
Survival Among the Dead: The Outsider

A man met God after death and embarked on a journey into the world of The Walking Dead.

Morgan_Slizerin · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

I woke up around noon, and Beth was still unconscious. Finding a bathroom, I looked in the mirror and saw a new face. I looked like Derek from the TV show "Teen Wolf." After that, I went to Beth, removed the bandage, and started tending to her wound again. When I brought the alcohol-soaked cotton ball close to the wound, she winced in pain, slowly regaining consciousness. Her eyes were still unfocused as she looked around.

She then gazed at me and attempted to sit up.

"Don't get up; you have a head injury that might be a concussion," I told her. She didn't need my words as she could only manage to sit up slightly before lying back down.

"What happened to me?" she asked in a hoarse voice. I handed her some water and said, "Here, take a sip." She drank a little and continued to look at me, waiting for an answer.

"I found you accidentally, or rather, not you, but two police officers. They stopped not far from me, and I overheard them talking about finding a girl and having some fun with you because they were tired of the women they had."

She looked at me with skepticism.

"My name is Derek, Derek Hale."

"I'm Beth Green."

"We arrived here in their car, and in the trunk, there are two police officers with bulletproof vests. I also overheard them say that their base is at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. Once you recover, you can go wherever you want or stay with me. For now, I'll treat your wound."

I continued to tend to her wound after re-bandaging it.

"Why?" she asked.

"Why what?"

"Why are you helping me?"

"I don't know. I killed those officers, and I don't think they were good people. I didn't want to leave you as walker bait, even though you might not be a good person either."

"How will you know what kind of person I am?"

"By your actions. Although there are people who can seem nice but be complete psychopaths."

"What kind of person am I?"

"How many people and walkers have you killed?"

"I haven't killed people, and I didn't keep track of walkers, but not that many. Your questions are strange."

"Why are they strange?"

"I was in a group, and before we accepted someone, we asked how many walkers and people they had killed and why."

"Well, those aren't strange questions. Although people can lie, it's necessary to give others a chance, even though you can't trust them immediately. Now, eat and rest."

I gave her some fruit puree and cookies. After she ate, she went back to sleep; the most important thing was for her to recover quickly.

A few days later, her condition improved. Her injuries weren't as severe as in the TV show.

"Now that you're feeling better, will you go looking for your people, or will you come with me?"

"I don't even know if I can find them, and I'm not sure if I can survive after the prison fell. Daryl was with me, protecting me, so I'll go with you. I'll have a better chance of survival, and maybe I can repay you for your help."

"Alright, you really don't have much chance on your own. Take this."

I gave her a knife and two pistols, one with a silencer and one that I took from the cops.

"And where are we going?"

"I think we should head here."

I pointed to a location on the map.


"Yes, I've heard about it. Before the apocalypse, it was an eco-settlement, with house prices starting at a million dollars. They had solar panels. There might be people there, or it could be an abandoned city."

"We have nowhere else to go."

"Don't you want to continue looking for your group?"

"Yes, but I don't know if anyone survived, so we're heading there."

"Yeah, it was a mistake not to have a meeting point or several of them."

Afterward, we got into the car and headed out. Here, we searched all the houses and found some supplies. We drove in silence, and Beth was saddened that she couldn't look for her group. Well, she would be surprised when they arrived in Alexandria. After a few hours of driving, we saw a small settlement.

"Let's search for supplies and gas."

Afterward, we began our search.

"Hey, Derek, there's a supermarket. Let's check it out."

"Be careful."

Once we entered, we didn't see any walkers. The shelves were almost empty, but a few things were left. Beth went down one aisle, and I took the other. I started collecting supplies when I heard a scream. Dropping the bag, I rushed to see two walkers attacking Beth. I quickly killed them.

"Let's go. Others might have heard. We need to take the bag."

Beth and I headed for the bag. When I picked it up, I saw walkers entering the store from who knows where, dozens of them. Beth had her pistol out and fired a few shots.

"Don't waste your bullets. Stand here. If anything happens, you'll cover me."

