
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Komik
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241 Chs

×Chapter 186×True Monster


*Dxd World*

*Human World*


*Village Hidden In The Bushes*



.""Hey, get away from here now, this is private territory, if you know what's good for you go away or face the consequences of disrespecting a God!!!"".

A disgusting voice sounded to Haile and his girls, they looked over the edge of the rock and saw a black scary shadow floating up to them.

.""Ahh ghost, save me!!!"".

Serafall screamed as she ran and hid behind Haile, she peek her head out from behind his shoulders as she gazed intensely at the ghost figure, who knew the great Satan Leviathan would be frightened of ghost.

."Hey miss, that is rude, you can't just diss a stranger by calling him a ghost, my name is shadow and I'm a shadow not a ghost."Shadow said as he fold his arms turning his face away, his eyesballs were so big he could see his own face without a mirror.

Serafall long out her tongue at the ghost still in hiding, Haile pat her hand with a smile then turned to shadow, his expression gained a chilly tint."So you are the shadow, the one that took someone from me, I want her back now, give her and I will kill you with zero pain."He said calmly.

."Hey why should I give you anything, do you know whose territory you are in, I was so polite to you tooooo-AgggGh???."Shadow spoke as he suddenly choked, he place his hand on his neck as the world turned upside down.

Haile remain calm."Wrong answer, goodbye."He said no longer looking at shadow, his existence was no longer needed or remembered in his eyes.


Shadows head fell first as it hit the ground turning to a dark mist, then his body fell after, his head was divided clean from his shoulders, it was amazing really.

The girls were also surprised as they didn't see Haile make a move, they had even looked amongst themselves to see who had made a move without their notice, but they saw nothing.

."My lord, did you forget our deal, I am to fight them."Guhna said getting frustrated, she wanted to prove her worth, before it's to late.

Haile shook his head."I did not forget Guhna, but you will need all the energy you can get to fight the upcoming enemy, so you should save your power."He said definitely not taking no or even a yes, she was to ask no more questions.

Guhna just nod as she realized this fact, she just decided to keep her mouth shut for now.

Hera touched her lip for a few moments as she looked over the rock platform, she then walk up behind Haile and touched his shoulder gently."Darling."She motioned pointing down.

."Mm, I know don't worry about it for now."Haile said casually as he glanced to the ground raising a brow also.

.""*Grrrrr* The amount of balls a mortal must have to come into my territory despite being warned, attack one of my people and still remain here without running away, a fearless fool I see"".

Haile looked down to the mountains casually and just then he locked eyes with a monstrosity of myth and legend, a ferocious Lion King.

The girls went closer to the edge as they looked over curiously at whomever it was that spoke the voice sounded mighty.

."...Th-that's him."Yasaka said as her teeth clenched stopping itself from trembling, she took a slight step back before stopping herself.

Melody was slightly disturbed, she was not yet that accustom to the sight of supernatural creatures like dragons and giant lions.

Guhna squeezed her hands tightly as she gained a serious expression, she could tell already, it will not be easy if even possible at all.

Mofusa down below was seated on his giant throne as he looked up at the floating pebble in the sky with mortal entities upon it, as if on instinct he gazed directly at Haile ignoring everything else.

."Oh...you are strong, very good, it has been a long time since I have found a worthy foe, I've been wanting to celebrate a momentous occasion so comes play with me for a while."Mofusa said remaining calm, he was not even arrogant as it came off natural.

This of course did not go well with the girls, especially the likes of Tiamat, Hera, Xenovia and Guhna, even the quiet Tsubaki and Nalisa were feeling irked.

."Quite arrogant for a mere lion, you stand not infront of mortals, you stand before the Gods, know your place beast."Guhna said with cold savagery as a silver aura radiated from her body, a heavy pressure saturated the atmosphere bringing with it a wild and forest like power.



Mofusa's eyes widened as the ground beneath him crumbled and his beautiful stone throne cracked, he felt a great power weighing down his shoulders and pushing his head towards the floor.

