
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 185×Crazy Might Be Contagious


*Dxd World*

*Human World*



*Yasaka's Palace*


Haile and all the girls had arrived at Yasaka's palace, upon seeing the palace she broke down crying again remembering her beloved daughter so Nalisa comforted her in this hard time.

Some maids were around also as they looked on curiously, the only males present were Haile and one of Yasaka's attendants, attendant Yu with the life-force bead in hand by Haile's order.

."Now Mariah, use that bead with your divination to track the location of Kunou, even though all the life-force is drained the essence of divination is complex."Haile said as he looked at Mariah.

Mariah was nervous as she looked around at everyone looking at her but she nodded."I will try my best Creator."She said seriously as she sat down on the ground."*Deep breath*.""Divination"".

Attendant Yu, all the maids and Yasaka watched on with bated breaths not even bring notice to the fact that Minrin called Haile creator.


As she spoke a few golden archs appeared and began to skillfully and gracefully dance around her body, an invisible wave left her and went straight towards the bead.

Frightening attendant Yu the bead flew out of his confused hands and towards Minrin, the broken bead floated infront of her forehead calmly displaying a tranquility only a non living organism could exhibit.

Minrin was in full concentration as her cute brows clenched down tightly, beads of sweat appeared on her own face as slowly but surely she appears to be beginning to struggle.

Haile frowned at this, he took a step forward but was stopped by a hand, he looked over his shoulder and was surprised to see Tiamat looking back at him shaking her head.

."Master, if you keep interfering everytime something looks like it will go wrong then they will never be able to improve, do you not trust them, she got this, just believe in her, believe in yourself for choosing them."Tiamat said seriously as she looked at him."Protective is good, to much is stifling."

Haile glanced back at Mariah, she was still holding on and pushing, not a second did she look like she was giving up though it looked harder.'Mm, there may be something to that, I didn't even realize it, imagine that, the heartless dragon had to tell me that.'He thought, though he was a little confused on Tiamat's change of heart.

Tiamat on the other hand.'~Hahahaha, let the girl fail and lose credibility, that would be one down a few more to go, then I will sabotage everyone else and soon, I will be master favorite and become queen of the universe hahahahah~.'She thought in her mind as a slight smug smile appeared on her face, she looked at Minrin.

Minrin's expression was intense, her senses were stretched out thin and her magic was being drained at a fast rate."...uh...I found it, the source!!!."She said snapping open her eyes with excitement.

Yasaka was instantly overjoyed, she dropped to her knees as she cried."My baby, *sob* my baby, my baby."She said crying, her emotions were in a mess once again.

Haile came over and patted her shoulder gently as he also gave a sigh of relief."Great, that's good, that's good."He said as his voice shook a bit.

Even though he said she may be alive he was not entirely sure it was only a theory of hope for Yasaka to latch onto, but somehow it turned out to be true, now he can finally rest easy.

.'I wonder, is this your doing father, if so then thank you, I'll consider not kicking our ass for the trick you played on me before.'Haile smiled slightly.

The other girl's were also relieved as well, especially Hera and Aika, that means that Haile was going to go back to his normal seal soon enough.

Tiamat stood with her jaws dropped.'What the, she was supposed to failed dammit.'She thought getting depressed.

Akeno touched her lip with red cheeks.'~Awe, I wanted to comfort my poor baby between my legs too, to bad, but not like we can't do it anyway Ara Ara~.'She licked her lips as gazed at Haile in heat.

.'Mm.'Rias gave Akeno a side eye.'What is that girl up to now, I can feel the lust radiating off of her, also Aika, also Tsubaki, also Guhna, also Xenovia, huh even Koneko and Grafia, wait a minute Grafia, but even then, all of them, in this situation?.'She looked around at all of them and saw the look in their eyes.

It seems that this almost vulnerable side of Haile was a huge turn on for all of them as they weren't accustomed to it, Rias was feeling it to but she had better control, but she didn't know the other's were also like this, it was really weird.

Of course if she could feel it Haile could also but he ignored it as it wasn't the right time."Alright Mariah, I want you to hold onto that connection and lead us to Kunou, where is she by the way."He asked her curiously.

."Mmmmm."Minrin looked a bit troubled as she poked her two index fingers together not having the courage to look anyone in the eye.".....I-I dunno, I uh...lost it already... this is my first time using this ability so.. .um..I'm out of energy, sorry."


