
Survival Among the Dead: The Outsider

A man met God after death and embarked on a journey into the world of The Walking Dead.

Morgan_Slizerin · Televisi
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3 Chs

Meeting with God

This is the place we go to after death, or maybe I'm currently in a coma, and I'm having a very realistic dream, although I can't recall ever having such strange dreams. I find myself in a small room, and in front of me sits an old man with a gray beard. This is not a dream; you've really died from a mine explosion, or more precisely, from blood loss, but that's not important. You're here because you'll have another chance, three wishes, and a world of your choice to go to. It's just like those fanfics I used to read before I joined the army, where I later stepped on a mine. It's interesting why he chose me, as I'm definitely not the best person on the planet, but I was given such a chance.

The first wish: I wish for my family to live happily and, after their deaths, be able to choose where they go. Can you do that?

Well, let's move on to the next wishes.

Second wish: Make me resistant to various influences on my consciousness. I understand that you want no one to change your memories or control you in any way.

Thank you. Now, the third wish is to have the ability to travel to different worlds.

Can you travel between worlds if you die or decide to leave the world yourself? Since you didn't choose very strong powers, you can choose the type of world.

Now, which world would you like to move to or be reborn in?

Well, let my first world be "The Walking Dead." I want to end up in the period when Beth was kidnapped by those cops. I want to be near Atlanta on the road they will be passing through, and I want to look like Derek Hale.

It's a rather harsh world, but in that case, I'll give you a small starting package. Now, go and enjoy yourself. You'll have two hours before they pass by you.

After that, I found myself on the outskirts of Atlanta, right at its entrance. I quickly scanned the area for any nearby walkers; I didn't want to die immediately. There were several abandoned cars around me, and I couldn't see or hear any walkers. It was nighttime, so it would be quite challenging to spot them.

Beside me was a duffel bag. I opened it and found a flashlight inside. There were also two Beretta pistols with suppressors and 100 rounds each, along with cleaning tools. An M4 with a suppressor, a scope, and 300 rounds. Some medical supplies, various antibiotics, ten MREs, and several fruit purees. Two knives, a hunting one, and a military one. Additionally, there was a map.

With this gear, I could start my survival journey in this world. I had a few hours before the cops arrived, so I needed to prepare. The cars were strategically positioned, so I needed to lower my speed to pass between them, creating an ambush. I strapped one of the pistols to my leg and hung the other on my belt, making sure the knives were easily accessible. Now, I had to scout the area, hoping I wouldn't attract any walkers during the upcoming shootout.

Turning on the flashlight, I examined the cars, all of which were non-functional. In one of them, there was a dead walker. The stench nearly overwhelmed me; I wasn't sure if I could get used to that smell. Approaching another car, I carefully stashed the bag inside, making it less conspicuous and easily retrievable if needed.

Afterward, I continued down the street. It was quite deserted; most of the walkers had probably wandered off. Entering buildings didn't seem worth it; I doubted they held any useful supplies. In one of the alleyways, I spotted three walkers. They immediately noticed the light from my flashlight and started heading toward me.

These were going to be my first walkers. I took out a knife, approached the first one, and thrust it into its eye, causing it to drop instantly. While I was occupied with the first, the other two closed in. I grabbed one by the clothes and pushed it, applying enough force for it to fall, even though they seemed to stay on their feet quite well.

The third was getting too close; I grabbed it by the neck to prevent it from biting me. It pressed me against a building, attempting to bite. It also grabbed my left arm with a strong grip. Underestimating their strength, I reached for the pistol on my hip and shot it in the head. Afterward, I raised the knife and finished off the third one, which was crawling closer.

In less than an hour in this world, I came perilously close to becoming a meal for the walkers. They were strong and felt no pain. I knew my arm would likely be bruised. After checking a few more alleys where there were a few walkers, I decided to return. I took my M4 and positioned myself to find the driver. I needed to act quickly to avoid accidentally shooting Beth.

After some time, I heard the sound of an engine. Prepared, I saw the car approaching. I aimed and fired a magazine into the two cops on the front seats. I quickly replaced the magazine and ran to the car. Opening the door, I saw two bodies. I shot one more time to be sure. I retrieved a flashlight and shined it on the back seat. There lay a blonde woman, resembling an actress, perhaps even more beautiful. I threw the two bodies out of the car, took their weapons, and removed their bulletproof vests, placing the vests in the trunk and the weapons in a bag on the passenger seat next to me.

Turning, I drove away from Atlanta. Now, I needed to find a safe house for some time.

After driving several kilometers, I turned off the main road and continued until I saw a few houses. There were a few walkers on the road, so I needed to clear a house to stay in for a few days.

Exiting the car and locking the doors to keep the walkers out, I took a knife and killed the ones on the street. Approaching a typical American house, I opened the door and knocked a few times. After a minute with no response, I entered the house, room by room. There were no walkers inside.

On the kitchen counter, I found no food, but fortunately, I had enough supplies to last for a while. I left the house, returned to the car, opened the rear door, and carried Beth inside. Afterward, I grabbed the bag, disinfected and bandaged the wound on her head to prevent infection.

Then, I had dinner and went to sleep.