He without struggle looked back up, veins bulged on his face and his canines began to show with a silent rage."Wonderful, a warm up before the fight it seems or will you both step together to fight against me, Mofusa King of the Primordial Lions."He said as he stood up casually breaking the pressure of Guhna's aura.

."Woah, Muscularly Big Lion is strong, can I fight him too pretty please Haile darling?!."Serafall asked with shining eyes of excitement, she thought it would make for a good tv show.



Before Haile could say anything Guhna bailed off the rock towards Mofusa, she didn't even bother to draw upon her magic bow, with her bare fist she struck at him.




Mofusa casually raised his fist at the last minute connecting with Guhna's own, but even with the lack of momentum Guhna was no match as she was blasted back and into the air like a well made beach ball.

.""Futile girl"".


Guhna groaned lightly as she flipped landing on her feet, she glanced at her bruised hand with a frown.'This lion is strong, can I really win?.'She thought now doubting herself just a little bit, she looked up to Haile.

."Mmm, but not bad for a small girl with soft flesh, I felt a tiny bit of resistance, so good job, that is no easy feat, believe me."Mofusa said praising her with a nod, but still he didn't bother to go into a stance and he kept most of his consciousness on Haile who is the actual threat to him.

Guhna grit her teeth feeling livid."How dare you, you think this is all I have, I'll show you the power of the Gods!!!!."She shouted expanding her aura, then she brought her hands together compressing it all into a small silver ball in her hand.

."Oh, what's this?."Mofusa looked on gaining a bit of interest.



Guhna threw the ball of raw divine magic at Mofusa, she gave it her all.'Take that you giant mindless beast, I've not been slacking off in those five years I've been away.'She thought to herself with pride.

Mofusa looked at it as it approached him with immense might, if it was him five years ago at his weakest he would have backed off but...


.""Is this all you have girl.""Devour"".!!!!"".

Mofusa opened his giant mouth, under the shocked gaze of Guhna and a few of the girls he swallowed the ball of energy consuming it with frightening easy.

Guhna was baffled and filled with disbelief."No way, how is that possible, why do you have a power like that."She said as her mind was in disarray.

Tiamat seeing this shook her head."She is trying way to hard to prove herself and it's killing her power from the inside out."She said casually.

."So basically, she is so frightened to lose that it's making her weaker, how ironic, also why won't she use her abilities, this would be much easier on her then?."Rias said not seeing the reason for being so stubborn that you become foolish.

Sona pushed up her glasses."I believe it's because of Haile, she wants to show that she can fight without her "God given abilities" and still win against strong enemies, *sigh* foolishness."She said.

Haile remained silent as he watched on.

Mofusa chuckled."What, that little trick, it's not even worth mentioning as it only works on the weak, anyone strong and that power would have ripped open my stomach."He said as his eyes glint.

."You, fuck off!!!."Guhna said, she looked at Haile up above then she grit her teeth and summoned her magic bow for a moment hesitant before putting it away again.


.""Take this you beast!"".

Guhna dashed at Mofusa again, she kicked at his head which he blocked easily with his forearm, he held her arm and tried swung her through the air to slam her into the ground.

."Release me!."Guhna pulled but he was just too strong, the ground was getting closer and she could just not get away, Guhna closed her eyes, there was only one thing left for her to do.



Mofusa looked surprised at Guhna, unexpectedly she was now standing on his large fist which had sunken into the ground, he was impressed as he glanced at her shoulder."You've impressed me girl, dislocating your own shoulder just to get away, you are a true warrior, you can put it back in, now."He said taking some of his consciousness away from Haile and focusing more on Guhna, a warrior like her deserved at least that much.

."Haa haa shut haa up, I don't need your pity *deep breath*."Guhna said as beads of sweat coated her face, she looked at her shoulder, it looked painful to say the least.

Up above Nalisa was feeling kinda bad."...Maybe we should..."She said letting it trail on but it made itself clear.

."But then that would not be fair to the girl, if we interfere now then she would lose her position, she should still have a few more tricks up her sleeve."Tiamat said casually keeping her eyes down below.

Xenovia had a frown."Something doesn't feel right, this is not like Guhna, she is wild but not like this."She said but can't put her finger on it.

