
You’re filthy

***Taylor's POV***

Matty pulls up outside my house. It's so strange but I feel completely and utterly changed since the last time I was here. I can't wait to see my mum. I can't stop eyeing my new ring, and the gorgeous guy next to me who is completely all mine now. Exclusive feels great.

"You all good Matty" I ask him as he parks.

"Yeah babe I'll be fine, I think I can manage it" he laughs teasing me.

Who am I kidding he is about to charm the hell out of my mother, like he does with everybody who happens to come into contact with him. He's leaving his leather jacket in the car, just wearing his tight black jumper. He looks smart and utterly gorgeous. I follow suit and leave my jacket there too, I don't intend on sleeping without him by my side tonight.

I use my key in the door and he follows in behind me. Mums in the kitchen cooking and drinking wine.

"Hey mum" I call out and Matty laughs.

She appears at the doorway

"Hey darling" she says pulling me into a hug.

"Okay introduce me then" she says eyeing Matty.

"Mum this is Matty my partner. Matty this is my mum, Mary" I tell them.

My mum smiles widely at him, she's impressed who wouldn't be.

"Nice to meet you Matty" she says

"Lovely to meet you too" he says politely flashing her his best smile. We follow her into the kitchen.

"Want a drink?" I ask him quietly pouring myself some wine.

"Please babe" he smiles.

I make him a jack and coke. I even get him some ice cubes out the freezer. I make him sit down at the table. He asks if he can be of any help with anything. He likes to be busy.

" Dinners almost done, I've made Taylor's favourite chicken arrabatia" Mum says.

" ah that's what you had at that pub" Matty laughs.

"Yes this one loves pasta" Mum laughs.

"I bet she had ice cream after too"

"Mum" I protest

"Oh don't be so silly" Mum laughs

"You're right, She did actually" Matty chuckles.

Mum plates up our meal and we eat. It tastes amazing, I notice Matty finishes the whole plate.

My mum and Matty talk easily about me, teasing me and generally sharing information about me in front of me. It's lovely and not awkward at all.

Matty suggests he clear the plates and I help him. Mum lights up a cigarette and watches us smiling. Afterwards we sit down with her and Matty lights up too. I don't share his smoke this time. He pours me and my mum some more wine. And I can tell my mum is won over by him.

When he leaves for the loo, my mum laughs telling me, what a catch he is and how she much prefers him to "you know who". I laugh and agree of course. She eyes my new ring but decides to not make a fuss and just smiles instead.

"That's pretty Taylor, very you" she says as he re-enters the kitchen.

"We got it today. Matty took me to a music shop too" I tell her. I go into detail about the place we went today. My mum and Matty both smiling when I glance at them.

She smiles at Matty warmly " it's gorgeous".

After we talk some more about uni, and how me and Matty will be studying at the same one I excuse us and go upstairs. I grab a few things from my room. Marty lounging on my bed suggests I take a duffle bag of clothes to stay at his which makes me smile. I decide to pack all of my new underwear which will make me feel really confident. I put in a few of my new tops and jeans and a couple skirts.

"Oh I've actually got Kim's clothes that I borrowed" I tell him and place them in the bag to return.

I pick up my makeup and wash bag. I pack my curling wand. He looks at the wand unknowingly, and I all but laugh out loud.

"For my hair silly" I tell him

"Ohhh right" he laughs. He clears his throat.

"I did wonder. Babe fucking hell you can't just whip out a long rod like that and expect me to not think it's a sex toy" he laughs.

"You're filthy." I say blushing.

"You love it" he chuckles.

He gets up and pushes my hair back. I feel like my body is so drawn to his all of the time. He gently kisses my exposed neck.

"I can't wait to take you home" he whispers in my ear.

I turn to jelly. I want him now. He's going to pay for teasing me in my room.

I place my hand directly on him, and just hold it there.

His eyes widen in shock. I smile feeling like I'm in charge.

"Plus why would I need a sex toy with you around" I tease him.

"Later..." He starts. I place my finger to his lips and tell him to shhh.

He clears his throat, makes himself take a step back.

"Have you got enough clothes and stuff, you can use my wardrobe I've barely filled it." He says, smiling.

"There you go" he grabs some more clothes for me and looks at me in the eyes. He's so forward, he always takes charge.

"You sure I'm not getting in your way" I question him.

"Not at all" he says directly.

"I'd rather have you with me all the time" he laughs

"Does that sound possessive much?" He says

"Mm I like possessive you" I tell him.

He slaps my ass playfully and tells me to stop it and be a good girl.

"Look it makes sense, my mum is always out, we literally have our own space" he says.

"We can be as loud as we want" I tease him.

"Taylor! You're being so bad" he laughs

"You love it" I tell him.

"But honestly you just have to say, look I need my own space back and that's all good I won't get upset" I tell him. I will, I don't want to not be around him at all. I can't even think about a day without him at the moment. Is this what new relationships are always like?

"Don't overthink this, Babe. I love you and I want you in my space like all the time" he says.

He checks the time.

"Wanna grab some ice cream on the way back?" He suggests. A mischievous grin on his face.

"Always" I say and that sounds perfect to me.

We say goodbye to my mum, she pulls Matty in for a hug which is a very very good sign. I can't remember her ever being this warm to Tom. She hugs me and tells us both not to be strangers.

Back in the car, we stop off and grab some Ben and Jerry's and some more tobacco which I absolutely insist on buying this time around.