Everyone sweatdropped, Haile palmed his face."*Sigh* So much for taking care of yourselves, what am I gonna do with you."He said as he shook his head as all he could do is smile.

Minrin's head dropped deeper in embarrassment."I'm sorry."She said a bit ashamed."Bu-but I know the general direction and location, it is within 40 miles over so."

Minrin point in a direction towards the north."I can feel the energy over there, it is not weak so the girl is alive and very well, though for some reason it feels like she is trapped in a box that isolates her from the outside world, so if I didn't use my divination, even if I walk pass her I would not have known that she was there."She said.

Haile rubbed his chin."Who could it be, I choose to believe Ophis that it is not the Khaos Brigade, what natural enemies does the Youkai have Mm."He said mostly to himself in deep thought.

Everyone was in deep thought, now that they thought about it they can't think of anyone in this day and age that would want to do something like that, it was mostly peaceful, the only troublesome organization right now is the Khaos Brigade, they are the only guilty suspect.

."Mm, we will go right now, Mm by the way Rias, Sona and Tsubaki were you guys busy when I called for you?."Haile asked them, he did forcefully call for them after all.

Tsubaki shook her head."Not really, either way you are more important to me."She said on impulse then midway realizing what she said her face turned pink.

Haile chuckled."Is that so Tsu, thank you for that."He said with smile teasing her a bit making her face redder."Now Guhna I will take you up on that last chance, prove it to me, no matter who it is we are facing now, I will not lift a finger, if I do then I will demote you from my guardian, deal?."

."I accept, I will prove my worth, if I can't even do this then I have no right being your guardian, I will kill myself if I fail you."Guhna said seriously as she knelt down.

Aika touched her shoulder."Hey Guhna, what are you saying it is not that serious, take that back right now, right guys?."She said worried as she looked back at the other's and was shocked by the lack of expression from a few of them especially Xenovia who was with them for years in the other world.

Xenovia saw Aika looking at her."What, this is her choice to make, this is her path, if she chooses to devote herself to her God then so be it, living for your God and dying for him is no different."She said calmly, she understood Guhna as she was also the same.

."You are crazy, damn church people, Rias, Sona, Tsubaki, talk some sense into her!."Aika said getting a little angry, she considered Guhna to be a good friend of hers and even a rival, they were all sisters in the end so how can they be so cold.

Rias sighed."Aika just relax, Guhna knows what she is getting herself into, she's a big girl, either way it is not our place to stop her, would you not risk your life for your greatest goal in life, for your dreams."She said clenching her fist with shining eyes.'Just like anime characters, so cool!!!!.'

Aika took a step back, she looked at Haile and all the other's, including Tiamat who looked uncaring and little Koneko, Serafall looked away whistling that's when she realized she might be the only normal person in the group and she wasn't even close to normal.

If this was some random human she would not even care at all but this is her sister Guhna how can she allow her to do something so stupid as put her life on the line for nothing.

Then Aika looked at Nalisa who looked a little uncomfortable."Nalisa, say something, isn't this against your beliefs or something dammit, what if she dies for real!."She said with irritation.

."I-i umu I'm-i'm just a maid."Nalisa said as she looked down to her toes.

Aika looked at her for a moment before shaking her head."*Sigh* I thought you would be the head one to see past this foolishness and be against this, man this is stupid, you're useless and crazy too!."She said out of frustration.

Nalisa felt hurt by what she said, her eyes welled up with tears but she pushed it back down.'...I am..useless...'.

."Go ahead kill one another see if I care, I'm going back I'm busy."Aika said turning to Rias."Help me get back to Kuoh Town, I don't know any teleportation magics."She said going closer to her.

."Alright Aika."Rias said casually, she snapped her finger creating a magic teleportation circle under her.

As Aika disappeared she glanced at Guhna who remained untroubled, Haile scratched his head."You two have surely bonded alot during your, what was it, 5 year mission in Aot, did you change your mind hearing her concern?."He ask.

."I do not, because I will not lose, in my Tribe such a failure of honor means death to a warrior, this is the principle I was raised on."Guhna said calmly as she got up from kneeling."Aika need not worry, she has seen this side of me once before."