."Something like mental abilities, like mine."Sona said fixing her glasses and raising an eyebrow, it was possible.'He does seem to be taunting her at times, could that be it?.'

Hera smirked lightly.'Took you all long enough, that was the most obvious answer to the most obvious question.'She thought to herself.

All the while Haile remained silent, that was because he had different eyes than everyone else, what they saw was the physical spectrum of reality but he saw past it all and saw what lies within....



TITLE:Primordial Lion, King Of the Youkai, Lion God King Mofusa, Progenitor Of The Primordial Lions, Fallen King, Perfect Creature, Monstrosity By The Gods.

RACE:Primordial Lion King

DIVINITY:God Of Lions(Attribute:Life Energy

MAGIC RESERVES:High, Major God Class{Weaken:Low, High Class}

CLASS:Peak, Major God Class{Weaken:Low, Satan Class}

COMBAT STRENGTH:Mid, Heavenly Dragon{Weaken:Peak, Super Class}[Hidden Might:Peak, Half Dragon God Class]


ABILITIES:Primordial Lion God Speed Enchantment, Primordial Lion God Strength Enchantment, Primordial Lion God Endurance Enchantment, Primordial Lion God Physique, The Kings Mighty Roar, Survival God Mode, Commanders Courage, Lion God's Pride, King Of Beast, Immovable Lion Body, Disaster Sense, Feral Instinct, Healing Factor, Lion God's Den, Night Vision, Zoom Lens, Indestructible Lion Claw, Wind Assistant Flight, Predatory Instinct, Underwater Breath, Elemental Immunity, Revival From Death×1, Leader Of The World, The Hunt, Hungerless, [〔Embodiment Of The King's Adaption:Poison Resistance, Gravity Resistance, Pressure Resistance, Time Manipulation Resistance, Space Manipulation Resistance, Reality Manipulation Resistance, Concept Of Command, Mind Control Immunity, Death Resistance〕]


MAGIC SPELLS: Concentration Magic, Elemental Magic, Magic Summoning, Magic Teleportation, Magic Sealing, Strengthening Magic, Defensive Magic, Security System magic, Hypnosis magic, Youkai Magic.

Yeah, it was completely insane what Haile was seeing, what was even more insane was the fact that a monstrosity like this was actually beaten at one point, the insanity was real.

.'How could something like this exist in dxd, what went wrong, this is definitely "his" doing, also who could beat this thing as the Youkai King in the past.'Haile thought to himself as he looked at Guhna who was struggling to pop her shoulder back in place.

While going through Mofusa's abilities he had stumbled on the one that his girls were talking about that may be affecting Guhna's mind and they were right.

Abilities:Lion God's Den:All who steps foot onto the land that which the King proclaims as his, shall be subjected to his will, speaking words of absolute obedience, your intelligence shall fail you, your eyes shall fail you, your entire body shall fail you, as you find yourself unable to raise a hand to the King, your power is cut by 5% every minute that passes, even without your notice.

Guhna has been fighting Mofusa for 3 minutes so far that means she is 15% weaker than when she started and her mind is also falling apart, all because she entered the Lion's Den.

."Come on warrior girl, is this all you have, maybe I should have expected this seeing how weak you are."Mofusa said as his eyes glint with a grin, he fold his fist and punched at her getting serious for just a single instant before holding back at the last second.


The air boiled and burst around Mofusa's giant arm, Guhna jumped straight at it without dodging, she ducked going below it and aimed a kick to his leg trying to do a sweep.



Guhna's kick connected but it caused zero damage to him at all, she jumped back but twist her foot getting surprised, she fell to the ground."What the???."She then looked down and her eyes widened.

Below her was a crater, she looked behind her slowly and her heart almost stopped."...No way....."That's all she could say.

The forest behind her was no longer there, it had completely disappeared, it was like the government commissioned a clearing to build a new 6 line highway to another city.


Guhna had no time to take in the amount of how fucked she actually was and the magnitude of the disaster which she caused upon herself, she felt the breath of death on her back as she jumped out of the way.


Another landscape change was made just then, up above even the girls were startled, Sona spoke seriously."Hera, amongst the Gods, how many of them has physical strength like this?."