I took out my knife and approached the group of walkers, making sure they didn't surround me. I began killing them one by one, staying vigilant and not allowing them to get too close. After a few minutes, I had dealt with all the walkers inside the store.

"Let's go. There's no sense in staying here."

After we exited the store, there were more walkers on the street, drawn by the noise.

"Try not to waste your bullets; we don't have many. I'll cover you. These are yours."

She started killing the walkers. Her movements were quite rough, and she struck the harder parts of their heads. It was strange how the walkers' skulls had become somewhat softer, making them easier to penetrate. Nevertheless, it still took effort to thrust the knife and retrieve it. We reached the car, loaded our bags, and drove away.

You're welcome. Your movements are rough, and there are too many of them. You should also try to aim for softer parts to conserve energy and speed up the killing process.

"I don't know how to fight. I was taught to shoot, and even then, it's challenging to hit a distant target."

It's good that your group taught you to shoot, but we have limited bullets. You'll learn to fight against both the dead and the living. Are you skilled in combat?

"I know some techniques. We'll train on the way. Engaging in physical activity may slow us down a bit, but it's necessary for you."

I appreciate your help. I don't want to be a burden to anyone anymore.

Several hours later, it started to get dark, and we decided to spend the night in the car. Before resting, I initiated a light workout session. I began teaching her some basic self-defense moves, emphasizing body control. In my previous life, I had attended various training programs on self-defense, and I served in the special forces, where they taught me how to kill. After several years in the service, I became quite skilled, at least until I died. After the training, we took turns resting in the car, as we both took our turns behind the wheel. This allowed us to get some much-needed rest. We had been on the road for a week now, occasionally stopping to replenish our supplies.

Derek, we're getting close. What should we do next?

Well, let's leave the car in the woods and continue on foot along this trail. There seem to be fewer walkers here, and perhaps there are people ahead. We'll need to approach them with caution.

After this decision, we left the car behind and started walking. After about an hour on foot, we reached a city.

Is this what you wanted?

Look, they've built a fence.

Yes, that means it's safe there. But let's not rush; we need to be cautious.

Afterward, we observed them from a distance for several days. Beth was learning quite fast, even though she still lacked strength. Nevertheless, she was improving.

Well, I think they seem like reasonable people. What do you say, should we approach them, or should we continue our journey?

It seems safe with them, but we'll need to conceal our weapons before going in.

You're learning quickly, Beth. Let's leave our knives here. They're of great quality, and it would be a shame if they were taken. We'll take the knives we found, the pistols, and some spare ammo.

Let's go hide our weapons.

After we had hidden our weapons and supplies, we approached the gates of Alexandria.

There's no one on the guard tower; that's strange.

Yes, maybe it's a shift change.

Hello, is there anyone?

The gates opened, and two men were pointing their weapons at us.

Hey, we don't want any trouble. We were passing by and saw the fence. Could you possibly take us in? We can be helpful to your community.

Yes, we've traveled so far and haven't found any safe places.

Wait here; I'll get the leader.

After that, he simply walked away, leaving us. Beth and I exchanged glances.

I think they've been living here from the beginning and might not know much about the outside world.

Yes, they're quite peculiar, and you are too. If you knew there was a survivor camp here...

It's all intuition. Let's stick to the plan. We met a few months ago, but before that, you were living on a farm with your father and sister until walkers attacked. Your father passed away, and your sister's whereabouts are unknown. You can shoot, but not very well. My story - I spent the first six months in a bunker until the food ran out. Then I started wandering. I was with a group for a while, but walkers attacked us. After that, I roamed the world alone until I met you. I can teach you how to fight. The less threatening you appear, the better for us.

I know. During our journey, you've been teaching me self-defense.

A few minutes later, a woman and several other people approached us.

Hello, my name is Diana Monroe. This is my son Spencer and Aaron. Do you want to stay in Alexandria?

Hello, my name is Derek, and this is Beth. We've been traveling for a long time, and this is the first place that seems relatively safe, so we'd be grateful if you'd take us in.

In our community, we have rules, and one of them is that we don't carry weapons. So you'll need to surrender your weapons. You also need to be useful. If you agree, please hand over your weapons and follow me for an interview.

