain dead creatures an absolute hassle.