Hera's arms remained fold as she closed her eyes."One, only one, Thor, son of Odin and prince of the Norse God's, he is the only one."She said calmly.

."*Ahem* Ra Ra, aren't you forgetting someone."Serafall said as she puffed up her chest smiling confusing everyone."Isn't it obvious?".

She pointed at Haile standing watching the fight."He is the next one, he's stronger than them all combined."She said with complete blind faith.

The other's realized what she meant and it was indeed true, Haile was the most powerful God so no matter what happened, he would be able to resist it.

."How are you so strong, this should not be possible."Guhna said feeling a hopelessness constricting the breath in her chest.'Am I going to lose, just like this?.'

Mofusa showed his teeth."Hahaha, how funny, warrior girl, this is nothing, my true power is beyond what you could ever hope to imagine, this is but the remnants of what once was, The One True Invincible God."He said reflecting on himself, he smiled.

Guhna's eyes that were hopeless and dull constricted."...what did you just say you bastard...."She said through clenched teeth as her eyes glowed with majesty."How dare you, how dare you flaunt to be invincible and a God when that beautiful being exists within your presence, show reverence!!!."

A brilliant pure silver aura burst from within Guhna's body, it flowed out like a hundred foot tsunami, she moved her hand downward in Mofusa's direction directing all her anger at him.




~~~~{Teaser}(Chapter 187×Meaning Of monstrosity)

*Dxd World*


*North Kyoto*

*Between A Rock And A Tree*

*Secret Hide Out*






Mofusa's eyes warped with a blurred as his face was pushed into the ground with unbelievable power, he was beyond shock."Huh???."He spoke with confusion.'What just happened.'

."Don't be confused beast, you are now facing the wrath of the Guardian Of God, stand up or you will die."Guhna said walking towards him, every step of hers created a decent in the ground.

Mofusa's canines grew longer and sharper, his claws sunk into the ground like butter, one could tell, he was angry."You have done well warrior girl, you've succeeded in angering me, let me repay you the favor."He said standing up with a furious grin.



Mofusa roared out which created a wind forced so strong several trees were up rooted, Guhna put her arms infront of her face to block some of the pressure.

Even the other's on the rock felt the wind even from so high up, all from a single roar of Mofusa, Mofusa disappeared from his spot like a ghost.



Mofusa appeared infront of Guhna swinging at her hoping to rip her entire body in half but she shield herself with her forearms still taking some damages but mostly just a few deep scratches.

This time Guhna moved smart, instead of allowing the force to control her she went along with it and took control of its flow.


Being lifted into the air it was like she just took a step back, she land on her feet beautifully dodging a last minute side swipe to her head by going closer to his center of gravity.

Being that big his abdominal area is kind of a blind spot of its own, a weakness, though it could be easily filled by releasing his aura all at once.



Mofusa opened his mouth wide like he was going to devour the entire planet, he started to realize she was a slippery brat, so she might choose to run away at some point so he at least wanted an arm.


.""AgGhh *Grrrrrrrr*!!!"".

Guhna's fist glowed silver and punched him right in the chin.

Mofusa roared out in pain as he was forced to bite his own tongue when Guhna uppercut him, blood leaked from his mouth as his brain was a bit stunned.

Guhna jumped back and out of the way calmly, she maintained serenity but one could tell that she was really smug about it.

The girls above like Rias, Tsubaki, Serafall for sure and Xenovia celebrated, Guhna was winning after all, Melody was just observing.

On the other hand Sona, Tiamat and Hera were not so optimistic, even Tiamat got a bit nervous for her so she looked at Haile."Master, I think it's time we intervene."She said seriously, she usually wouldn't care about Guhna but the meddlesome bitches were growing on her quite quickly.

Haile frowned his brow.'Guhna, this might be your limit, if this goes on anymore you may die, I'm sorry.'He thought, he is a man of his word, if he finds a need to interfere then she loses and will be henceforth stripped of her title.


Suddenly out of nowhere Mofusa started to laugh, it was not joyous sounding or even angry or agitated but he seemed to be satisfied.

."Girl, you have amused.....