After we surrendered our weapons and went to Diana's house, she told us about the town, how it was established, and the fact that they have electricity and plenty of weapons. Beth went in first for the interview, and then Diana invited me.

Do you mind if I record our conversation?

No, although it's quite unusual to see working electrical devices. Everything seems so strange.

Yes, it's different, but it's still normal for us. Now, let's start. Who were you before the apocalypse?

Before the apocalypse, I served in the army. Afterward, I was discharged and worked as a security guard for some time.

Beth mentioned that you found her and trained her during the journey.

Yes, I can fight and shoot to some extent, so I decided to train her to increase her chances of survival.

What role do you see for yourselves in this community?


I mean, what kind of work would you like to do?

Well, I don't really mind what kind of work it is, but I think it would be helpful if I could go on excursions, and I could also teach self-defense and shooting if there are any ammunition available.

I'll think about how to assign both of you. But for now, you'll be taken to your home, where you can freshen up.

After I left, Beth was waiting for me, and we were escorted to the house where we would be living.

What do you think of them, Derek?

They seem weak, and Diana understands that too; that's probably why she's recruiting people.

Yes, they do live in comfort, not knowing what's out there.

All right, go take a shower, and I'll follow.

After we took a shower and changed into clean clothes, we looked much better. Beth looked even more beautiful.

We need supplies; let's go ask.

After we entered, I saw a woman who lived across the hall. She appeared to be around 27-30 years old, with white hair and a rather sexy look. We approached her.

"Hello, we're newcomers. I'm Derek, and this is Beth."

"Hello, I'm Jessie. I live here, so we'll be neighbors."

I shook her hand; she was a beautiful MILF, and I thought her husband didn't deserve her.

"Could you show us around? We need some groceries."

"Of course, follow me."

We headed to the storage area, where we picked up groceries. I also grabbed a few cans of beer, wine, and whiskey. I was surprised they gave them to me so easily. Jessie offered to give Beth a haircut.

"Thank you. I invite you for dinner in return for your help."

"Sure, but I'll come with my kids and possibly my husband."

"We'll be waiting for you."

After that, she went inside, and I looked at her for a few seconds before turning to head to our house. Beth was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, smiling.

"You were looking at her differently than you look at me."

"Oh, I thought you were interested in that Daryl."

"Yeah, but I don't know if he's alive."

"If everything you've said about him is true, he's definitely alive."

"He won't die that easily, and she has a husband and kids."

"I'm not afraid of the kids. As for the husband, we'll see if he can keep her."

We entered the house, laughing and relaxed, and started preparing dinner. Beth baked cookies for the little one, who loved them. After we prepared dinner, I heard a knock on the door. While Beth set the table, I went to open it. At the door, Jessie stood in a dress, accompanied by her teenager and a younger boy.

"Hello, this is Ron, my older son, and the younger one is Sam."

"Hello. You look beautiful. Is your husband not coming?"

"Thank you. No, he's tired."

"Come in, don't stand in the doorway."

After that, they entered, and as I closed the door, I noticed her husband looking at me from the house. During dinner, we chatted about various topics, and Sam asked about what was happening outside.

"How did you and Beth meet?"

"We met by chance after I lost my sister and the people we were with before. After I met Derek, he started teaching me how to fight so I could survive."

"Can you fight?"

"Yes, I've learned a bit. What about you, Sam? Do you want me to teach you and your mom to fight, and Ron too?"

"Yes, I want you to teach us. Mom and Ron."

I looked at Jessie, and she seemed a bit nervous because she knows why her son is asking for this.

"Of course, I'll teach you. I think your mom won't mind because in this world, you need to know how to defend yourself."

"No, of course not."

She also understands the necessity.

"Then come to me tomorrow morning. I'm still teaching Beth, and we'll do some sports as well because strength is essential."

After dinner, I escorted them to the door.

"I'll be waiting for you tomorrow morning."

"Thank you for dinner."

"Will there be cookies?"

"You'll see if you come."

After that, I hugged Jessie goodbye and went back to my house to rest.