Koneko came up to her slowly and raised her hand to Guhna's head but it was too high, Guhna seeing this smile, she lowered her head a bit for Koneko to rub it, she allowed it as she knew Koneko had only good intentions.

Koneko then went over to Haile and became glued to one of his arms, Haile looked down at her with a gentle smile."You ok Koneko, here have this."He said as he pull out a big chocolate from his pants.

Koneko's eyes shun brightly as she snatched it away at blinding speed."Thank you."She said becoming calm again as she opened it gobbling it up.

."Oh by the way Koneko, how are Anvi and Gasper getting along, they must be worried about you as you were with them before I force teleported you."Haile said as he rubbed her head softly.



Koneko purred as her ears and tail came out, she rubbed her head against his hand wanting more of it for herself."They're ok."She said calmly.

."I see, alright I should send you back just in case, protect them well Koneko."Haile said as he kissed her cheek before sending her back to the underworld via teleportation.

Haile looked back at Guhna calmly."Are you ready, this is your last chance, I'm serious, though I gave you such status on a whim it will be worth more than you could ever know in the future, do you want to risk giving it away?."He asked her one more time.

."I do."Guhna said calmly also, she was prepared for anything.

Haile nodded."So be it, you know I've forgotten, that at your core you are a great warrior, I'm sorry Guhna I disrespected your spirit."He said apologetically, he was not like her, he was not a warrior, he is and always will be a survivor, he could throw away his pride if it meant living another day, he did it for decades after all.

Xenovia nod, she also admired Guhna's warrior spirit, she also has her own swordswoman pride which she would ever only break for her God.

Haile then looked to Yasaka, he smiled and put his arm around her waist surprising her and making her blush embarrassed as she also remembered that she cried in his arms like a big baby not too long ago.

."Wh-what is it."Yasaka asked him softly as she then saw the other's side eyeing her, she smile smugly at them, she pulled down the front of her kimono slightly showing off more of her breast and pushing it against Haile.

Serafall proudly raise her own breast not backing down or feeling intimidated, though Sona glanced at her own slightly, Tiamat and Hera just shared a look and laughed in glorious silence.

And Haile he was just a happy man, he casually grabbed Yasaka breast and mushed it in his hand, who was he, definitely not some oblivious cunt.


Yasaka moaned out loud before muffling her mouth in his chest, her face blazed like fire, now that she knows her daughter is good she could finally relax just a bit.

.""*Ahem*, are you forgetting something Haile"".

Sona cleared her throat as she spoke, Haile looked at her curiously then realized."Oh yeah, we are leaving now, let's go."He said, his eyes glint and a magic circle appeared beneath everyone.


They all disappeared reappearing in a different location in a forest outside of the Youkai Kingdom, Haile then snapped his finger.""Earth Manipulation.""




In a perfect shape the ground beneath Haile and his girls rose up like a platform as it floated in the air controlled by him, Haile casually held it up with just his mind.

He squint and the earth platform took off at reasonable speeds to not let the girls fall off, Haile looked at Minrin."Lead the way Mariah."He said to her.

Minrin nod as she made a cute focused expression."Mm, turn slightly to the left, I feel the force from that side, a few miles and we should be there."She said.

Haile followed her direction turning the platform slightly and increased the speed a little bit, he then walked to the very front looking ahead.


A golden aura rose from Haile's body as he casually stood against the wind, his eyes blazed with bright light as he spread out his arms like he was trying to hug the world in his divine embrace.

All the girls could do was watch in awe at his display, now that he had the directions he spread his senses towards it, his hearing, his vision, his smell everything was approaching Omnipresence.

Haile smiled."Found her."He said gently as he gazed at Kunou sleeping on the ground, she was so cute and at peace, then he looked at the two presence present and his expression switched to cold and violent, he wanted to devour them right there and now.

."My lord."Guhna said calmly as she closed her eyes, she could already tell when his emotions were spiraling out of control.

Haile glanced back at Guhna, he sighed withdrawing his sensing."Alright alright, but you may have a difficult fight on your hands, to not put Kunou's life-force in danger I will protect her while you fight the enemy, it's two of them, a giant lion Youkai and some shadow Youkai thingy."He said looking at Yasaka to see if she had any answers.

Yasaka's eyes widened and constricted.'Giant Lion Youkai, no way, it can't be, could it be him.'She thought to herself as she start to sweat slightly, a chill pass down her spine.

."Giant Lion , Mmm."Tiamat spoke also as she tapped her chin gently."Ah ha, there is only one giant Lion I know of, he was extremely strong too, but he just disappeared out of nowhere."

Haile was interested."Ho, Yasaka do you know that Lion Youkai, for Tiamat to mention him like this must mean he is something else, though from what I felt he was not strong enough to warrant such respect."He said finding a strangeness to it.

."Uh...I'm not sure but I did hear various stories from my...my mother when I was a kid, I can vaguely remember it also from legends and myths in the kingdom, I learnt a few things about him."Yasaka clenched her fist as she tried to push down her fear that was slowly turning to anger.

Haile seeing Yasaka out of it looked to Tiamt for answers, Tiamat casually rubbed her eyes."Primordial Lion King and Spiritual God of all Youkai, Mofusa, that was the title he had in the ancient times, Mmm I don't know, it's more self proclaimed than anything but for sure he was strong back them, not as strong as us dragon kings and heavenly dragons but definitely enough to make a solid legend for himself."She said giving him some praise.

."Is that so, to say that, how sad, based on what you said he should have been at least super class, but from the looks of it, time was not very favorable to him."Haile said smirking slightly, poor Lion.'A fallen king.'

Yasaka took a deep breath."Primordial Lion King Mofusa, he was once the ruler of all Youkai and reigned like a tyrannical beast, he was said to be so large that mountain ranges were like a field of annoying pebbles, everyone feared and worshipped him like a God, at least that was till the birth, of the first 9 Tailed Fox."

.""Queen candidate of the shinto heavens and also my mother, she rose up from nothing and defeated the evil tyrant with great ease as it was said he was stunned by her dazzling beauty"".

.""After defeating him my mother ruled as queen for centuries till his returned when I was born where he took her life and that of my father, but it was still a hard fight for him, he was injured greatly by the combind might of all my people so he disappeared never to return again, till..now"".

Yasaka told the story how it was told to her, she could vaguely see it, the large lion God slaughtering her mother and father, she was probably traumatized, Yasaka shivered a bit till she felt arms wrap around her.

Haile hugged her gently, he saw that she was trembling and just decided to hug her, he didn't know why she was frightened but."You need not worry Yasaka, he can not hurt you, not now, not ever."He said seriously.

Yasaka looked up at him as her eyes glistened, she wondered if it meant he will take her away by force, away from her captivity, her prison.

.""Lord God, please slow down we are right on top of the life-force!"".

Haile quickly focused back hearing Minrin's voice, he stopped the rock platform as he looked down, it was a mountain range with caves and stuff.

."So this is the place huh?."Haile said as his forehead bulged with violent veins, his teeth clenched down like he wanted to punch something.

.""HEY, get away from here now, this is private territory, if you know what's good for you go away now or face the consequences of disrespecting a God!!!"".

~~~~{Teaser}(Chapter 186)

*Dxd World*

*Human World*


*Village Hidden In The Bushes*

.""Hey, get away from here now, this is private territory, if you know what's good for you go away now or face the consequences of disrespecting a God!!!"".

A disgusting voice sounded to Haile and his girls, they looked over the edge of the rock and saw a black scary shadow floating up to them.

.""Ahh ghost, save me!!!"".

Serafall screamed as she ran and hid behind Haile, she peek her head out from behind his shoulders as she gazed intensely at the ghost, who knew the great Satan would be frighten of ghost.

."Hey miss that is rude, you can't just diss a stranger by calling him a ghost, my name is shadow and I'm a shadow not a ghost."Shadow said as he fold his arms turning his face away, his large eyesballs were so big he could see his own face without a mirror.

Serafall long out her tongue at the ghost still in hiding, Haile pat her hand with a smile then turned to shadow, his expression gained a chilly tint."So you are the shadow, the one that took someone from me, I want her back now, give her and I will kill you with zero pain."He said calmly.

."Hey why should I give you anything, do you know whose territory you are in, I was so polite to you too-AgggGh."Shadow spoke as he suddenly choked, he place his hand on his neck as the world turned upside down.

Haile remain calm."Wrong answer, goodbye."He said no longer looking at shadow, his existence was no longer needed or remembered in his eyes.

Shadows head...